Avatar of themadhatter420


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9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

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Well I am not sure what you mean by the question? If you are asking if you can help my character get out of the pickle she is in I would say Yes defiantly.
Awesome :) It must be fun being a magic wielder. I was never good at it so I just sticked to melee attacks.
Awesome! So me and Hunter are being shot at by a unknown guy at the moment in front of a grocery store. This is based in Cleveland at the moment. My character has a farm at the moment but is trying to find people to join her. And as they are pinned down they hear walkers getting closer.

The Co-Gm's character is stuck in a building with @noxlux killing off hordes of zombies to escape. I am trying to get them to link up with us but its taking longer than I thought.

@Foster and our Medic are making there way to me and Hunter.

Thats about all that has gone down for the most part.

The auto parts store wont be much help if they have already been raided though. We could consider that an option if our characters aren't taken out by the sniper xD

Accepted :) Welcome to the Walking Dead. Would you like me to run down what you have missed so far?
thats great to hear xD hope Legion comes back soon xD
Oooooo I like Flynn :) hehe
Rainbow Dash laughed. "Yeah that was another killer party too. Sorry you missed it Twilight." She said smiling brightly at her but than changed her tone forgetting how serious this situation was. "Sorry." She said bowing her head.

Rarity spoke up after R.D. walking up to Twilight. "She is very knowledgeable. I would be willing to ask her with Eclipse and the others. You go head back to help out Equestria. We will not rest until we figure out what is going on around here." She said as she bowed her head smiling up at her dear friend.
Name: Anastasia
Age: 19
Cutie Mark: A mixing pot for magic brewing.
Personality: Like her sister she believes in the old ways but was never good at talking in rhymes. She was a good friend as was quick as a whip.
Back Story: She and Zecora grew up in Africa together. When they came to Equestria she went to live in Manehatten to study her wiccan magic and knowledge at different schools she could get accepted to. She came back to visit her sister the past few weeks and decided she could help them out.

Artemis saw David's power and was actually impressed. She walked over to him as soon as the target fell. "Wow David." She said smiling brightly at him. "That was actually pretty amazing!" She said looking back at the target than at him. "I have no idea what kind of power that was but it looked pretty amazing to me." She said smiling as she stood next to him blushing slightly. She had no idea he was so powerful...it made her want to get to know him even more.
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