Artemis was swimming in the pool with her squirtle. She had been forced to train all day long after she lost one fight. Her parents never wanted her to lose but she knew that it was impossible to never be beaten even once in life. She looked up when her parents told her to get out. A young boy her age was about to come into the gym. She got out drying off to great him at the front door.
Princess hopped over crawling up onto her shoulder. She sat nuzzling into Artemis's neck softly purring in a way. Artemis waited to see who was to come in. She could not believe her parents were making her fight for them.
Princess hopped over crawling up onto her shoulder. She sat nuzzling into Artemis's neck softly purring in a way. Artemis waited to see who was to come in. She could not believe her parents were making her fight for them.