"Water? No thanks, don't touch the stuff. Fish fuck in it."
Gotta love short posts that take too long to make.
Gotta love short posts that take too long to make.
Tsubomi watched the display in front of the group with a bored expression. On the one hand, she knew what Oros was like by now, and on the other, Tsubomi had a terrible case of resting apathy-face. Besides, the important battle was still being fought in her mind, but not for long. By the time the bra came out, she was already texting an order for takeout later in the night.
Soon enough the group arrived at their destination, what could charitably be called "Suki's home." Sure, Tsubomi could have had the food delivered here, but to be honest, she wasn't really hungry yet. Which would probably get a better reaction out of her partner than openly eating other food than what she had made. And- oh, there was beer here. Despite being four years below the legal drinking age, she had no interest in it, having had more than enough for a lifetime already. As soon as Suki finished pointing at the drinks, the harsh smell of her cigarette filled the air. Ah, yes, the easiest to attain and worst smelling narcotic there was, tobacco's scent on her clothes would be hard to explain away to Tsubomi's aunt and uncle. Oh well.
Normally, a person might spend the time given to them in such a situation to reflect on life, or to strike up a conversation with someone, especially with the new girl. Unfortunately, Tsubomi's mind was totally empty, almost like she was in a trance, or a meditative state. It was her normal state, not conniving like some other Dark Girls or even like she herself was when transformed, not excitable or depressed, just... empty. Blank. And she wore a fitting expression for this fact as she sat at one of the picnic tables and drank a soda. She would drink a water, but she'd long since sworn off the stuff.