The Cozy Bakery Downtown North District Interacts: Open
Elijah does not venture into the north side of town much. Even though he feels safer, he fits in better there. At least how he dressed normally makes him stand out in the south side. Mainly due to time constraints with his job and low funds. But he still finds the time to go up there when he is free. Still, there is a place on the north side he would like to try out, The Cozy Bakery.
He had heard good things about the place and figured that he could try the place out. Maybe see how it compares to a small bakery that he used to go to in Glimmer. Granted, the food here in Dazzle tastes the same as it did in Glimmer and Elijah is not sure if this is just a coincidence or if food just tastes the same no matter the reality.
Either way, Elijah ventured inside, and the first thing that hit him was the smell. The delicious aroma of fresh baked goods reminded him of that old bakery from Glimmer. So far, so good, he thought, but it's time to see how it compares in taste. So Elijah walked around and looked at the various baked goods. The place certainly had the assortment he is used to and was well stocked.
But after some time, walking past a woman with her child, Elijah decided on getting two buttered croissants. It has been ages since he had french anything and buttered croissants is something he feels right now. So he walked up to a smiling worker behind the counter and spoke. "I would like two buttered croissants, please, and stood there waiting for his food.
The evil Velcon Empire, ruled by the evil Emperor Qyi Nos, is a force that has conquered planet after planet with no end in sight. Now, after conquering the planet of Kial, the Velcon Empire has set its sights on Earth. Emperor Qyi sent a team to Earth to learn more about the planet before the proper invasion began after hearing the word of Earth's guardians, the Power Rangers.
But as the team settles in and learns more about Earth and the Power Rangers. That either already harboring treasonous thoughts or changed by Earth's people. This team has decided to defect from the Velcon Empire and join the Power Rangers in defending the planet. Using their knowledge of the empire to their advantage in the fight against the Velcon Empire.
Only the Power Rangers would mysteriously disappear, and in their place, the defectors would take their place as the new Power Rangers and defend the planet from their former allies while trying to discover what happened to the last Power Rangers. A task they must bear if they wish to defeat the Velcon Empire and stop their advance, and earn their place as defenders of Earth, their new home.
Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of one character 5. Minimum of one paragraph
Hello and welcome to the rp. In this rp, you will be playing as alien defectors from the Velcon Empire and after the mysterious disappearance of the current Power Rangers. The alien defectors become the new Power Rangers and take up their mantle of defending Earth from the Velcom Empire while trying to figure out what happened to the last Power Rangers.
So, with your character, you can come up with any reason why your character defected from the Velcon Empire to the side of Earth and the Power Rangers. Just as long as they wish to side with Earth, the Power Rangers and not wish to return to the Velcon Empire.
Which you can make your alien character look how you wish, but they have to be humanoid in appearance and have to have a human appearance as well. So, in the cs, the picture at the start should be their human appearance, and you will post the picture or written description of their actual alien appearance in the section of the cs. Also, it is best to avoid revealing themselves to others so as not to draw attention to themselves and only do so when necessary.
Also, to create their human disguise, the characters use an advanced imperial device that is able to conceal the user and appear human for as long as needed. It is a rare piece of technology in the empire that is not commonly used.
As for the Velcon Empire, besides what I have written down below. You have the freedom to come up with stuff for the empire in your background as long as it fits with what I have written about the empire.
Now, more about the setting, obviously, your group is not the first group of Power Rangers, and the Power Rangers are a known group on Earth. The last Power Rangers were initially based out of the city of Angel Grove, but their base was destroyed during the final battle with an ancient evil, and they relocated a secondary base in the city of Grey Vale before they disappeared and after making contact with the players' characters.
So, while the ranger colors are Red, Green, Blue, Black, and Pink, it is not gender exclusive and can be played by anyone. But I will reserve the Green Ranger for myself, and anyone can be the leader of the team if one desires. Not just the Red Ranger.
That is it for the Overview and if anyone has any questions, then feel free to ask. I am also looking for a Co-Gm, and if anyone wants or is interested in the role, then say something in either the thread or through Pms.
Power Rangers
While a new group of Power Rangers, and inheriting the last Power Rangers' current base. They were given suits, gear, and zords that belonged to an older group of Power Rangers that had used the base in the past and were in storage for when they were needed again. Which the zords theme is Zodic based. How they look separately, Zords and how they look together as a Megazord. Along with how they look, Power Rangers
The Red Ranger gets the Leo Zord, which serves as the chest of the Megazord.
The Blue Ranger gets the Gemini Zord, which serves as the lower legs of the Megazord.
The Green Ranger gets the Pisces Zord, which serves as the arms of the Megazord.
The Pink Ranger gets the Virgo Zord, which serves as the head/helmet of the Megezord.
The Black Ranger gets the Taurus Zord, which serves as the upper legs and lower back of the Megazord.
What weapons the players use for their Power Ranger is up to them.
The Power Ranger communicator looks like an everyday watch but can act as a communicator with other Power Rangers and with the Overlook.
The Power Rangers' Base in Grey Vale is called the Overlook, as it is set and built into one of the mountains near Grey Vale. It is concealed from outside sight but offers a good view of the city and the surrounding landscape from its position. Which contains the Power Rangers' assistant and Outlook AI, Io. While she is mainly a AI that manages the base and gives the Power Rangers information. She does have a physical robot body that she uses from time to time.
Grey Vale
Grey Vale is located in Western Oregon, and in a valley through which the Grey River flows and splits the city in half. Flanked by mountains on two sides, and there is a ski resort on one. Despite the growth of the city over the years, the valley is still forested outside of the city limits, and there is a good amount of wildlife that lives in the valley.
Velcon Empire
The evil Velcon Empire was ruled by Emperor Qyi Nos, the third emperor of the empire. Starting from the planet of Iru which serves of the capital of the empire. The Velcon Empire has conquered many worlds and, to many, seemed like an unstoppable force as they continued to spread across the galaxy. However, it has not stopped several groups from rising up in an attempt at rebellion in the past. All were crushed, but there is still lingering defiance in the empire.
Currently, the empire, though spread thin, is still conquering planets at the behest of the emperor and has set its sights on Earth. While they know that they have lost their recon team to the Rangers and the leader of the Imperial Force sent to conquer Earth, Commander Von Tero is furious about this news. They are still unaware of the fate of the last Power Rangers and how the recon team are the New Power Rangers. However, they are eager to conquer Earth and bring down the Power Rangers either way.
Imperial Soldiers - the standard foot soldiers that make up most of the Imperial army and focus on attacking in groups and overwhelming a foe by numbers than individual attacks. But are still skilled fighters that tend to use melee weapons over range weapons.
Real Name here
Human name
human name here
species here
gender here
age here(Adult age)
Ranger Color
ranger color here
Ranger Weapon
ranger weapon here
Human Appearance
human appearance here(how they look and they should be wearing the colors of their ranger color most of the time)
Real Appearance
real appearance here(picture or written description)
personality here
skills here
powers here(optional and explain in detail what they are if they have any based on their species)
Entan is the son of the chief of the nomadic Aslani Clan and while in line to become chief of the clan. He trusted the wrong person and had unknowingly brought death to his clan as punishment. Entan would be exiled for ten years, and if he could prove himself worthy of being an Aslani, then he could be an Aslani again. Entan thinks that becoming a member of the Wardens of the Glade is the start of his path to redemption in the eyes of his clan, and he is determined to make amends for his actions.
Age: 20 Race: Human Nationality: Hahral Weapon of Choice: Glaive Elemental Affinity: Thunder Spiritual Affinity: Light
Entan was born to one of the few remaining nomadic groups that exist in the Sands of Hahral, the Aslani Clan. Being the eldest child of the leader of the clan, Entan life among the nomads was one filled with endless travel and occasionally visiting the Free Cities for trade and supplies the nomads could not get on their own. It was a tough life but one that Entan fared well in.
Growing up, Entan was told stories about the Hero of the Glades, other legends, and the Wardens of the Glades. Becoming fascinated by this and the world outside of Hahral. But, Entan knew his duty was to his clan and since he was in line to lead them one day, such ideas would get in the way. Though Entan would not fully give up on these thoughts.
So, he was taught and trained by his father and the clan. Taught the ways of the warrior and other skills needed to survive in the desert. Though when it came to using a weapon, while he failed to be good at the bow or the sword. He shined when his mother gave him a glaive, and he excelled at it. Along with learning the martial art of his people. Still, he did well in his studies, and things were looking good for him. Then came that fateful day when everything went wrong.
For one day, while the clan was preparing to break camp to move to a new location. They were attacked by a large bandits band, and while the clan were able to repulse the attack. It left many Aslani dead, and it was discovered the attack was not random and that Entan was partly responsible. For he had unknowingly made contact with a member of the bandit group and, while he knew not to reveal a clan secret, that they were in possession of a rare and valuable artifact. Ethan felt he could trust her, but he made a critical mistake.
When this became known, the Aslani survivors were furious and demanded Entan be punished. While Etan expected his punishment to be severe. His father had other ideas about his crime. Entan would be exiled from the clan, but he could be allowed back in ten years' time if he could prove himself worthy of being a member of the Aslani. Then, he could be allowed back in. Could being the wording his father used and that the business with the bandits would be handled by the clan. As most did not trust Entan at this point to make things better. Entan accepted this and would leave his clan behind.
Now an exile, Entan wanted desperately to make it up to his clan for trusting the wrong person. He thought long and hard about what to do, and that is when it came to him. No member of the Aslani had been a member of the Wardens of the Glade, and by serving them for ten years as protectors of the realm, he could redeem himself in the eyes of his clan and be allowed back in. So he made his way to Atutania to see if he could join their ranks and start his quest for redemption.
Entan has been trained to be a warrior capable of surviving in the desert of his homeland. Thus, while he is skilled in fighting with a glaive, he knows martial arts and how to ride a camel. Plus, survival skills and the knowledge of how to travel based on the stars in the night sky.
Entan was awakened during the attack on his clan, so he had no training with it because of his exile, and he is unskilled with it. The best he can do right now is semi-random bursts of lightning of varying strength. So he is focused on his martial skills at the moment while learning how to use his magic when he can.