Chaos was the scene that Zano found himself in. Buildings on fire, gunshots ringing out, and here he was, running for his life, like the rest of the scared citizens in the city. Zano did not know where he was going, but that did not stop him from running. He did not care as long it was a way out of the city and not into a group of armed rebels. Though he made sure that his remaining belongings stay on his person. He has lost much this day, and he does not want to lose anymore.
Then, as he reached the remains of the destroyed building, he spotted what looked like soldiers and immediately took shelter in a nearby alleyway. Where they are loyal or rebels, Zano thought, as a sense of dread and fear gripped him. He slowly peaked out and saw the soldiers had a couple captured at their feet. Nobles by the look of their clothing, and before he could think to do something, the soldiers executed them, and their lifeless bodies hit the ground with the soldiers laughing.
Zano quickly retreated to the alleyway, knowing the true allegiance of these soldiers, and went wide-eyed with fear. Is there any loyal soider left in this city? He thought, and when he went to peak at the soldiers again, they departed the scene and went left. Zano made sure to avoid it and went in the opposite direction from there.
He would find himself near a military base when he spotted it. A lone Zeppelin that was still docked, and a thought entered his mind. Could he... while he has not used or been on a Zeppelin before. He does how they work, and perhaps he could get it off the ground and get out of this city. Uncertainty made him pause, but what other options are there? Take a shot at that Zeppelin or risk possible death running, which Zano already has one brush with today.
A nearby explosion shocked him to reality, and Zano made a choice. So he runs to the Zeppelin, hoping what knowledge he has of them will do him any good. Only when he arrived, Zano was surprised to see that he was not the only one to have the idea, and by the time he arrived at the gangplank. A woman was trying to board, and the thought of whether they were loyal or rebels reemerged. But taking a chance, he spoke with an Addonian accent, "Let me come with you too and get out of this city alive."
Well, we have every ranger but pink so far, so if someone makes a pink ranger cs soon, and it is acceptable than I will look over the others and we can start the rp.
Still waiting myself. Also, if you want me to make some costumes, send me some references for what kinds of suits you want them to have and i'll do my best to make some micros.
Will do once we have the last ranger, and I think I have some ideas for references.
Name: Zano Mirazdar Gender: Male Age: 24 Nationality: Sakh/Addonian Appearance:
Zano stands at 6'0 and looks like a typical Addonion but with short black hair, grey eyes, and a well-maintained mustache.
Personal Effects: A set of goggles, a pocket watch, two journals with two pens, a wallet with money in it, and a satchel with papers and other items in it.
What is your job Inventor/Engineer Inventions Automated tea maker Possible wireless remote control Motor-driven vacuum cleaner Stenotype machine Valve amplifier/triode
Backstory: Zano hails from the city-state of Mina-Sakh. Born the youngest of four in a wealthy family. Zano did not have many prospects initially by his family's standards but was still given an education worthy of their status. But as time went on, it became clear that Zano had a creative mind and a knack for engineering. Combining them led Zano to create some interesting creations that caught the attention of his parents by the time he was eighteen. Seeing the potential in them, they enrolled him in a prominent engineering college in the city, and by the time he graduated. Zano now had the knowledge to pursue his interests.
After graduating, Zano, with his family's help, set up a workshop where he could work on his inventions and sustain himself. While Zano did invent and patent some of his inventions, they were not as major as his parents thought they would be. That and Zano did not like his parents looking over his shoulder, as it were, when it came to inventing. Plus, not wanting to be solely dependent on them for financial support. After a fight he had with his parents over what he should focus on, he threatened to restrict him financially if Zano did not listen to them. That was the last straw, and Zano would find himself after defying his parents without their support. But, a friend of his who lived in Inbur offered to help him out and give him a place to work, which he would accept, so he moved to Inbur.
There, with the help of his friend, he went to work and made some more inventions, which were gaining traction and catching the eyes of people. His latest invention became popular, and Zano started to have more ambitious ideas and started to have an interest in airships and would learn more about them. However, Zano was growing concerned about the events happening in Calaria and the rise of the Communalists. Still, he went on as usual and was working on something big when the Calarians invaded.
Zano was in his workshop when the Calarians reached the city, and he managed to save his notes and other important papers. But, as he and his workers were packing up, artillery shells struck the workshop, and while Zano managed to escape with little injuries. Most of his workers and his friend were killed as a result, along with his big invention.
So, with the city falling, Zano ran as fast as he could and felt like today might be his last day on Earth. Then, as he ran past the Imperial Palace, he saw his salvation. A sole Zeppelin was still docked, and an idea came to mind. Perhaps this is his way out of the city. So Zano ran to the Zeppelin, hoping that it would be his ticket out of the city. If not, then he would be truly dead.
Name: Zano Mirazdar Gender: Male Age: 24 Nationality: Sakh/Addonian Appearance:
Zano stands at 6'0 and looks like a typical Addonion but with short black hair, grey eyes, and a well-maintained mustache.
Personal Effects: A set of goggles, a pocket watch, two journals with two pens, a wallet with money in it, and a satchel with papers and other items in it.
What is your job Inventor/Engineer Backstory: Zano hails from the city-state of Mina-Sakh. Born the youngest of four in a wealthy family. Zano did not have many prospects initially by his family's standards but was still given an education worthy of their status. But as time went on, it became clear that Zano had a creative mind and a knack for engineering. Combining them led Zano to create some interesting creations that caught the attention of his parents by the time he was eighteen. Seeing the potential in them, they enrolled him in a prominent engineering college in the city, and by the time he graduated. Zano now had the knowledge to pursue his interests.
After graduating, Zano, with his family's help, set up a workshop where he could work on his inventions and sustain himself. While Zano did invent and patent some of his inventions, they were not as major as his parents thought they would be. That and Zano did not like his parents looking over his shoulder, as it were, when it came to inventing. Plus, not wanting to be solely dependent on them for financial support. After a fight he had with his parents over what he should focus on, he threatened to restrict him financially if Zano did not listen to them. That was the last straw, and Zano would find himself after defying his parents without their support. But, a friend of his who lived in Inbur offered to help him out and give him a place to work, which he would accept, so he moved to Inbur.
There, with the help of his friend, he went to work and made some more inventions, which were gaining traction and catching the eyes of people. His latest invention became popular, and Zano started to have more ambitious ideas and started to have an interest in airships and would learn more about them. However, Zano was growing concerned about the events happening in Calaria and the rise of the Communalists. Still, he went on as usual and was working on something big when the Calarians invaded.
Zano was in his workshop when the Calarians reached the city, and he managed to save his notes and other important papers. But, as he and his workers were packing up, artillery shells struck the workshop, and while Zano managed to escape with little injuries. Most of his workers and his friend were killed as a result, along with his big invention.
So, with the city falling, Zano ran as fast as he could and felt like today might be his last day on Earth. Then, as he ran past the Imperial Palace, he saw his salvation. A sole Zeppelin was still docked, and an idea came to mind. Perhaps this is his way out of the city. So Zano ran to the Zeppelin, hoping that it would be his ticket out of the city. If not, then he would be truly dead.
So you would like me to tell my story? Is it easier to come to a human than someone else? Well, I suppose I can, though my story is like the other humans that now find themselves stranded in what used to be the Zimearon Star Empire. I am Jason Miles, and I am from Earth, the homeworld of humanity. But we were still stuck on Earth and were only starting to get a foothold on our moon. The year was 2035, and I was a police officer before I was abducted by the Zimearons. For what reason? You probably already know that part, but I was special, a Gifted, the term that the Zimearons gave us. It turns out that an ancient race called the Amnarons did something to humanity back when they were still around, and they are the reason why there are gifted humans around. Something about seeing the potential in humanity and giving us a gift to our species. That is what the official science says, but I am not so sure.
Either way, despite what some say, not every human is Gifted, or else the Zimearon would have abducted more humans, and back then, my powers did not manifest, nor did I feel any different from my fellow humans. It was only after being abducted and going through the "awakening" that my powers showed themselves. Now, my memory is hazy about what they did to me to awaken me. I remember the agonizing pain, the rush of drugs in my system, and not much else.
Now, why did the Zimearons abduct Gifted humans and go through the trouble of awakening us? The one main reason is that they wanted our Gift, but they were unable to extract it from us. So, with their failure to get our gift, they decided to make us their soldiers but specifically their spec ops and, at times, elites. The Zimearon Star Empire was in a bad state when they started abducting gifted humans, and they needed an edge against the rebels. They went through alot of trouble to find Earth despite the fact is was on the opposite side of the galaxy. But thanks to their leaders's fixation on us after uncovering Amnaron records about us, Once they found the ancient Amnaron gate that led to Earth and after activating it. It was only a matter of time before they came knocking.
To get us to fight for them, the Zimearons brainwashed us to serve them. That we were meant to be soldiers and follow their orders as thanks for saving us from a disaster that claimed our homeworld. They trained us hard and turned us into elite fighting machines, and it worked. We were even starting to reverse their losses. I remember my time as a Zimearon soldier despite how much I want to forget, and maybe it comes with being gifted. But that brainwashing started to fade, and soon, some of us started to remember who we really were. But we were smart about it and, with some, managed to escape from the Zimearons and link up with the rebels. Did we rebel against the Zimearons and once we were free. We joined with the rebels, and we all know how this ends. The Zimearon Star Empire was unable to handle our loss, and now the rebels have the advantage. Did that accused empire come to an end but with one last bout of defiance against us. They destroyed the Amnaron gate that led to Earth and left us humans with no way home.
I know that some humans made it through the gate before it was destroyed, and I hope that they are doing well. For the rest of us, we are now stuck in what was Zimearon space. Most did not know what to do, some in anger hunted down the lingering remnants of the empire, and some in an attempt at normalcy tried doing normal jobs and try to forget their time being a soldier. Others became mercenaries, and others are trying to find a way home despite the loss of the gate. But what am I doing? I am trying to lead a life that I want to live after everything that has happened. Luckily, I have found some like-minded humans, and now I am helping out my fellow humans helping them to survive in this new reality. It is not perfect, but it is good enough for me, and this is my story so far. Just a man trying to do his best to survive in this corner of the galaxy. That is all I can do and what my fellow humans can do. Survive while trying to live some kind of life that they can live with.
Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph No time or mind control powers
Hello and welcome to the rp. The year is 2040, and it has been three years since the fall of the Zimearon Star Empire and humans being freed from their enslavement. But left stranded in former imperial space and left to their own devices. There are five thousand humans located in former Imperial space, and all have gone their own ways to survive in former Imperial space. But in the rp you will be apart of a crew of humans on ship called the Grand Mave and have survived by being mercs of sorts. Doing jobs for the various factions and people in known space. Which while that are nations with claimed territories, a good chunk of the known space after the fall of the empire are unclaimed due to the newly emerged nations not having the resources to claim the rest of known space, and as such. The unclaimed parts of known space is more of the wild west with law and order varies between systems.
So, all human characters are expected to know how to fight, given their training under their brainwashed state. That does not mean they have to like their combat skills or like to use them and can use other skills like repairing or something else like that. Your characters have clear memories of their former lives on Earth and can remember their time as soldiers for the empire. Also, while this is a human-only RP, as in, you are only allowed to play as a human. If you really want to play as one of the aliens listed below, then dm me, and maybe we can work something out. Also no playing as non Gifted humans since the only humans in the former imperial space are Gifted humans.
Being Gifted
Now, what it means to be Gifted is that while Gifted humans look like normal humans, it is what is on the inside that is different. For Gifted humans have increased strength, increased endurance, heightened immune system, increased stamina, increased durability, are faster, have a faster healing factor and resistance to mind control. So, superhuman but not invincible, as gifted durability is still no match for a plasma shot to the head or chest, and the increased healing factor is not on the level of Deadpool or Wolverine. So, while you can survive longer than normal humans, you still need to fight and survive like one. Each Gifted has a unique power like, say, ice manipulation. There can be variations of the same power. Like one fire user can use blue fire, while another user summons fire via a biological process.
However, only certain humans are Gifted as they have to have the latent genes necessary to be Gifted. In order to activate their Gifted nature, there is a process called the awakening, which is a very painful procedure and is an artificial method of activating their Gifted nature. As the Amnarons meant, the process to happen naturally as humanity matured over the thousands of years. So far, there are no known side effects of becoming Gifted artificially then what was intended to happen naturally.
If anyone has any questions about being Gifted, then feel free to ask.
The Ship
The Grand Mave - is a stolen rightfully gained ship that the current owner Arthur Colms procure from his Zimearon officer during the rebellion and after some modifications, it has served Arthur faithfully since. A Hammerhead class ship that serves as the home for the crew of the Grand Mave. Armed with six plasma turrets and able to house large crew. Comes with individual rooms along with an armory, medbay, and other amenities a starship should have.
The general sense of technology in the known galaxy is that plasma weapons are the norm, though laser and projectile-based weaponry are still in use. Shields that protect ships are common, and personal shields exist but only with power armor. Power armor exists but are reserved for spec ops groups and are rare outside of them. So, most use body armor that ranges from light to heavy. AI exists and is mostly basic, but the more advanced types are normally installed on military vessels and sometimes on civilian ships. Ships travel by Hyperdrives, which open a portal into a dimension called Hyperspace, and a ship travels through it to travel faster than light.
Zimearon - The founders of the Zimearon Star Empire, elegant and yet hiding ambitious ideals. The Zimearons hail from the planet of Zimea, and despite an initial period of warlordism shortly before discovering space flight. The Zimearons are a people are warriors like people who have a sense of superiority that they hold over others since discovering other species. Rather than peaceful contact or exchange, the Zimearons felt the need to subjugate other species to prove their superiority, and this kind of thinking led to the creation of the Zimearon Star Empire with house Vel as its ruling house. They were only three times the Zimearons questioned their superiority. When they discovered the ancient yet highly advanced Amnarons ruins and realized that there was a civilization at one time that the Zimearons had no hope of matching technologically even after recovering some of their technology, when they failed to make gifted Zimearons, and when their empire collapsed. Now, a demoralized people and their influence limited to their home system. Their people are led by a provisional government, and while there are still traces of the Zimearon Star Empire out there. They have no hope of reclaiming what they lost and are being mopped up by former rebels.
Zimeans - A genetic offshoot of the Zimearons, the Zimeans were created in the Zimearons attempts to make their own gifted using what Amnaron technology the Zimearons had recovered. The test subjects survived the painful process while looking different from their former selves and had some gifted abilities. They were never on the same level as the gifted humans and were considered a failure. Despite the failure, they were of some use to the Zimearons, who employed them as bodyguards and in other protection and combat-related roles. Most of the Zimeans were settled on the world of Kol, and from there, they were allowed to live and grow their numbers for more of them to be used by the Zimearons. While at first loyal to the to Zimearons during the civil war, the Zimeans, in secret, plotted to rebel, and when the gifted humans rebelled did they joined the humans and the rest of the rebellion. Currently, they are based out of their home of Kol, which they have renamed Nurlea and formed the Free Zimean Nation as their government.
Eoander - A race that the Zimearons encountered two centuries ago and would later conquer. The Eoanders are a species of traders and engineers, or at least they were before they were conquered by the Zimearons. Hailing from the world of Ouia, The Eoanders under the empire were oppressed and were forced to give up most of their technological secrets to the Zimearons and were relegated to workers and conscription soldiers. When the Etanians launched their latest rebellion against the Zimearon Star Empire, the Eoanders saw a real chance of being free, launched their own revolt and joined up with the Etanians. While the final blow would be gifted humans joining the rebellion, the Eoander contributed much, and after, they were free. They formed the Quian Republic and while still friendly with their former rebel allies, they have started to hoard what technological secrets they still have left and are not keen on sharing what secrets they have discovered with recovered Amnaron technology.
Etanian - The ones that rose in rebellion against their Zimearon masters and started the civil war that would end of Zimearon Star Empire. The reptilian Etanians hail from the jungle world of Etan and would be among the first to make contact with the Zimearon Star Empire and be conquered by them. A tribal people and fiercely independent people, it took decades for the Zimearon to subdue the Etanians and used them as slave labor and slave soldiers across their empire. This did not stop the several slave revolts across the empire, and it was only when secret aid was given to them by the Zimeans that they were able to launch a revolt. But turn it into a full-blown rebellion with the Eoanders and the Valoans joining them in rebellion. Now, as the Zimearon Star Empire lies dead, the Etanians have formed the Etanian Confederacy and are busy pursuing the last remnants of the empire that caused them much grief and pain.
Iratzal - An intelligent and secretive people, the Iratzal are known for their psionic abilities that while impressive and with some thinking that they were gifted by the Amnarons. The Iratzal, hailing from the world of Zeius and despite some first successes, was still conquered by the Zimearon Star Empire. Because of their psionic abilities, the Zimearons, similar to their gifted experiments with the Zimeans. The Zimearon used the Iratzal as test subjects to harvest their genes and give the ones that give one psionic abilities in order to give Zimearons the same abilities. These experiments would fail and after this failure. The Zimearons forced the Iratzal to wear special collars that inhibit their psionics abilities and doubled as shock collars for when an Iratzal falls out of line. With secret help from the Zimeans. The Iratzal found a way to disable their collars and would unleash their full might against their oppressors. Joining the Etanians and the Eoanders on their struggle and with the help of the humans, they were able to take down the empire and gain their freedom. Forming the Iratzal Grand Principality with rebel leader Seran Ouan as their first grand prince. Though thankful to their fellow allies after the rebellion and helping the Etanians hunt down the rest of the Zimearon Star Empire Remnants, The Iratzal have started to isolate themselves from the other powers and seem to have an interest in the high-ranking Zimearon scientist Kua Nors, who is in hiding after the fall of the Zimearon Star Empire and is wanted for crimes against sentients.
Atarian - The Atarians are a strange bunch, hailing from the fertile world of Ataria. They are spiritual and peaceful people who managed to avoid being invaded and conquered by the Zimearons due to them being discovered shortly before the civil war that would end their empire. A new people on the galactic stage and while peaceful, they still have a military and can defend themselves if needed. Still, being the only one in known space who has not suffered under Zimearon's cruelty and not involved in the rebellion makes them a unique case in the region. Still, they are welcoming towards the former rebels and denouncing the former Zimearon Star Empire's actions. However, they are oddly fascinated by the gifted humans, inviting them to live in their territory. Being a relatively unknown species, few have accepted this offer. The Atarian government is the Atarian Conclave.
Free Zimean Nation - Based out of Nurlea, the smallest of the new powers. Though highly respected and having a veteran military. The Free Zimean Nation is currently focused on establishing themselves in the galaxy and guiding their people towards a new path. They are led by the Zimean High Council, though High Councilor Vulen Mnoas is the unofficial head of the council.
Quian Republic - Based out of Ouia, the Quian Republic is keen on rebuilding on what was lost to the Zimearons centuries ago. Along with re-establishing old trade routes and expanding existing ones. Reclaiming their old mercantile ways and sending support to the Etanians in their mission to destroy what is left of the empire. They are led by President Kolan Born.
[spoiler=Etanian Confederacy]Etanian Confederacy - Based out of Etan, the Etanian Confederacy after the fall of the Zimearon Star Empire, have made efforts to reclaim their lost traditions that were outlawed since being conquered by the empire and being united in the first time in their history. The focus of the Confederacy at the moment is the crushing of the last of Zimearon Star Empire Remnants, and truly begin a new era without the empire. They are being supported by the other new powers in this mission. They are led by Elder Ioa Kaers.
Iratzal Grand Principality - Based out of Zeius, the Iratzal Grand Principality seeks a return to the old ways before they were conquered by the empire. While still maintaining good relations with the other new powers and supporting the Confederacy in their efforts to eliminate the Zimearon Star Empire Remnants. Though secretly seeking Zimearon scientists and are led by Grand Prince Zel Eorian.
Atarian Conclave - Based out of Ataria, the newcomer to the new powers. The Atarian Conclave while new to the scene, they have made efforts to establish good relations with the new powers and as a sign of good faith. They have contribute a small force to aid the Confederacy in wiping out the Zimearon Star Empire Remnants. Though some are suspicious of the Conclave, and their fascination with the gifted humans. They have yet to do anything that counters their peaceful and good standing with the new powers. They are led by High Deacon Taon Mouns.
Zimearon Provisional Government - Based out of Zimea, the Zimearon Provisional Government only has influence and control over its home system. The rest of the Zimearon worlds are forced to fend for themselves after the fall of the empire. Now directionless and demoralized, the Zimearon Provisional Government tries to find a path for its people this new world. They are led by High Minister Lokcon Miol.
Zimearon Star Empire Remnants - The Zimearon Star Empire Remnants are the last few traces of the Zimearon Star Empire. Mainly existing in isolated pockets in former Imperial space. While they have no chance of bringing back the empire, they are willing to fight to the death rather than surrender. Which their former subjects, like the Etanians are more than glad to finish off the last traces of the empire.
Phoenix Group - Based out of the Phoenix 1 space station that orbits the habitable moon of Phoenix, which orbits an ice planet of Talan. The Phoenix Group was founded by Jason Miles and other like-minded humans to help all humans who are stranded in former Zimearon space and serve as a safe place where humans could live or resupply when needed. The Phoenix Group has set up in this system since it was abandoned by the Zimearons during the civil war and has the potential for a new home for the stranded humans. They have repurposed the space station and have set up a small colony on the renamed Phoenix moon. All humans are welcome to it, even if the Phoenix Group has some problems with other human groups.
Outlander PMC - Based out of the small fleet which is led by the cruiser the Absolute. The Outlander PMC is a human-majority mercenary group founded by Sarah Adams after the end of the civil war. While accepting the fate that she may never be able to return home, she has embraced a new life for herself and the humans under her. Using what skills she remembers from being an Imperial soldier, striking out as a mercenary with other like-minded humans, and choosing not to be tied down to a single location. The group is entirely fleet-based, though the planet of Skyiz is a popular stop for the PMC. They have some problems with the Phoenix Group over ideologies and ethics concerns that the Phoenix Group has.
The Returnals - The Returnals are a human group dedicated to researching Amnaron technology and ruins in order to find a way back to Earth. While the odds are slim on finding another gate that links to Earth or at least close to it. The Returnals cling to the hope that they can return to Earth someday and work tirelessly to discover what secrets the Amnarons left behind that could lead them to Earth.
The Cozy Bakery Downtown North District Interacts: Freya(@NoriWasHere)
"Elijah Tower and no problem," though saying the last part with awkwardness. Though, he would notice that the man who was in front of him was a bit weird, and something about how he walked away seemed off to Elijah. It was so strangely smooth, but he did not think much about it after the man left, but he did keep a note of it.
The place was certainly busy enough that Elijah was glad he got inside in time before the croissants were all gone. He did not want to come home empty-handed even though there are plenty of other food selections available. If there could last, given how busy this place is. This place is busier than the bakery Elijah used to go to, that is for certain.
Still, the place seems like it was doing well for itself, and it made him wonder if the place was hiring. Probably pays better than his current job though he does not really have a resume to work with. But Elijah is not going to ask that right now, given it is his first time here, and he has not even paid for his buttered croissants yet.
Curiously, he asked, "is this place always this busy, or just having a busy day?"
It has been two years since the once grand Mitkir Empire that dominated much of the old world continent of Aislira collapsed under internal strife. Leaving its sole colony of Vlario alone on the distant Muur continent alone. Having to adjust to now being on its own in a hostile land now that the natives are taking advantage of the lack of imperial support to raid Vlario, it has become increasingly hazardous to venture outside of the colony without outside help from Aislira. Under the capable rule of the former imperial governor Lycaon Katsaros, Vlario had managed to stay stave off the natives and survive so far despite the increased raids made by the natives. Unfortunately for Vlario, crime has started to become a problem for Vlario, and the colony's security force is stretched thin as it is. So far, Vlario is stable despite its problems, but for how much longer is a guess. Unbeknownst to Vlario, something is stirring in the jungle. Something the natives fear, something long thought to be gone, is returning to Muur, and whether Vlario can survive, it is up to fate.
Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraphs
This is a character rp set in the fantasy world of Iomia during the equivalent of the early 16th century. Meaning that while firearms are allowed, they are primitive enough that bows, crossbows, swords, etc, are still viable weapons, and firearms are not widespread. So only an arquebus and wheellock pistols, if you need an example of what kinds of weapons or armor are allowed, look up what early conquistadors had, what they had, you can have within reason. Also, Muur is this world's equivalent of South America so expect jungles, heat, and unique wildlife.
In this rp you will be playing either a local colonist, a refugee or someone with a reason to come to Vlario, that has come under the employment of Nicusor Mihnea. A local noble that has taken it upon himself, with the reluctant blessings of the governor to aid the colony and is making a team for this task. So while most of the rp will be taking place within Vlario, there will be times to venture outside of the colony and into the Muur interior.
Since this rp is focused on Vlario and Muur. You have the liberty to make up what you want for Aislira as long it fits with what I have for the Mitkir Empire. Magic is considered a myth, and if it did exist, it has long since died out. Also, I am looking for a co-gm, so if you want to do it, just say something.
Vlario was founded fifty years ago by imperial colonists after an Imperial expedition secured a site in the Aziota Bay in the ruins of an ancient city. The first clue that someone lived on the continent at one point and while settling a ruin was not the first option for a colony. The ancient city was built on a natural harbor and was on the banks of the Valmark River that supplied fresh water to the city. Once the city was properly examined and when no better site was found. It was decided that the colony would be built upon the ruins of the city. Named Vlario by Jakob Kuhn, the explorer that first discovered Muur. Vlario would make steady process over the years. Building over the ruins and establishing a foothold on Muur.
Five years had passed since the colonists first encountered the natives while exploring inland. The natives chose to keep their distance from the colonists, and rarely was there a chance for the colonists to understand their language, let alone begin an open dialogue. Only the persistent attempts by Vlario's governor did the colonists finally managed to get on friendly terms with some of the tribes, and talks between the two started. However, as the colonists discovered and as they expanded into the interior. They found that some of the tribes did not like their presence in Muur and wanted to kick the colonists out of Muur. Initial attempts were laughable, and the colony's superior weapons and armor sent the tribes back into the thick jungle.
Vlario with support from the empire, would expand to include five settlements within its borders. The last one was Caurat and after founding it, the natives came back with better weapons and armor and something new. Large reptilian war beasts that only repulsed by taking heavy casualties. Now knowing what the natives were truly capable of, the governor ordered that all further expansion was to be suspended and the colony to be reinforced. A great wall was constructed to enclose the colony and to make sure that any natives could not sneak through the border. Only then did the raids lessen, but the danger was still there, more so if the natives unveil something new to attack the colony with.
About two years ago, there was talk of trying to expand once more with more imperial support, and the current governor was against the notion. For he dared not wish to further antagonize the natives further. Before the Emperor could enforce this order, a rebellion had started in Aislira, and he switched his attention to quelling the rebellion. That was the last time any imperial message was heard and only 2 months after the empire collapsed did Vlario hear of the empire's fate.
Now forcefully independent and spared the upheavals of Aislira which wars were being fought over the remains of the empire. The now-former imperial governor was focused on keeping Vlario stable while the natives continue to raid the colony. To add to the colony's problems, a rise in crime has put the colony's security force wondering what caused the sudden uptake in crimes. Most blamed it on the collapse of the empire and the refugees that have come over to escape the wars of control over Aislira. Combined together make living in Vlario harder than it was without imperial support. For now, things are stable though for how much longer, that is up to the wind.
The founding city of the colony and the Empire's first foothold on Muur. Located on the eastern coast of Muur and in the Aziota Bay. Built upon the ruins of an ancient city, Vlario is the crown jewel of the colony and its beating heart. For it is the only port city on Muur and is the first stop for anyone visiting or settling in Muur. Much of the old ruins have been removed or built over in order to make way for buildings, to the dismay of antiquarians who wished to study the ruins. Though while the surface ruins are mostly gone, there is a lower level that extends under Vlario and is filled with tunnels. The lower level remains vastly unexplored and is believed to be used by criminal elements in the city to get around without being seen.
The first settlement to be founded after Vlario and located to the southwest is Talmatei. On the banks of the Valmark river that flows to Vlario. Talmatei started as a farming community and became the main source of food for the colony. Diverting some of the river's water for irrigation and cutting down the nearby jungle to make way for crops and livestock. Before the walls were built, Talmatei would get raided by native tribes and was one of the first settlements to be reinforced. Since the wall was built, Talmatei has been quiet though there is still a risk of natives crossing the Valmark River in boats. Vlario security forces regularly patrol the colony's side of the river in riverboats to deter native raids. Most of the crops grown are imported from Aislira, there are some native crops that the colonists found to be edible. The most popular being the Coa bean which can be made into a sweet delight.
Founded on the base of the nearby Gauldown Mountains to the northwest of Vlario. Rozryn is the site of Vlario's mining operations. After prospectors found that the mountains were rich in valuable minerals such as copper and iron. Mines were set soon up after, and Rozyn grew into a mining town. It was among the first settlements to be raided by the natives and was fortified after Talmatei. Since the wall was built, Rozryn has been deemed safe from native raids and had expanded its mining operations since.
Founded a short time after Rozryn between Vlario and Rozryn, Luvaci would come to be the home of many craftsmen seeking to settle in Muur. Enough had settled in Luvaci, and the settlement came to be a major source of manufacturing in the colony. With a steady supply of raw minerals from Rozryn, Luvaci tends to be busy as the craftsmen built whatever is needed by the colony. Unfortunately, the rise of crime and lack of guards in the colony has made it so that goods meant for other settlements sometimes wind up in criminal hands. Despite, attempts by the governor to stop this stealing, goods still are being stolen without an end in sight.
Nanris is located west of Vlario, Nanris is the site of Fort György named after a prominent war hero Halász György. Fort György would serve as the colony's security force's secondary headquarters and has the highest number of guards in the colony outside of the wall. It was here that the security forces regrouped after losing the battle of Caurat when the natives returned with better weapons, armor, and war beasts. After rallying and taking back Caurat, Nanris would be well protected during the native incursions and by the time the wall was built. Fort Halász had been reinforced, and now most of its guards have been transferred to the wall.
The last settlement to be founded and closest to the wall. Caurat initially served as a staging area for imperial expeditions into the interior. The first place to be attacked when the natives came back with steel weapons and war beasts. Overrunning the area until reinforcements came to retake Caurat and forced the natives out. Caurat was reinforced afterward, and several battles were fought over it. Once the wall was built and the suspension of any further expeditions. A fort was built in case the natives ever got past the wall. Also, Caurat is the home to many refugees and religious groups that have come over to Vlario seeking a new life and to escape from persecution back in Aislira.
Simply called the Wall, it was constructed a time after the recapturing of Caurat and the several battles for it. The Wall is a long wooden wall reinforced with steel with watchtowers that extends from the Gauldown Mountains to the Valmark River. A lengthy and costly project in both time and resources. The Wall has proved to be able to resist the native's raids though parts of the Wall have been damaged by the large beasts that the natives use. The jungle in front of the wall was cut down to help the security force spot natives as they approach the wall and denied them cover in the jungle foliage. Most of the guard is deployed to the wall due to its size and face repeating probing attacks by the natives. For now, the Wall can hold, and it is fully manned.
There are various ruins scattered throughout Vlario. The biggest of them being located on the base of the Gauldown Mountains to the east of Rozryn. From what has been gathered from antiquarians, an advanced civilization used to exist around Vlario. It is guessed that the natives of Muur belonged to this ancient civilization though others are not sure, given how primitive the natives are. However, it appears that several tribes consider the ruins to be sacred as they worship the ancients that built these structures. Also, access to these ruins has proved to be troublesome as most are sealed. Which antiquarians have made little progress with opening them and remain unexplored. While antiquarians and other interested citizens have asked the governor about helping them to open and study the ruins. He has denied them, saying that there are bigger priorities than dealing with old ruins. The main supporter of studying and trying to open these ruins is the wealthy merchant Vedran Kuhar. A self-proclaimed antiquarian, and until a way can be found to get into the ruins, they will remain a mystery to Vlario.
Muur Continent
Beyond the colony lies the vastly unexplored Muur interior. Several imperial expeditions have been carried out over the years, and they have given valuable insight into the land. As the thick jungle contains large beasts, predatory plants, and various tribes. Some expeditions even found ruins that seem to be similar to the ones found in Vlario and are considered sacred to some of the natives. They were driven off by the natives before they could explore the ruins in earnest, however. Since the construction of the wall and the increased native raids, there have been no further imperial expeditions into the interior due to the increased danger. This has not stopped certain wealthy individuals from funding their own expeditions to the dismay of the governor. These expeditions had mixed results, and the last expedition to be sent out never returned. No further expeditions have been made since then, and it would take quite the courage and charisma to launch another expedition into the interior.
The Muurians or the Natives are a blanket name for any of the Muurian humans encountered by the Vlario colonists. Most that have been encountered are tribal are use primitive weapons made out of obsidian and stone. It thought that natives when Vlario was still new that the natives would not become a problem for future expansions of the colony. However, over time, as the colonists explored into the interior that the natives are not so primitive as thought. Inland tribes were found to be using copper or iron and even had tamed the large beasts that roam Muur. It is unknown where they acquired their new steel weapons and armor. What is certain is that the tribes further inland are stronger and more advanced than the tribes encountered on the coast. Efforts have been made not to antagonize these tribes and to keep away from them.
There are tribes that are friendly to Vlario however, though small in number. They often trade with Vlario for supplies and some were guides for the colonists during their expeditions. Some of even allowed to enter the colony and meet with the governor. However, since the increased raids, it has become dangerous for them to approach Vlario and became a target for the raiders. So most have stopped trading with Vlario and try to stay away from the colony. Only a few trade with Vlario now, and the governor is set on keeping what few native allies Vlario has left.
Cursed- The Cursed is a title given to some of the animals found in Muur by the natives. Believing that these animals are cursed in some way and try to avoid or kill them whenever they are spotted. They tend to be more aggressive than most animals and can be rather cruel to their victims.
Symbol The Heirs started in the declining decades of the empire by a group of merchants and commoners who were tired of the weak and increasingly corrupt leadership of the empire. Realizing that the system of the eldest of a family will inherit a position of power no matter how incompetent is a badly flawed system. They were driven to replace the monarchy with a fairer, meritocratic form of government. Taking inspiration from the long-conquered Qedria Commonwealth, which is remembered for having been the only kingdom that elected its kings and queens. The group called their new form of government a republic where the people, not blood, decide who sits in positions of power. They called themselves the Heirs of the Commonwealth as a homage to the old kingdom’s elective ways.
At first, there were able to get a strong following, and they were planning to launch their revolution. Hopes were high, and during their planning, another group launched their revolution against the Mitkir Empire. Then another and another group added their weight to the growing fire. So the Heirs were drowned out by other groups and when they started their revolution. They were one of the few rebels that were defeated by Imperial forces. With most of their powerbase gone and few members left, they realized that their plan for the empire was no longer possible. While they argued and debated on what to do next, one of the Heirs, a young man, spoke up. He said that instead of forming their republic out of Aislira, they should do it at Vlario. The man pointed out that Vlario was not being contested by other groups and was far away from those that could strike down their republic if they were successful. The rest agreed, and plans were set to move to Vlario.
Two months later and the Heirs had successfully relocated to Vlario. Setting up their base somewhere hidden somewhere in Vlario and have started to gain followers within the colony. They sustained themselves by turning to criminal ventures. The Heirs, when they became known to the governor, they were declared a criminal group and were soon highly wanted by the colony's security force. Despite this setback, the Heirs are determined on their goal of creating a republic and hope that Vlario can be their republic one day.
Family crest House Váradi is an old noble house whose history dates back centuries and was once one of the major houses of the empire. From their beginnings as a lowly knight turned war hero and granted a major duchy near the heart of the empire for his efforts. House Váradi had enjoyed a steady climb in influence and power since then. At that height of its power, House Váradi was one of the few houses known throughout the empire, and even some emperors had ties to the house. However, by the time for Zsolt Váradi became head of the house. They had become blinded by hubris and fell prey to the empire’s growing descent into greed and decadence. Zsolt's foolish decisions would spark the end of his house's influence and power.
By the time Zsolt was dead, and his son took over the house. The damage was done, and House Váradi had been reduced to a minor house with barely a fortune to sustain themselves. It was impossible for Zsolt’s son to regain his house power with the corruption in the empire and their rivals that made sure that the Váradi could never regain their former power. Zsófia Váradi, Zsolt’s granddaughter, realized that the only way to regain their house's past power lay not in Aislira but in the new world of Muur, away from the corruption and the other houses. It took every bit of coin the house had to relocate to Vlario, and when they were finally settled in their new home. The Mitkir Empire finally collapsed under its weight, and wars were started to fight over its remains.
Zsófia's aim in Vlario seems to be to regain her house's lost prestige and influence. In that, she has been making progress to increase her standing in Vlario by investing in local businesses and even helping the colony guard by bolstering them with her men. Though she has come to butt heads with governer Lycaon over her increasing influence in Vlario. Still, it seems her interest in restoring her house's power seems to be helping Vlario even if she is not trusted by some of the citizens and Lycaon himself.
Symbol The Followers of Voi are a group with a complicated past with ties to an ancient Aisliran religion that managed to survive to the modern day. For they follow the fallen god Voi or, as he is more known, the Exiled One. Ancient texts and oral traditions say that Voi was one of the more benevolent gods until something happened that caused the other gods to exile him from the heavens. Curiously after Voi was exiled, any information that can be found about Voi are often contradictory. Which oddly can describe the followers since their emergence 500 years ago. They have done horrible acts like human sacrifice to legitimately helping those in need during a crisis. These changes are unexplained, and the Followers are rather a mixed bag to the people of Aislira over the centuries.
Currently, the latest version of the Followers has proven to be a humanitarian group that has helped refugees after the collapse of the Mitkir Empire. Ironic enough to become refugees themselves as they were forced out from their holdings and were being persecuted by various leaders. The Followers, in order to escape religious persecution in Aislira, they have fled to Vlario and have established themselves there. Now they serve to help ease the burden of dealing with the refugees and other domestic problems. Most of the colonists were wary of the Followers but have accepted their aid. Though they are rumors that have started to circulate about the Followers that they have a dark intent for Vlario. Whether the rumors are true so far have been only baseless talk, but who knows for sure with the Follower's checkered past.
Symbol No one knows when the Pact was formed, and no one knows much about them. What is known is they are a native group with seemly unknown intentions that is rumored to have a presence in Vlario. There are even rumors that some of the colonists are apart of this group, but so far, nothing has been confirmed by Vlario authorities. For why they may be in Vlario is a mystery, and more so the potential that they are involved with Vlario's increased crime. The knowledge that the Pact exists is limited to high government officials in Vlario and some higher-ups in the security forces. Despite efforts made by the governor to find out more about this mysterious group, no progress has been made in uncovering this group.
Here is the cs, and at the moment, I will not be allowing Muurian Native characters