Avatar of The Savant


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1 mo ago
People need to stop caring about politics that much. I won't openly discuss who I wanted/who I voted for (if I voted at all) and the majority of my friends (demos and reps) have defriended me. Idiots.
1 like
2 mos ago
Mhm... you can try @The Raven Calls. You'll have a difficult time.
2 mos ago
We enjoy hiding from most of the world and we enjoy staying in our abyss of darkened comfort.
3 mos ago
I feel your pain @Marlowe
1 like
3 mos ago
You definitely find out who your true family and friends are when you are stressed out and feel like you are drowning. Approximately ~ 60 more years to go. *sigh* I'm disappointed.


I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.

Most Recent Posts

I think I should be fine with two characters, worse comes to worse, I cannot handle two characters and then I get to decide which one to kill off. smirk
I might make a detective/cop character since those are lacking especially non-crooked ones.
I think that is on a basis of everyone talking about relationships/knowledge of each others characters.
@The Savant Yess, sorry, I should have been more specific. Industrial districts are like little treasure chests. And it's more fun to venture out and get a treasure chest instead of landing on one from the start. ;>

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for clarifying.
I just based that thought because the Character Sheet only mentioned 3 Poor/2 Comfortable/1 Rich.

If you read the districts part of the OP. It brings up industrial so I'd assume it just accidentally got left out of the character sheet. All it's information is accessible with the other district types even how wealth is obtained.
Not gonna lie, I am intrigued. But tabletop mechanics scare me, with the money system and land grabs and all that. I'm awful at that kind of stuff! lol

I believe there are many people that are enthusiastic enough in this roleplay about mechanics. We would help you.
I love how you guys are giving your characters amazing abilities and for my little hero boy I'm like "He's a spooder :)"

Don't worry. He'll most likely be the most loved character out of goofy spiderman vibes πŸ•·οΈ πŸ•ΈοΈ I already love him.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

Sorry but I want to be pedantic and just ask; When you mean 'locking eyes' with someone, does that involve having to look into the pupils for a moment? Because while the spider bit would be entirely funny, if its the pupils they technically don't have any.
But if it's just the eyes in general I think it could work.

Also its funny, my 'hero' is spider based uwu

I was focusing just the eyes not the pupils. He does have to be in range to see their eyes with clarity. It would be harder for him to jump into something tiny like a spider though he definitely could jump into a cat with ease.

I'm excited to see your character concept.

Monday, December 16th works for me.

The animal aspect will definitely be a very chaotic and fun time. Thank you.
πŸ€” @Estylwen So I was thinking while getting absolutely no sleep last night (I know. Dangerous thing, right?). Asterion needs eyes/eye contact for him to jump into a living thing. I emphasized on humans, right? I was wondering if it would be allowed to jump into other non-human living things. Like he accidentally gets trapped in a cats body or a jumping spider because he accidentally locks eyes with that as he goes to jump into a human.

Because it would be hilarious if this man gets back into his own body and starts playing with yarn or has a craving for flies/bugs for an undetermined amount of time. πŸ˜‚

If that's not acceptable. Perfectly fine but I wanted to share those mental images with everyone nonetheless.
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