Avatar of TheMushroomLord


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4 mos ago
Current Replace my bones with rats. I must writhe.
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4 mos ago
You either die a hero or live and do something else.
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5 mos ago
All fish dream of the stars.
6 mos ago
You cannot fathom my desire to install additional hinges in my bones.
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6 mos ago
People are always saying that murder is bad, but you know who never gets asked? The victims. I have no idea whether murder is okay or not, but I certainly know who we should be asking about it.


I am me... I hope.

Most Recent Posts

Curious what Petra's Vecta form will look like... There're so many good dark elf pics out there...

That there are. Unfortunately, I discussed changing Petra's race with NoCo, so no dark elves today.

IC is up! Let's get started.

Yeah! The best news to get off of class to.
Now, now. Let's not get carried away overthinking things. Anyway, the real question is how a god determines whether someone died too young in the first place. Is it just a general vibe they get? Do souls have some preordained expiry date? Is this all just some massive conspiracy by Big Divinity?
The curse of Timezones. It’s 7:30 AM here, but worry not, I’ll refrain from posting any spoilers for the next 9 hours.
@TheMushroomLord *Petra pops into the void and Dalton grabs Drasil by the throat with both hands*

Dalton: "Do the women choose you because you look like you were designed by Tetsuya Nomura or something!?"

Don't you understand? The laws of isekai clearly state that all female characters must be members of the protagonist's harem. Dalton's clearly the protagonist here. There was never anything you could do, this outcome was inevitable.

Truck-kun strikes again! >:D
I like Petra. But Minami won't. HOW DARE SHE LIKE SPICY FOODS?!

Wouldn't be an isekai without getting hit by a truck.

And I swear I didn't read your CS and immediately decide Petra loves spice food... that doesn't at all sound like something I'd do. But yeah, not liking spicy food is tantamount to herasy so, Minami's dead to me.

Think that's everything, but it's very late here so perhaps I messed something up.
Alternate theory, we don't know whether the gods are choosing people based on the contents of their past life at all, beyond the whole, people that died too soon thing. For all we know they can't pull over the vast majority of people that die on earth and are literally just pulling through whoever they can.

There's also the thing about the deaths having to be random, which is just a little sus, either we're not being told everything and they're actively interfering to causing some of these deaths for whatever reason, or there are in fact rules regarding who can be brought over, and somewhat random cause of death happens to be a qualifying factor. Honestly, I'm leaning towards the first theory, it seems a bit strange that something like stabbing would be a qualifying factor, but only if the attack wasn't premeditated, that is unless the gods were in some way able to manipulate fate but not outright manipulate minds in which case it makes a bit more sense.

Alternatively, I don't have enough information right now and my wild speculations are way off base. Actually, it's almost certainly that last one.
Should be able to get my sheet up tonight.

On another note...

There is no struggle greater than the struggle to find a faceclaim for an RP wherein it will become irrelevant after literally the first post.
<Snipped quote by Silver Carrot>

Yeah, I'm a little worried about this too. I'm hoping I'm not alone in planning to have my character take actions that will hopefully and intentionally put them on other Players' radars--if any of us start doing things like carving out our own territories, managing villages, or clearing big dungeons within the setting, I'm hoping that will ripple outward and attract the attention of other Players, maybe even NPCs. Of course, the trick will be in getting that attention without starting wars or being chased out of town with torches and pitchforks, lol.

As far as getting player attention IC, I'd like to point out the common ground of being from modern Earth is a good place to start – depending on how common Otherworlders are/how widespread Earth knowledge is, that is. I’d imagine rumours of a genius traveller bringing innovation with them wherever they go, would stand out to an otherworlder if all those “innovations” were clearly just modern knowledge.
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