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4 yrs ago
Either RolePlayerGuild.com is glitching, or everyone is studiously ignoring my PMs.
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Got the rest of the year off starting Saturday. I'll be able to post more often then - provided I don't get too sucked into an anime rut. xD
Who's down for some tabletop elements? Normally I prefer freeform RP, but this is more of a battle-focused story, so I think a balanced combat resolution system would be useful here. Maybe something loosely based on DnD.
Rose and Amalthea ran for the forest as fast as they could. Rose pulled ahead, and used her speed advantage to select optimal routes through the forest. The four enemy scouts stayed close at their heels. If there was going to be a fight, they had about half a second to prepare. Amalthea's untrained body would run out of stamina in a minute or so, after which she would slow down and get everyone caught.

And so, Rose formulated a plan. The princess was a good shot with a bow, but Rose was the one carrying it. It would take several seconds to put it in the right hands, which was several seconds too long. Solomon would have to buy them time. They would have to trust that he could hold off four trained assassins for at least a few seconds, trust that the princess could shoot strait, trust that she could stop them by shooting them, and pray that they would have enough energy for all of that after sprinting at full speed.

It was now or never.

She grabbed the princess by the collar and dragged them both to the ground, sending them careening down the bank of a stream. The sudden halt forced a confrontation, and in a blink, all four scouts descended upon Solomon. Rose removed the bow and arrows and shoved them at the princess.

Amalthea grabbed them, sat up, and took aim. The bow twanged four times. Two scouts dropped, but were far from dead. One was hit in the shoulder, but tried to resume fighting. Rose growled, ran up to him and stuck her dagger in his neck. He peeled her off and tossed her to the ground, but the damage was done. He stumbled and collapsed beside his dazed attacker.

The fourth scout, whom the fourth arrow missed, attacked Solomon with the skill and precision of a trained assassin. His blade snapped through the air like a lightning bolt: There would be a flash of steel, followed by a thunderous roaring in the ears. Hair would stand up on end for how close each swing brought a violent end.

They could escape if they continued running.
The King and all the courtiers turned when Sykes entered the room. Some scoffed at his peasant robes and looked away. Others stared out of curiosity. The King, for his part, appeared not to care. He slumped into his throne and jabbed his finger at the table-sized map display in the floor. "What is that? What did you do? It looks like some sort of magic map, and it only appeared when you fixed the star core in the basement."

Shortly after Sykes delivered his reply, the earthquakes and screams drew closer and closer until a tremendous crash brought down the whole front face of the palace. Guards stood their ground trembling while courtiers darted every which way screaming. Through the opening crawled the great dragon, orange flames engulfing his entire body and torching everything it touched that wasn't stone. He gave a deafening roar that shook the tower to its very foundations.

Now that everyone's eardrums were adequately broken, he drew his face to human eye level and glared at the King.

"Where is your daughter?" he rumbled.
The King clenched the armrests. "She- she's not- which one?"
"Both of them."
"One- one is in prison. The other is right here- here." He pointed to Evelyn's body on the floor.
"Give me both of them."
"N-No! You can't-"

By now, the King had turned into a frightened, sobbing mess. Tears and snot poured down his face in equal measure. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Take them! Please take them!" he cried.

Caradras turned down the flames and drew closer to the King. "Do not think I have not heard of your misdeeds. I know what plans you concocted with your silly mages to secure the throne for your descendants. You failed to realize the irreversible harm you have wrought. The bill has come due, Alexander."

Caradras picked up Evelyn in one paw, broke the dungeon and withdrew Isabella in his other paw, and took off with them.

The King composed himself long enough to deliver a message to his cowering servants.

"Tell the Kingdom to find my daughters and return them to me."
Haven't forgotten you guys. I'm super-excited for your story arcs! I can't wait for Sykes and the Reaper to team up and start kicking tails together. And I really want our second Marked Hero, Kiera Akello, to make her debut soon. Waiting on you still, StormHeart.
I know, right? Sometimes we gotta catch up with life. :P
Caradras glared at Edward for another moment longer. It seems he now resembles humanity in both stature and foolishness. He is lucky I need him alive.

Annoyed with the man-dragon, he turned his attention back to pretty boy, who busied himself trying to sneak away. The young man's humility in the face of power carved out a Ravadon-sized soft spot in the old dragon's heart.
"Ravadon..." the dragon rumbled, pointedly ignoring Edward, "If you desire true glory, and not the vain pretense thereof which you have spilt thus far, stay your ground."

He looked to the Reaper.

"Mark him."

The Reaper nodded, and stretched out its hand. Golden dust poured out from the wrist and swirled around Ravadon's entire body. The dust entered him from every pore, from his eyes, nose, mouth, sweat glands, everything. In a moment, his every nerve burned as this otherworldly magic rewrote every cell. On the back of his hand there appeared a mark resembling a diamond star. Then the dust surged out through his mouth and returned whence they came.

The Reaper lifted him to his feet. Caradras spoke again. "Arise, Hero Ravadon. Open that letter you carry in your pocket, for it is addressed to you. Earn your glory, and fulfill your destiny."

With that, he rose to full height and resumed his march toward Midhaven Palace.
Location: Midland Haven Settlement

"Come on, Doc. Leave him."
"Wait, I can still-"
"He's gone. We have to go."

Morrison took my arm and tore me away from the young man. He was so young, so full of hope when he first joined the refugee group, but now...the only breath I heard was of the earth weeping over the desolation brought upon her. I deconstructed my multitool and jogged behind Valentine. Kent still sat rocking that child in his arms. "Come on, Kent," I called out. "He's right. Let's go."

Kent stood up and followed. "Don't worry, little one," he murmured to the child, "everything will be okay. Just you wait."

There were treatments for his condition, I supposed, but what would they do for him except rob him of his reason to fight? The only thing that drove me was little better - the farfetched idea that somehow, somewhere on this forsaken world, there were civilians we still hadn't extracted yet.

We ducked into a building as a pack of Voidspawn rumbled by. Lady Valentine sat with her back to the wall and her eyes closed, doubtless sensing the pack through the wall and devising a strategy.

The cut in her arm was closing nicely. Sometimes, I wished we could all have rapid regeneration like the Immortals did. But then again, their jobs were infinitely more dangerous. "We clear?" I prodded.

Gwen Valentine opened her eyes. She couldn't even look at me. I wished she would. "For now," was all she said. For a fleeting moment, she tried to look me in the eye and forced herself to smile. "For now. We should be okay. But they are headed in an odd direction. I am inclined to follow. Are you all coming?"

We all nodded. My heart began to race again at the unspoken prospect:

There may be civilians still alive after all.

Here, have some lore to chew on.


There was nothing but dust for miles beyond the border of the ruined town. Four soldiers clad in powered armor huddled behind a building, waiting for doom to catch them. One soldier cradled a civilian baby, shushing it and whispering words of encouragement as if it were still alive.

Lady Valentine looked to the skies.

What more could I have done?
But it's not my interest check! :3

Eh, okay. If I'm to start this thing off, I'll need some time to prepare.
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