Power Rangers Rebel Force Episode 1 - First Strike
It was a bright summer day in Grey Vale in 2025, and the city's residents were going about their daily business. At ease and peaceful going on with their day. While the world is unaware of what happened to their guardians, the Power Rangers and the looming threat of the Velcon Empire's invasion.
But there is still hope as the Velcon Empire's recon team has switched sides and have joined the side of Earth and the Power Rangers. The Velcon Commander of the invasion, Von Tero, was furious upon learning of their defection. He promised that they would pay for their disloyalty to the empire. Unaware that the former recon team are the new Power Rangers after the last group mysteriously disappeared, these defectors and an unexpected ally are now all that lies between Earth and the Velcon Empire.
Will the group be able to defend Earth and defeat the seemingly unstoppable evil Velcon empire, and will humanity remain free? Will they find out what happened to the last Power Rangers? Will these new Power Rangers handle themselves as the new defenders of Earth and succeed in the end? It is time to find out.
Ven Ferr
Another day living in Grey Vale for Jacob Miles, or he should say Ven Ferr, his real name. It was around noon, and the alien Ven was busy making himself something to eat at his apartment. A BLT, as the humans called it, and he was disguised as his human self just in case, though Ven has been too cautious with hiding his real self from humans. His neighbors have been treating him well, and so far, Ven has been enjoying his time at Grey Vale. He does not want anything to mess that up. So the only time his disguise is off is when he is at the Outlook. The only place Ven knows he is safe without his disguise.
Still, it was something living on Earth with humans. Definitely, it's a step up from living in the empire, and Ven likes it here. Though since becoming a Power Ranger, he knows his duties are more than just living among humans now. It has only been two weeks since they became the new Power Rangers after their human counterparts disappeared. That is something that weighs on his mind, and while Ven does not believe that the empire was behind it. Who could it have been?
Either way, as he finished making his BLT, he took a bite out of it and took a satisfying crunch out of it. His thoughts went from gloomy to happy as he was surprised at how a BLT would taste. It was good, maybe it was the bacon, he thought.
But as Ven happily finished his lunch, he remembered that he should meet with the others as per their regular meeting. Von has yet to act, and they can only guess when the first attack take place. A worrying concern that they have to be prepared for when Von decides to start the invasion.
So after cleaning up, Ven sent a message to the rest of the Power Rangers about meeting at the Outlook and discussing their plans. Then Ven made his way to the Overlook but took one last look around as he left his apartment. Earth, despite its flaws is a nice place to live in comparison to how the worlds in the empire are. A reminder of what he is fighting for and made his way to the Overlook.
Human Appearance Mid-Back Length Black Hair with light blue eyes with pale skin. She commonly wears a business casual dark blue jacket over a white shirt with black trousers and black flat shoes. She stands around 5' 7" in height and in form is overall average. The communicator is on her right wrist. All her clothes are worn neatly and professionally.
Real Appearance The black hair and overall face and body shape and height remains the same. Her skin though is dark blue and her eyes are pure red without pupils.
(Sourced from Hanonaut on DeviantArt.)
Personality On the outside, she seems fully cold, calculating, and ruthless, appearing the pinnacle of what a Sci'Etsio is supposed to be. On the inside though, she finds herself caring too much for her own good. She cares about the Earth, the natural beauty of it's nature. She's curious about the fantasy and fiction that the people create. She finds herself wondering about the random people she sees across the street; what their lives are like, their hopes, their dreams. She doesn't know how to express any of that though, besides fighting to protect them as best she can and to sometimes do minor acts to help. When not in a professional setting though, she feels way out of depth so she keeps up the cold, calculating exterior to make things simpler.
Skills Martial Arts: She was trained to fight if the need should arise. She's best with one-handed pistol-type guns, but she also knows her way around a sword. She was also trained in her race's form of bare-handed martial arts, a krav-magna/karate-esque one that uses minimal telekinesis to try to get the opponent off-balance and take them down quickly. She's not very physically strong though so she prefers to stay out of direct combat whenever possible.
Hacking/Tech Support: She knows how to get into networks and extract what she needs while getting around firewalls and other systems meant to keep her out. She also knows how to run and repair most tech.
Powers Species Typical Powers: Sci'Etsions are a psychic race. Near all have telepathy and telekinesis though to varying strengths and some have rarer powers (of which Raziel has none). Their powers require strict control and tend to become erratic if they become too emotional. They also cost energy to use over time.
Telepathy: Able to sense minds, mentally communicate with them, and even dive into them if she chooses to. However, she also ends up feeling the person's emotional state at that point as well and can be kicked out if resisted.
Telekinesis: Able to move things with her mind. Isn't the most powerful of her species, but she's well trained. Can only move up to a car-sized object and if doing so, she has to focus fully on it. However, she can pick up smaller things at once, able to pick up more things the smaller they individually are. For instance, she could cause a rain of near endless pebbles but would only be able to cause a building to slow down it's fall. She also is best with moving solids like rocks. Liquids can be somewhat manipulated but it takes her full concentration. Then gas and plasmas like fire have their atoms too scattered for her to be able to control.
Background The Sci'Etsoions have always been a proud people, certain of their superiority over other races due to their powers, their technology, and the fact they managed all this while surviving the harsh cold of their home ice world of Etsio. It truly vexes them to now be subjugated to Emperor Qyi Nos. But the Velcron army had the numbers to overwhelm any Sci'Etsoion advantage, and then their children would kidnapped and made hostage until their parents submitted with a child killed per day that they retained their defiance. It did not take long at all then for the surrender to be finalized.
Afterwards, Sci'Etsoions were chosen for many specialist roles within the Empire, whether as spies and assassins or bureaucrats and tech operators or torturers and executioners or any place else the Emperor saw fit to use their skills and powers. And to keep them in line, 25 % of children are randomly taken as hostages and stored in places that no one but him and the ones he entrusts with their charge knows. Only as teens are they ever seen again with their memories wiped of where they were, then a new child was taken in their place. Only as long as the race stays true to the Empire are the children allowed to live. Not many outside of the race and the Emperor know about the state of things though, for the race is still too proud, too scarred by it to tell outsiders about it willingly. So to everyone else, the Sci'Etsoions are a cold race, rigidly loyal in their service to the Empire.
Many of the people have resigned themselves to the state of things, but in others, a cold fire has been kindled to take down the Emperor and regain their former glory, but unless they find out where the children are taken, they are at a standstill. For nothing is more sacred to a Sci'Etsoion as the life of a child.
Raziel was one of those hostages, taken while so young that she doesn't even recall who her family was except in glimpses. She's tried to go back into her mind to find any trace of the memories, but cannot recall them. After she was returned, she tried to find them, but didn't have any true lead to go off on. She enrolled in the program set up to help hostages re-integrate into society, but had little success. It was then that she was recruited to train as a secret agent, someone that would serve the Empire in that role while also looking into where the children were being kept. And she agreed.
She trained, then was recruited into Imperial Service as a secret agent and was trained there. The infiltration of Earth was her first field assignment. She was meant to infiltrate the US government then work her way there into finding out information about global defenses and the Power Rangers in particular. She became a Defense Department secretary, stationed near Gray Vale with a defense contractor that she knew hired her purely for how he thought she looked. She was prepared to do what she must.
Then one day, a stranger came by and asked if she was alright. A random stranger, who had no reason to ask, had no true benefit for asking, was concerned for her well-being. She didn't respond and just walked on, but the conversation kept in her mind. She walked around to clear her head, and noticed for the first time just how beautiful Earth really was, the green of the fir trees and the snowy mountains overhead. How full of life the people were, both good and bad. She ended up curious about life around and began to research, stating in reports that she was learning how to blend better within Earth. But the more she learned, the more she fell in love with the place, and the more she didn't want to see the Empire tarnish it.
She found a means of communicating with a Ranger and discretely sent a packet through it warning of the incoming invasion and giving what info she could. At least, she thought she was discrete. But then the Blue Ranger came to talk with her and heard her story. The Ranger then gave her the communicator and offered a place among the Rangers, which Raziel accepted.
She'd looked forward with curiosity and trepidation to how it all would turn out, but then the Rangers disappeared. She now finds herself the new Blue Ranger, among others that have taken up the Ranger's colors, while the invasion is still imminent. She can only hope that she will prove herself worthy for the mantle and that she can help find where the other rangers have gone.
I'm fine with or without discord
Grydon Frygar
Human name
George Foster
Ranger Color
Human Appearance
Real Appearance
Like all Keerce Grydon is more violent and aggressive than the average human but he is disciplined enough not to start meaningless fights. He is a natural follower, content to go along with someone else's plans even if he feels like they are a bad idea. Over time Grydon developed an interest in action/martial arts movies and shows and will try out moves he saw in training, only to be disappointed when they prove impractical. This interest also extended into wanting to learn Earth Marital Arts so he will borrow instruction books from the library he works at.
Martial Arts: Grydon is a skilled fighter having been trained by the Velcon Imperial army and learning several Earth fighting styles.
High pain tolerance: Coming from a violent race Grydon's tolerance for pain is higher than most. This doesn't protect him from getting hurt but allows him to fight despite injuries/pain
Kercian actually joined the Velcon Empire willingly, being a violent race preferring to follow others the Keerce saw themselves as good fits for a planet conquering army. Naturally most Keerce were simply front line soldiers, none of them ambitious enough to reach a rank higher than sergeant. Still they were loyal and competent enough not to be just cannon fodder.
That was the life Grydon Frygar expected when he turned adult and enlisted in the army. To his surprise though after his basic training he was chosen he was chosen to infiltrate a planet and prepare it for invasion as part of an experiment that placed races out of their comfort zone in hopes. Despite knowing what a bad idea it was Grydon followed orders and was sent to Earth where he got a job as a librarian in order to gather basic knowledge about history and culture.
At first Grydon hated his job and did his best to avoid not too get close to any humans, but he slowly assimilated anyway. Him learning about the Power Rangers only sped things up and before he knew it Grydon no longer wanted to conquer Earth.
Still Grydon remained loyal to the Velcon Empire, sending reports to Commander Von Tero. That changed however when he was approached by the Power Rangers and convinced to turn against the empire and join a new team of Rangers consisting of the rest of the Recon Team.
Human name
Technically none, but female form
Angels don't really have ages, because time is weird in the Realm of Good Magic, but by human standards, she is physically and emotionally 19 years old
Ranger Color
Human Appearance
Real Appearance
Michaela is unfamiliar with human practices and so will do whatever she wants. She tries to remain stern and true to her Angelic roots. She also feels compelled to assist anyone in trouble. She presents herself as a true angel of the Realm of Good Magic, but this world has so many things to explore, so many things to experience and although she knows she shouldnt want to give in to this worlds distractions... she cant help but stray just a little from her path of righteousness.
*In Depth knowledge of magic
*Martial Arts
Reliant entirely on having access to her wand (Takes the form of a mobile phone) but she can cast various magic spells, from helping to track down foes to healing wounded allies, to increasing her allies prowess.
Reliant on her being in Angel form, she is able to fly with her 6 wings. When not in Angel form, her wings are still visible in her shadow.
Angels aren't born like others. They don't have parents. The Realm of Good Magic creates them for a reason. What that reason is, isn't always 100% clear. The Mystic Mother helped guide her as she grew and matured. Teaching her to manipulate and cast the good magics outside of the realm, readying her for she day that she would come to Earth and help to serve the Morphing Grid in the eternal battle between Good and Evil. Now, the Velcon Empire has come to Earth. Against the Mystic Mother's best wishes. She has left the Mystic Realm and gone to Earth to try to find and rally the Rangers against the invading force.
All accepted, and feel free to post them in the character tab
Well, since he joined the discord, I guess they are in? Either way, as long you two are still in. @mattmanganon@Cyrania I will start working on the ic and will get something up before or after Thanksgiving.
If you can figure out something for the zords/megazord sure. BTW could you post the discord invitation again? It expired
Since no one went with pink, I think I will just say that the Red (Leo) Zord serves as the chest and head. Which if we get a pink player then the megazord gets an improved helmet/head. That work for you? Also I will fix the link just give me a moment.
The Cozy Bakery Downtown North District Interacts: Freya and "James"(@NoriWasHere),
Today just got interesting, in the bad sense, Elijah thought as he watched the scene in front of him. The crying child, James acting more weird, the lights going out, the door locking, and now James, clearly a monster, is after their lives. Starting with him, Elijah could feel the adrenaline surging in his veins as he dodged backward from the doppelganger's attack. Barely avoiding the monster's claws and Elijah yelled at Freya, "Hide, this is going to get messy, and that is not James." He reached for his pen and uncapped it. It transforms into the Spear of the Hunter, an ancient spear made of bone and hardened steel. A weapon made to hunt and kill monsters like James, and Elijah knows how to use it.
"So a monster and I very much prefer to live in chaos you call life," Elijah said defiantly and held the spear in an attack position. While the Cozy Cafe is not the ideal place to fight with a spear, it was big enough inside for him to fight in here with it. He just has to be careful, is all.
As Elijah readied himself for a fight and gripped the spear with both hands with determination in his eyes, he could hear a child crying near him and realized who else was in danger. He would have to make this quick or risk others dying by this monster.
But Elijah waited for the doppelganger to leave the counter as attacking with the spear while it was behind there made attacking it a bit troublesome for Elijah's liking. So, he switched his stance to a defensive one and prepared for what came next. Hoping the doppelganger will come out into the open.
This would be his first fight with the spear, and it is time to see if his training is enough. Elijah hoped it will not just for his sake but for the rest of the people in this place as well.
@Theyra I mean, Power Rangers have started with less than 5 in plenty of series.
Dino Thunder, Ninja Storm, Jungle Fury...
You have a point, and I would like to have a team of five. We could start with four and leave a spot open for one or two more for anyone to join down the road. @Duthguy@Cyrania What do you two think about this and you two okay with this?
Another late night at the observatory, as usual, as Callum slowly awoke to the sound of his alarm clock and the warm feeling of the sun on his face. Still feeling tired, but he still got out of bed and turned the alarm clock off. The price he has to pay to keep himself and the observatory afloat. Spending a night looking at the night sky for new finds. At least he enjoys using the observatory but would also like to use it more for personal reasons and not purely financial reasons.
Either way, Callum did his normal routine, getting his glasses, make his bed, take a shower, get dressed and make some breakfast. He lazily did this and briefly showered in cold water to help wake him up. Then, putting on his usual attire, a white hoodie, black shirt, and black jeans.
After that, he headed to the kitchen, and the first thing he did was get some coffee. Pouring himself a full cup's worth and taking a long sip. Callum sighed, he wished he could have a more normal sleep schedule and not be tired most of the time but for now. This is his life, and there is not much he can do to change it. He walked over to the fridge, slowly opening it, and today, he figured he could treat himself to his favorite breakfast food, waffles, and some toast.
So he put the toast in the toaster and went about making waffles after putting his coffee down on the kitchen table. It did not take long and with some butter and marble syrup. Callum was ready to eat, and it was good.
As he finished his meal, he took another long sip of coffee. Callum looked at his watch, and it around the time he goes to town for errands. The fridge did look kinda bare, and it had been some time since he had gone shopping. So Callum, after finishing his coffee and cleaning up. He left his cottage on the hill and headed to the town market. He has the time to do so, and maybe he will find something there he needs. Time to see the town, he thought, and went on his way.