[ ❇ ] N A M E
Edward Keys
[ ❇ ] O C C U P A T I O N
Famous explorer, short lived Galarian champion
[ ❇ ] B A C K S T O R Y
Edward was born and raised in Rustboro city, where his parents worked in R&D at the famous Devon Co.. As a result he grew up comfortable and well educated, though with little parental supervision owing to their long work hours, indeed he probably spent more time supervised by his father's old Chimeco and mother's pet Mightyena than than with his parents. He's never really held it against them, indeed he thinks he turned out all the better for it.
When the time came for his journey his parents managed to secure him one the year's coveted Torchic brood, leveraging his good education and a favor from one of Birch's assistants. That year wandering the region with just his pokemon at his side was quite the formative experience, Edward found himself greatly enjoying his time exploring the less well trod paths, met some wonderful pokemon and even reached the semi finals, though his relatively small team and inexperience saw him go no further.
He spent the next year travelling abroad, visiting some cousins in Alola and touring the islands, he didn't actually register for their official league, just spent a lot of time wandering the wonderfully preserved wild spaces with his pokemon, picking up a few more team mates as he did. He did eventually stumble upon their battle tower while exploring the relatively untamed Poni Island, and to the surprise of both himself and some of the veteran trainers there, he did rather well, more importantly he met a holidaying Galarian businessman who particularly enjoyed his aggressive style and offered him a sponsorship for his native Galarian League, knowing how few foreigners ever make the right connections to try, Edward accepted.
His next year was in some ways a mixed bag, he'll always fondly meeting the Dreepy that would go on to become his final teammate, but the simple routes and curated wild area simply didn't have the same appeal as wandering off the beaten path, never sure what he'd find.
Of course the most important part may well be the final tournament itself, where he swept aside all competition, ousted the reigning champion and claimed both a rather sizeable prize and a fair bit of fame. He was bored within a month, abdicated the title and left the region entirely, he's still a little controversial there.
Galar had made him realise what really drew him to training, the travel, climbing a mountain to see hundreds of Minior rain from above, pushing through a sandstorm to climb an ancient tower that wasn't there the day before, or spending a week in a forest with noone but his pokemon for company.
He wanted to explore, and he had both the funds to make it happen and the pokemon to make it back. He spent a while exploring the outer edges of Hoen, pushing further into the jungles where few travelled than anyone had in years, but it was his expedition to Mirage Island, which despite persistent rumours had yet to be properly documented that really put him back in the public eye, the footage of him riding towards it on his Gyrados, was the first actual recording, and was shared widely. He mostly just wanders the wilderness without finding anything, occasionally posting about his exploits online, but every so often he'll find some cool ruins or rare pokemon that get him back in the spotlight. Not that he's neglected his training, he's never taken on another league, but is a member at a number of battle towers, stadiums and similar facilities across the globe, getting in a few matches when he passes by.
Publicity work for a resort is a bit unusual for him, but a battle resort sounds fun and he's not likely to get many other offers to ride a luxury yacht full of famous trainers.
When the time came for his journey his parents managed to secure him one the year's coveted Torchic brood, leveraging his good education and a favor from one of Birch's assistants. That year wandering the region with just his pokemon at his side was quite the formative experience, Edward found himself greatly enjoying his time exploring the less well trod paths, met some wonderful pokemon and even reached the semi finals, though his relatively small team and inexperience saw him go no further.
He spent the next year travelling abroad, visiting some cousins in Alola and touring the islands, he didn't actually register for their official league, just spent a lot of time wandering the wonderfully preserved wild spaces with his pokemon, picking up a few more team mates as he did. He did eventually stumble upon their battle tower while exploring the relatively untamed Poni Island, and to the surprise of both himself and some of the veteran trainers there, he did rather well, more importantly he met a holidaying Galarian businessman who particularly enjoyed his aggressive style and offered him a sponsorship for his native Galarian League, knowing how few foreigners ever make the right connections to try, Edward accepted.
His next year was in some ways a mixed bag, he'll always fondly meeting the Dreepy that would go on to become his final teammate, but the simple routes and curated wild area simply didn't have the same appeal as wandering off the beaten path, never sure what he'd find.
Of course the most important part may well be the final tournament itself, where he swept aside all competition, ousted the reigning champion and claimed both a rather sizeable prize and a fair bit of fame. He was bored within a month, abdicated the title and left the region entirely, he's still a little controversial there.
Galar had made him realise what really drew him to training, the travel, climbing a mountain to see hundreds of Minior rain from above, pushing through a sandstorm to climb an ancient tower that wasn't there the day before, or spending a week in a forest with noone but his pokemon for company.
He wanted to explore, and he had both the funds to make it happen and the pokemon to make it back. He spent a while exploring the outer edges of Hoen, pushing further into the jungles where few travelled than anyone had in years, but it was his expedition to Mirage Island, which despite persistent rumours had yet to be properly documented that really put him back in the public eye, the footage of him riding towards it on his Gyrados, was the first actual recording, and was shared widely. He mostly just wanders the wilderness without finding anything, occasionally posting about his exploits online, but every so often he'll find some cool ruins or rare pokemon that get him back in the spotlight. Not that he's neglected his training, he's never taken on another league, but is a member at a number of battle towers, stadiums and similar facilities across the globe, getting in a few matches when he passes by.
Publicity work for a resort is a bit unusual for him, but a battle resort sounds fun and he's not likely to get many other offers to ride a luxury yacht full of famous trainers.
[ ❇ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y
Edward is friendly in a very casual way, he'll greet anyone with a smile, and is open to sharing stories, advice or just a campfire. On the other hand he's not one for formalities and doesn't have many true friends, he usually makes a good first impression, but often doesn't stay in one place long enough to make a second one. He's an honest man, which is fortunate because he's a terrible liar. He's a very laid back man most of the time, the exception being pokemon battles, where he focuses on speed and aggression.
He actively avoids being responsible for anyone but himself and his pokemon and is not particularly good at leasing other humans. He still helps those who need it when he bumps into them, after all his pokemon would be disappointed in him if he didn't.
He actively avoids being responsible for anyone but himself and his pokemon and is not particularly good at leasing other humans. He still helps those who need it when he bumps into them, after all his pokemon would be disappointed in him if he didn't.
[ ❇ ] P O K È M O N
- 1
Blaziken, his starter.
- 2
Alakazam, caught as an Abra not long after he first left Rustboro.
- 3
Metagross, tracked down with great difficulty as a beldum in Hoen.
- 4
Gyarados, met while sailing to Alola.
- 5
Ribombee, accidentally lured over by Edward's syrup coated desert in Alola as a cutiefly, bravely continue to try to steal a sip even after he released Blaziken.
- 6
Dragapult, the best thing to come from Galar