Avatar of themadhatter420


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9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

Most Recent Posts

@Juka Gearsworth

Sure if you want to pick it up message me and we can come up with something :)
Nami noticed the new student sizing him up. He looked almost familiar for some reason. She could not place it and just shook her head. She than started slow motion fire bending as she waited for the inststructer.

Not much after she began. A tall elder man walked in coughing as all the other students were at attention. Nami walked up with her dojo master and stood next to him at attention as well.

On the last page there is a list of roles we need.
Nami was walking through the flower garden in her families estate as she headed to her training. She waved good bye to her father and mother as she ran to class. There was going to be new students today from what her teacher told her. She was the most skilled student he has ever seen before so he let her help teach the class.

She bowed to her students before heading to the corner of the room. She stood there fora few minutes before stretching with Thai Chi silently waiting for the other new students to arrive. She was excited to help teach new people. Left more opportunity to make new friends.
@Remipa Awesome@Error

Ashley pops up running straight for her bike zig-zag'ing through the broke down cars. She kept looking for someone to come out from cover hovering over her hand gun holster and bat. She made it to her bike hiding behind the front two tires hoping that nothing bad would come from the unknown shooter.
Plot Idea:

-The newest Earth bending Avatar has been born. He is to be the next greatest bender in the world. It was good timing as well...the Air Nations are sick of being pushed out of their temples. They want more land after being eradicated by the fire nation years ago. They are no longer teaching peace and tranquility.

The other nations fear the Air bending ability that they possess and declare war on the Air Nation. They ask the Earth Bending Avatar (about 17) to lead the charge. You bring your allies along and maybe with time grow closer to my character.

My Character:
Name: Nami Yatsume
Age: 17
Bending: First Blue fire ever seen before
Personality: She is a caring person about her friends. She is a loyal fighter as well. She wants the world to be safe again from rouge attacks. She has some feelings for Xin but she doesn't know if he cares about her.
Back Story: She grew up in the fire nation when Xin came to learn bending. They were in the same class together and instantly became friends. When he left for the water nation, She went along to keep her safe.
So how is everyone doing today?

No I haven't read either of them. I was at a convention when the book came out though and talked with M.A. Larson. He is so hilarious! lol
@Gareth@Juka Gearsworth@TheUnknowable

When she saw the man turn and run she instantly drew her sword trying to defend herself. She had no idea what it was going to be but it never hurt to be prepared for anything. "Stay strong everyone! We would work better if we stick together." She said looking around to see if everyone would stay and try to work together or if they were going to run away.

Lol I love your picture and your sig too btw xD its hilarious.
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