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13 days ago
Current Bad idea. Read it instead.
1 like
4 mos ago
The one adorned in the red of heroes had need to finally drop his mask. A funeral for summer, for our youth. Goodbye, those heated days... youtube.com/watch?v=UxwHkqk…
4 mos ago
It seems the long summer, which gouged with fangs and gave us hope, has come to its end...
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7 mos ago
Late in it, but happy Kagerou Day!
7 mos ago
"Jesus does not like very many girls." - Grant (GOODTIMESZone)


"And how smart you are only determined which way you fall." - a dream I had once
"Court should be adjourned because the jury are fools, and the judge can't decipher his left from his right or his right from his wrong." - Streetlight Manifesto (The Hands That Thieve)
"Time whether wasted or well spent is still time." - Rise Against (Zero Visibility)
"Your honor, I think there's a discrepancy. Apparently, the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but the First Amendment only guarantees freedom of speech on condition that you do not speak." - RC

Most Recent Posts

I'll probably have a prototype tomorrow, but I'll wait to post a WIP CS until the full template is up~
Absolutely interested, and hoping this'll last longer than the last Bleach RP I tried to join. This looks really promising.
Putting this up for a look over, even though it'll be a while before this RP starts.

Marrie Knight

Looked like the area was mostly clear, and that she was right to focus on the machine. A generator though, and for mana? Interesting... The workers and nuns couldn't have been the ones who made it, and if they were trying to get it for themselves then they wouldn't have retreated after-

Marrie's hand shot to her mouth as she tried to keep from puking again at the thought of Angelie's head. I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this... Good, that means you still have some of your humanity.


Am I fucking hearing voices now? Great.

Pushing that fun idea out of her mind, she went around to the input interface and tried to pour a little, or rather the last, of her mana into it. What was the worst that could happen, it explodes? Well, yes, actually, but that was unlikely if it was still functioning. It would be worth it if she found out why it was here. Was it there because of Oros? Why a magical power source for a church? There had to be something else to it. The new floorboards made her wonder if it was powering something below them, but was there even an entrance to the basement? Was there even a basement?

A glance at the others, sans Asher, showed that there might be something at the podium after all. For now though, Marrie would wait a bit to see what the generator would do.

Marrie Knight

No, of course they wouldn't be able to. Losing your head isn't like losing a limb, why would the magical and technological miracles that the government had access to be able to save the girl? That was when Shining Finger said something he might not have been supposed to. At least, that was her initial reaction, to give in to the despair. Fortunately for her mental well-being, Marrie's next thoughts were much more constructive. She was barely able to push away the dread long enough to refocus on the job, but she managed. The important thing, now at least, was to keep Cerberus safe. She considered walking over to the podium with her, but Justin seemed to have that covered. It would just make things easier for an enemy if they all crowded around her. No point saving energy now.

{Silver Self - Magic Sense}

She gave a glance over the entirety of the church before walking back over the the strange machine and taking a closer look at it. Who knows, maybe it's a time machine and she could go back to before she started fucking everything up.

Marrie Knight

Marrie wasn't able to connect her last ditch attack on Lenore, but her penultimate strike had. Even with a missing foot the nun was skilled enough to stop an amateur like her from getting a win. And just like her opponent had taunted, she wouldn't be able to do it again. Still, for some reason that she couldn't grasp, it seemed that the Sisters were retreating... Though she barely caught this as her adrenaline, overworked body and magic, and the sight of an ally's decapitated head struck her all at once. She fell to her knees and barely caught herself with her palms before pitching forwards and vomiting on the ground, just a short ways away from Angelie's skull. It took a few moments for her to finish, and even more for her to gather the strength to sit up and wipe away the retch from her mouth.

God damnit... Please still be savable...

She didn't know if Espers could survive something like that. She didn't know anywhere near enough about Espers at all, really, she realized. But she would be rectifying that. For now though, she took another minute or so to gather herself and her strength to stand up, making sure not to look long at any of the corpses or pieces thereof.

The worst part of it all was that she knew that even if the girl was able to be revived, she wouldn't be capable of doing it. The redhead was a GEMINI agent, right? Surely they had some way to just... take away her Esper form to save her? And who the hell were those bitch-nuns anyway? Marrie was still shaky as she stood in thought, but she turned away from the battlefield and towards the strange machine she had been backed against. What was this thing, and why was it in a place that Oros was involved in? Was it related to the nuns? They didn't seem particularly interested in it, but why had they known the Espers would be there, at this time?

Marrie went to punch the thing but wasn't able to put enough energy into doing so, her fist falling down halfway to its mark. It sure didn't help that she couldn't see!

Wait, why couldn't she see? Oh. She was crying. She had failed to protect a girl who couldn't be much older than herself. Sure, she wasn't the target to protect, but that didn't make her failure any less. Her hands found themselves against the side of the machine, above her head that was also resting against it. She could blame the nuns all she wanted, but in the end it was her own lack of experience and preparation that had allowed them to do the damage they had. She had barely managed to pull a Pyrrhic victory out of her ass at the last second, and that was only because her opponents decided to retreat from her actually useful allies when they could have still won. Marrie knew that she'd be playing the fight over in her head for a long time to come, the trauma bearing itself out alongside her attempts to learn from her mistakes.

She took in a heaving breath followed by an overlong exhale before turning around and pointing her attention at Cerberus.

"Hey... It's, it's not too late, right? Gemini can save your partner, can't they?"

"Is that machine talking to me?"

Luckily, I speak catanese. Turns out that's actually a word, but not the appropriate one.

On her way home, Tsubomi found herself accosted by the club Mascot. Well, not accosted per se, but the creature(?) was clearly trying to get her attention. She wasn't able to feel emotions from the mascot, but all her logical reasoning pointed to it being happy. It was unfortunate, then, that Tsubomi is a dumbass. She knelt down, then dropped further until her chin was on the ground, eyes level with the Mascot's screen.

"... Is someone stuck in a well?"

The thing was purring, which to Tsubomi's ears sounded pleasant, but why would it be away from the clubroom if it wasn't an emergency? Clearly she was needed somewhere. She blinked slowly both because it was her normal speed and because she had once seen an episode of "Cats From Hell," and picked her chin up slightly.

"Is it boss lady? Is she mad I didn't show up?"

Nothing. This was tricky. She lamented not watching more episodes and sighed, standing with all the enthusiasm of a ninety year-old doing the same.

"Okay, lead the way, kit-vee."

She'd follow the televine where-ever it went until she thought she was where she should be, even if the cat(?) didn't actually want her to follow it. And though the thought of it leading her to Schrade wasn't pleasant, she knew it would be worse if she didn't show up where she was wanted. Regardless of the reason, the Mascot would have to be content with her usual walking speed, at least until she knew why she was going.
In the hope to bump this for more traction, interested. Here's hoping this gets enough players to take off.
"There has to be a better way..."

A year's a lot of time. Shoulda given them three days.

After barely dodging a fireball from Ashbringer, one might think that Tsubomi would be hungry for revenge. In all honesty, she was only hungry for food that didn't come from the school, she realized as she sat in class after lunch. Snappy gave the Detention Club a year, but... Didn't that mean some of their members would have graduated before the fight? Boss lady might stick around because she has a job in town, but what about the other precipicers? She couldn't see all of them sticking around to risk their lives for girls who they might never see again. The apathetic girl was considering taking the club mascot around to random people and trying to gain new Magical Girls, but that might lead to more Light and less Dark pretty quickly. Though wouldn't Light Girls still have to fight the Ashclass members? Hmm...

The bell rung, Tsubomi having spent the entire class period on those few thoughts. As usual she slowly stood and gathered her things, though unlike usual she left the school grounds right away, not even stopping by the Clubroom. Acid Drop was relatively sure she could beat at least one of the coming enemies with her stockpile, and she wasn't sure she could put any more into her reserves, but she still was going to try. And so she found herself stalking the streets at a snail's pace, drinking in all she could without drawing attention to the lessened feelings of her food supply. After all, killing Miseria wasn't helping. It was getting to the point that she considered actually exercising, reasoning that a stronger normal state would transfer some0 benefit to her alter ego, but her lack of bodily strength and speed meant that her idea went untested.

By the time she got home, another idea struck. If she needed to get stronger, and her power came from emotions, would trying to force herself to feel be a benefit to Acid Drop? She'd have to test the hypothesis sometime...

Marrie Knight

That worked much better than Marrie had expected, but she wasn't done being underhanded yet. Lenore seemed to have her full attention on Marrie now, but also appeared to think she'd already won. What were those sayings? "An animal is most dangerous when cornered," and "If something is possible, carry on as planned. And if it isn't possible, do it anyway?" These flashed through her mind, alongside the seeming success of her gambit.

She placed her hand on Apexer's back to steady it, preparing to block with it. Or at least that's what she did her best to give the impression she was doing. She put her full focus on Lenore, brow furrowing as she put every bit of focus she could into preparing for Lenore's next attack. Though again, this was her own version of a feint. She made sure that her palm was flat against the portal on her Instrument, and cast a melody into it, attempting to keep any tell from it hidden by the side of the blade.

{Warm: Gold Projectile - Scatter- Homing - If:Foe - Damage X}

She put everything she had into this attack, including almost all of her mana, but kept her focus entirely on Lenore and staying on the defensive, trusting in her Melody's composition to do what it needed to. At the same time, she was keeping her defensive facade in case she needed to block while also mentally prepared to attack if her Melody gave her an opportunity to.

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