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1 mo ago
Current if i wasn't supposed to grow up wanting a sugar daddy then why did we base an entire holiday around a much older man bringing me presents for being a good girl??
3 mos ago
If they cared about children they'd reform our horribly abusive foster care system. Create a more robust shelter network for homeless kids. Fund after-school programs. ADOPT. Nope. Not a fucking cent.
3 mos ago
Taking their "protecting the unborn" rhetoric at face value is being too generous. It was never about advocating for children, but about controlling women.
3 mos ago
Baby's first fetish, I take it? ๐Ÿฅฐ They grow up so fast
3 mos ago
Petition for Krasnaya and Kaithe Dame to start roleplaying with each other ๐Ÿ‘‡


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Praise wheels and good fridays to all, amen ๐Ÿ™
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@rabidbacon To the naked eye, I'm imagining basically teleportation? (Betrayed primarily by the massive whoosh of air, because time only "seemingly stops" according to the flavor blurb, and at no point does the Odin Regalia dematerialize or blink somewhere else.) It's imperceptibly fast but not a bona-fide "time stop" power, and a great gust of air hints at that, as would any item interactions between embarking point and destination. ๐Ÿ‘
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mirandae I like that. Lets there be consequences for Beth's actions, while not inflating the situation with a false sense of stakes or suspense. (There's no use pretending two Guys with Gunstm stand much of a chance against someone who can Za Warudo their asses back to grade school.)

Is it my understanding, then, that from now on we must assume Dominant Form before wielding our chief Abilities? Should I edit the post?
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mirandae I'll look forward to that, then.

Also, I suppose those guards that Beth tricked will react to her simply vanishing? Or what happens there? Just curious :)

Whatever is more interesting to you. If a chase scene sounds boring and/or you need to just move things along to this inciting incident, we could easily say that residue defeats gas mask/CBRN filtration apparatuses, and so the guards don't even remember they had been having that conversation.
In Regalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Thank you, Mirandae!! As for authorial intent, @Silly is spot-on. With only one caveat: that being that I've chosen to present Beth's "Dominant Form" not as a transformation, but more akin to a Stand from JJBA. She does not herself don her Dominant's likeness in order to perform the Last Rites move but instead summons Him as something of an obedient familiar. Mostly this is for flavor, but because Odin is written as a wise god, and one content not to be worshiped with any largess or regularity (or, in truth, sincerity), I've interpreted these eccentricities to mean he prefers more intimate relationships with his Regaliae, appearing personally by their side when they conjure His strength and invoke His dominions. They walk among Him (perhaps even converse with and confide in Him!) but in exchange, their relationships with their Dominant, and their entitlement to His power, are even more fragile. After all, the transgressing Odinite has not merely abused His abilities but outright forced His complicity in those abuses. An even deadlier sin than simply using His magics to exploit, brutalize, and bully people...
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