Rose and Amalthea ran for the forest as fast as they could. Rose pulled ahead, and used her speed advantage to select optimal routes through the forest. The four enemy scouts stayed close at their heels. If there was going to be a fight, they had about half a second to prepare. Amalthea's untrained body would run out of stamina in a minute or so, after which she would slow down and get everyone caught.
And so, Rose formulated a plan. The princess was a good shot with a bow, but Rose was the one carrying it. It would take several seconds to put it in the right hands, which was several seconds too long. Solomon would have to buy them time. They would have to trust that he could hold off four trained assassins for at least a few seconds, trust that the princess could shoot strait, trust that she could stop them by shooting them, and pray that they would have enough energy for all of that after sprinting at full speed.
It was now or never.
She grabbed the princess by the collar and dragged them both to the ground, sending them careening down the bank of a stream. The sudden halt forced a confrontation, and in a blink, all four scouts descended upon Solomon. Rose removed the bow and arrows and shoved them at the princess.
Amalthea grabbed them, sat up, and took aim. The bow twanged four times. Two scouts dropped, but were far from dead. One was hit in the shoulder, but tried to resume fighting. Rose growled, ran up to him and stuck her dagger in his neck. He peeled her off and tossed her to the ground, but the damage was done. He stumbled and collapsed beside his dazed attacker.
The fourth scout, whom the fourth arrow missed, attacked Solomon with the skill and precision of a trained assassin. His blade snapped through the air like a lightning bolt: There would be a flash of steel, followed by a thunderous roaring in the ears. Hair would stand up on end for how close each swing brought a violent end.
They could escape if they continued running.