Pirates. Pirates? Pirates. Great. At least there was good news in that the heartless anthropomorphic ants Miseria were targeting the girls instead of the bystanders. It would be incredibly unfortunate if they were going after the people that the group needed to keep alive. But since they weren't...
As the sand began blotting out the sun, Acid Drop decided it was time to spend that precious emotion she'd been storing. She began bouncing on her toes, standing on them and then flat again, then back to standing, over and over. As she did, she quickly began to pick up speed. While she had started as if she was stretching her hamstrings, in a matter of seconds she had doubled, tripled, quadrupled that speed, until her body was a blur and another cloud of sand had formed around her, bubbling out in inconsistent waves. For the length of one "jump," if they could be called that, she wondered if Nyxia had seen this or not. But that thought was squashed by remembering that she hadn't done this since well before the laser-girl had joined the club. She hadn't had need to, but this seemed like a great time to spend those months of buildup.
While all the club members knew of Tsubomi as a slow thinking, apathetic slacker, and of her magical girl state as a relatively normal, even somewhat emotive (or at least decent at pretending to be) person, they might have forgotten over the past year or so what happened when she used the part of her magic that helped in combat. By now Acid Drop was running at full speed, her magic turning her stock of emotions into what could best be analogized as adrenaline. A magical girl was pretty fast and strong normally, but even so there were normal people who might be able to almost keep up with one for as long as that chemical lasted in their body, rare though such specimens may be. She knew that even with several months worth of stockpiling, this wouldn't last as long as she might like, so she resolved to do as much as she could during her limited time. Luckily, this took less than a second to get through her with how slow the world around her seemed, so she didn't waste much of her time with something as silly as "thinking."
Another blast-cloud of sand appeared where she had just been standing as she leaped across Oros and the bystanders towards one of the piraterias. She had chosen one with a gun, driving her former scalpel through what appeared to be its eye as she landed crouched on her feet, sliding sideways from her momentum and dragging the gunman with her as she did. And then she was off again, another cloud in her place as she surged upwards and repeated the process, this time with a sword wielder. Three jumps later and the area nearest Oros was clear, at least for a moment. Though now it seemed that visibility was even worse than when she began. Maybe that would stop her. Maybe it would stop the Miseria. Maybe it would stop the pirates from knowing where Acid Drop was, but being entities of pure emotion, it was unlikely to stop her from knowing where they landed.
Still, in spite of her new speed and her time limit, she chose not to press the advance. If she got too far away, it wouldn't matter how fast she was. If the pirates got close enough and changed their targets, she would be in way more trouble than she felt the three other club members and herself were in right now.