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I mean Ivar doesn't really have many sluggers x3

House Harold is currently Tae and myself locked in some kind of one-sided rivalry by the looks of it!
Quick question! SO I've seen the bit about Gifts and their categories, does this mean that if I choose a specific Gift like Healing powers, I would only be able to heal people and not do anything else, or do we all have access to some sort of base magical prowess (aside from flight)?

The gift is something unique to your character, whilst the use of magical artefacts and magitech can be powered using your vitesse (mana). So there is scope for a range of things to be done outside the gift.

<Snipped quote by Deja>
Yeah, knowing the review is soon, currently resisting the urge to keep re-reading mine for better word choices and typos that don't exist.

Anyone else doing basically the same thing?

Most definitely.
So, I couldn't resist subscribing to Midjourney again. And, I put Tessa into it along with some fashion prompts. Words can't describe how ICONIC this lady is already.

Anyway, my point is that I'm open to running anyone's character through Midjourney if you want to!

Our gorgeous mentor always finding excuses to show us how beautiful she is.

<Snipped quote by Mirandae>

Run Tae pls. I’m curious.

Tae was run through earlier, silly~
But yes, prompts can change the outcome a lot.

This post also an excuse to say I have added a new picture to Ana's profile.
I put a link to all the sheets in my first post (post #3)
- Taegan : Do not call them "Tae", "Tae-Tae" or any derivative thereof. Could probably buy her home islands. Really hoping they didn't see her exhibition match in Year 2. Also... "Oh no. They're hot."
- Petyr : A little frosty, unsure how to read him. Also... "Oh no. He's hot."
- Ezekiel : "Oh no. He's hot."

<Snipped quote by Alfhedil>
Oh, yes.

It is official, Tae had the first three character ships. Followed by Petyr, then Ezekiel with two.

Edit: I am just confused so leaving this as is!
You know that moment when you think you read all the other Character Sheets, miss one, and realize that it has almost the same power as your character when you're 95% finished making him? That's me right now. FML. Posting him anyways because This was six hours of my life lol and, even if it's wasted, it was still spent. Enjoy. :P

I would say it is different enough, with its mechanics and such. I know you kind of proposed ideas to me when I was asleep and I woke up saying someone else does use time, which prompted you to write this part.

The clock on the chest kind of reminds me of Tracer from Overwatch.
Just putting it out there, if anyone wanted to set their pre-existing relationship with Ana as anything other than neutral prior to starting, I am open to suggestions. It can help flesh out the 'relationships' section of the character sheet.
(two have taken this up so far!)

@Aeolian @Mirandae
I know you are both most likely super busy, so this is not intended to rush you in anyway.
Just curious if there are any deadlines you would like final drafts by, or to start the reviewing process.
Any thoughts on shared space such as Discord?
Tae out here building a fleet

Maybe that is a real reason the pronouns are 'they' and 'them'. Definitely not the singular.
<Snipped quote by Ti>

Yes please. I would love to know if Tae gets shipped with anyone. xD


Fasha has been trying to convince people about her “crush” on Taegan Granlock.


Looks like Tae has officially secured both the first ship of the RP and now the second, and it hasn't even begun yet!
Sweet! Riffraff and Daemonbreath for ultimate gossip lol

Certainly a House Ivar trait by the looks of things!
Sneaky devious gossipers.
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