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Zano Mirazdar

Chaos was the scene that Zano found himself in. Buildings on fire, gunshots ringing out, and here he was, running for his life, like the rest of the scared citizens in the city. Zano did not know where he was going, but that did not stop him from running. He did not care as long it was a way out of the city and not into a group of armed rebels. Though he made sure that his remaining belongings stay on his person. He has lost much this day, and he does not want to lose anymore.

Then, as he reached the remains of the destroyed building, he spotted what looked like soldiers and immediately took shelter in a nearby alleyway. Where they are loyal or rebels, Zano thought, as a sense of dread and fear gripped him. He slowly peaked out and saw the soldiers had a couple captured at their feet. Nobles by the look of their clothing, and before he could think to do something, the soldiers executed them, and their lifeless bodies hit the ground with the soldiers laughing.

Zano quickly retreated to the alleyway, knowing the true allegiance of these soldiers, and went wide-eyed with fear. Is there any loyal soider left in this city? He thought, and when he went to peak at the soldiers again, they departed the scene and went left. Zano made sure to avoid it and went in the opposite direction from there.

He would find himself near a military base when he spotted it. A lone Zeppelin that was still docked, and a thought entered his mind. Could he... while he has not used or been on a Zeppelin before. He does how they work, and perhaps he could get it off the ground and get out of this city. Uncertainty made him pause, but what other options are there? Take a shot at that Zeppelin or risk possible death running, which Zano already has one brush with today.

A nearby explosion shocked him to reality, and Zano made a choice. So he runs to the Zeppelin, hoping what knowledge he has of them will do him any good. Only when he arrived, Zano was surprised to see that he was not the only one to have the idea, and by the time he arrived at the gangplank. A woman was trying to board, and the thought of whether they were loyal or rebels reemerged. But taking a chance, he spoke with an Addonian accent, "Let me come with you too and get out of this city alive."
Well, we have every ranger but pink so far, so if someone makes a pink ranger cs soon, and it is acceptable than I will look over the others and we can start the rp.

Still waiting myself. Also, if you want me to make some costumes, send me some references for what kinds of suits you want them to have and i'll do my best to make some micros.

Will do once we have the last ranger, and I think I have some ideas for references.

I am still here as well. Just waiting if any more cs are coming.

Gifted: Stranded and Lost

Interview with a Human #1

So you would like me to tell my story? Is it easier to come to a human than someone else? Well, I suppose I can, though my story is like the other humans that now find themselves stranded in what used to be the Zimearon Star Empire. I am Jason Miles, and I am from Earth, the homeworld of humanity. But we were still stuck on Earth and were only starting to get a foothold on our moon. The year was 2035, and I was a police officer before I was abducted by the Zimearons. For what reason? You probably already know that part, but I was special, a Gifted, the term that the Zimearons gave us. It turns out that an ancient race called the Amnarons did something to humanity back when they were still around, and they are the reason why there are gifted humans around. Something about seeing the potential in humanity and giving us a gift to our species. That is what the official science says, but I am not so sure.

Either way, despite what some say, not every human is Gifted, or else the Zimearon would have abducted more humans, and back then, my powers did not manifest, nor did I feel any different from my fellow humans. It was only after being abducted and going through the "awakening" that my powers showed themselves. Now, my memory is hazy about what they did to me to awaken me. I remember the agonizing pain, the rush of drugs in my system, and not much else.

Now, why did the Zimearons abduct Gifted humans and go through the trouble of awakening us? The one main reason is that they wanted our Gift, but they were unable to extract it from us. So, with their failure to get our gift, they decided to make us their soldiers but specifically their spec ops and, at times, elites. The Zimearon Star Empire was in a bad state when they started abducting gifted humans, and they needed an edge against the rebels. They went through alot of trouble to find Earth despite the fact is was on the opposite side of the galaxy. But thanks to their leaders's fixation on us after uncovering Amnaron records about us, Once they found the ancient Amnaron gate that led to Earth and after activating it. It was only a matter of time before they came knocking.

To get us to fight for them, the Zimearons brainwashed us to serve them. That we were meant to be soldiers and follow their orders as thanks for saving us from a disaster that claimed our homeworld. They trained us hard and turned us into elite fighting machines, and it worked. We were even starting to reverse their losses. I remember my time as a Zimearon soldier despite how much I want to forget, and maybe it comes with being gifted. But that brainwashing started to fade, and soon, some of us started to remember who we really were. But we were smart about it and, with some, managed to escape from the Zimearons and link up with the rebels. Did we rebel against the Zimearons and once we were free. We joined with the rebels, and we all know how this ends. The Zimearon Star Empire was unable to handle our loss, and now the rebels have the advantage. Did that accused empire come to an end but with one last bout of defiance against us. They destroyed the Amnaron gate that led to Earth and left us humans with no way home.

I know that some humans made it through the gate before it was destroyed, and I hope that they are doing well. For the rest of us, we are now stuck in what was Zimearon space. Most did not know what to do, some in anger hunted down the lingering remnants of the empire, and some in an attempt at normalcy tried doing normal jobs and try to forget their time being a soldier. Others became mercenaries, and others are trying to find a way home despite the loss of the gate. But what am I doing? I am trying to lead a life that I want to live after everything that has happened. Luckily, I have found some like-minded humans, and now I am helping out my fellow humans helping them to survive in this new reality. It is not perfect, but it is good enough for me, and this is my story so far. Just a man trying to do his best to survive in this corner of the galaxy. That is all I can do and what my fellow humans can do. Survive while trying to live some kind of life that they can live with.

1. Expected to follow standard site rules
2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc...
3. No OP characters
4. A max of two characters
5. Minimum of one paragraph
No time or mind control powers


Hello and welcome to the rp. The year is 2040, and it has been three years since the fall of the Zimearon Star Empire and humans being freed from their enslavement. But left stranded in former imperial space and left to their own devices. There are five thousand humans located in former Imperial space, and all have gone their own ways to survive in former Imperial space. But in the rp you will be apart of a crew of humans on ship called the Grand Mave and have survived by being mercs of sorts. Doing jobs for the various factions and people in known space. Which while that are nations with claimed territories, a good chunk of the known space after the fall of the empire are unclaimed due to the newly emerged nations not having the resources to claim the rest of known space, and as such. The unclaimed parts of known space is more of the wild west with law and order varies between systems.

So, all human characters are expected to know how to fight, given their training under their brainwashed state. That does not mean they have to like their combat skills or like to use them and can use other skills like repairing or something else like that. Your characters have clear memories of their former lives on Earth and can remember their time as soldiers for the empire. Also, while this is a human-only RP, as in, you are only allowed to play as a human. If you really want to play as one of the aliens listed below, then dm me, and maybe we can work something out. Also no playing as non Gifted humans since the only humans in the former imperial space are Gifted humans.

Being Gifted

Now, what it means to be Gifted is that while Gifted humans look like normal humans, it is what is on the inside that is different. For Gifted humans have increased strength, increased endurance, heightened immune system, increased stamina, increased durability, are faster, have a faster healing factor and resistance to mind control. So, superhuman but not invincible, as gifted durability is still no match for a plasma shot to the head or chest, and the increased healing factor is not on the level of Deadpool or Wolverine. So, while you can survive longer than normal humans, you still need to fight and survive like one. Each Gifted has a unique power like, say, ice manipulation. There can be variations of the same power. Like one fire user can use blue fire, while another user summons fire via a biological process.

However, only certain humans are Gifted as they have to have the latent genes necessary to be Gifted. In order to activate their Gifted nature, there is a process called the awakening, which is a very painful procedure and is an artificial method of activating their Gifted nature. As the Amnarons meant, the process to happen naturally as humanity matured over the thousands of years. So far, there are no known side effects of becoming Gifted artificially then what was intended to happen naturally.

If anyone has any questions about being Gifted, then feel free to ask.

The Ship

The Grand Mave - is a stolen rightfully gained ship that the current owner Arthur Colms procure from his Zimearon officer during the rebellion and after some modifications, it has served Arthur faithfully since. A Hammerhead class ship that serves as the home for the crew of the Grand Mave. Armed with six plasma turrets and able to house large crew. Comes with individual rooms along with an armory, medbay, and other amenities a starship should have.


The general sense of technology in the known galaxy is that plasma weapons are the norm, though laser and projectile-based weaponry are still in use. Shields that protect ships are common, and personal shields exist but only with power armor. Power armor exists but are reserved for spec ops groups and are rare outside of them. So, most use body armor that ranges from light to heavy. AI exists and is mostly basic, but the more advanced types are normally installed on military vessels and sometimes on civilian ships. Ships travel by Hyperdrives, which open a portal into a dimension called Hyperspace, and a ship travels through it to travel faster than light.



Elijah Tower

The Cozy Bakery
Downtown North District
Interacts: Freya(@NoriWasHere)

"Elijah Tower and no problem," though saying the last part with awkwardness. Though, he would notice that the man who was in front of him was a bit weird, and something about how he walked away seemed off to Elijah. It was so strangely smooth, but he did not think much about it after the man left, but he did keep a note of it.

The place was certainly busy enough that Elijah was glad he got inside in time before the croissants were all gone. He did not want to come home empty-handed even though there are plenty of other food selections available. If there could last, given how busy this place is. This place is busier than the bakery Elijah used to go to, that is for certain.

Still, the place seems like it was doing well for itself, and it made him wonder if the place was hiring. Probably pays better than his current job though he does not really have a resume to work with. But Elijah is not going to ask that right now, given it is his first time here, and he has not even paid for his buttered croissants yet.

Curiously, he asked, "is this place always this busy, or just having a busy day?"
Vlario: A Colony Alone

It has been two years since the once grand Mitkir Empire that dominated much of the old world continent of Aislira collapsed under internal strife. Leaving its sole colony of Vlario alone on the distant Muur continent alone. Having to adjust to now being on its own in a hostile land now that the natives are taking advantage of the lack of imperial support to raid Vlario, it has become increasingly hazardous to venture outside of the colony without outside help from Aislira. Under the capable rule of the former imperial governor Lycaon Katsaros, Vlario had managed to stay stave off the natives and survive so far despite the increased raids made by the natives. Unfortunately for Vlario, crime has started to become a problem for Vlario, and the colony's security force is stretched thin as it is. So far, Vlario is stable despite its problems, but for how much longer is a guess. Unbeknownst to Vlario, something is stirring in the jungle. Something the natives fear, something long thought to be gone, is returning to Muur, and whether Vlario can survive, it is up to fate.

1. Expected to follow standard site rules
2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc...
3. No OP characters
4. A max of two characters
5. Minimum of one paragraphs


This is a character rp set in the fantasy world of Iomia during the equivalent of the early 16th century. Meaning that while firearms are allowed, they are primitive enough that bows, crossbows, swords, etc, are still viable weapons, and firearms are not widespread. So only an arquebus and wheellock pistols, if you need an example of what kinds of weapons or armor are allowed, look up what early conquistadors had, what they had, you can have within reason. Also, Muur is this world's equivalent of South America so expect jungles, heat, and unique wildlife.

In this rp you will be playing either a local colonist, a refugee or someone with a reason to come to Vlario, that has come under the employment of Nicusor Mihnea. A local noble that has taken it upon himself, with the reluctant blessings of the governor to aid the colony and is making a team for this task. So while most of the rp will be taking place within Vlario, there will be times to venture outside of the colony and into the Muur interior.

Since this rp is focused on Vlario and Muur. You have the liberty to make up what you want for Aislira as long it fits with what I have for the Mitkir Empire. Magic is considered a myth, and if it did exist, it has long since died out. Also, I am looking for a co-gm, so if you want to do it, just say something.

Colony Locations:

Muur Continent

Major Factions

Here is the cs, and at the moment, I will not be allowing Muurian Native characters

Okay, I will check it out later today and I will start accepting people once everyone has posted their cs. Though we still need one more ranger.
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