@Irredeemable @Tortoise Here they are...again. Almost as if it's a clone 😂Nation Name::The One
Government Form:
The One
The One
A human who cloned himself.
Main One groups: The One once had a name, each of his names define a group or caste of the One.
James - Hunters, Crafters, Soldiers; those that manage to survive a decade are "elevated" to the name Grant. They mark themselves with a handprint to set them apart from others.
William - Food mostly but also those that venture into the most dangerous locations. An "old" William is very rare. They're marked on their cheeks with two horizontal scars.
Grant - Diplomats, Scientists, Leaders. The "face" of the One. Any interaction with the One would have at least a Grant present.
While they all share all knowledge they get and any William can do a Grant’s job or the other way around, age is what usually sets them apart.
A William would reach a maximum age of 2, a James can go above that and live up to 10 years before becoming a Grant and eventually dying of old age or bullets or whatever else.
The Old One
The Old One is an anomaly between the One as they've been around since the first clone was made. Their true identity is unknown but they're seen in places where the Immortalis's defences are the worst. It's unknown how they can do that and their identity.
4 billion
Planet Name and Description: 00110001 is a barren planet with no notable mineral resources. Covered on one side by a burning wasteland which is constantly under temperatures of +50C and on the other side, a frozen tundra with temperatures between -100 and -500 at its coldest point. Split in the middle by the ruins of an ancient alien city surrounded by a huge dome. The city is a massive ruin full of robotic defences that attack anything biological in nature. Unfortunately, the planet is covered by thick black clouds that don't let light from the nearby sun to illuminate it. The weirdest part of the planet is the occasional pocket of "altered reality" as called by the One. Places that appear randomly at times around the city, if one is trapped within a pocket, they can see people long dead trying to kill them, stairwells that go into infinity, one might find themselves trapped into a room without doors or windows and many different other phenomenon that cannot be explained by the One. These pockets usually dissappear after a few hours but most who're trapped within die horrifying deaths.
History: As soon as the colony ship went through the Gateway, it encountered a powerful EMP field generated by numerous unidentifiable spheres. The ship crash landed on the nearest planet. A good number of colonists died even before they stepped out of the ship. Soon the colonists realised that they wouldn't be able to survive on the planet due to the very high/very low temperatures of the planet's climate. Luckily the ship landed close to what seemed to be the ruins of a city that stretched from one side to the other of the plane, splitting the planet into two halves and thus' they decided to settle the ancient city.
Not much remained of it but buildings with no recognisable tech. Food and resources were scarce and everyday people would starve or die of a number of strange illnesses. Soon, all would die. In-fighting killed the rest. It didn't help that the aliens left automated defences on the planet that were still functioning, nor the lack of light.
Eventually only one person remained. Using the bodies of his fellow colonists and refined urine/snow, he had enough to live on his own. Understanding that he will most likely go crazy and that he might be the only human alive, he devoted himself to one purpose. Make sense of the alien technology in the hopes of finding a way off the planet.
10 years after Arrival, he managed to find a massive underground that still had power and he knew that he finally found what he was looking for.
Inside he found thousands of ultra-advanced cloning vats and the spheres that brought down their ship in the first place. After months of trial and error, he succeeded in cloning himself. No longer alone, he made more and more of himself.
After almost 300 years, parts of the ancient alien city are now repopulated with only one person - 4 billion times.
Culture and Society: The society of The One is easy to understand. Every clone is an individual but they are all the same with the same likes and dislikes where one is working for the betterment of everyone as they are everyone.
<Snipped quote by The One>---
Governance and Politics: The One don't have a form of government per se, as they are One and the same, each knows what's good for the other without the need for debate.
Technology Overview:
- 1. Ultra Advanced Cloning Vats allow a full grown human to be made in 48 hours.
- 2. The Dome - a huge structure meant to resist the worst environments.
- 3. Human-Batteries - All the major tech of The One will be sustained by human batteries which use their bodies to power them up. Depending on the power needed, the number of human batteries needed can be up to 1 million (for the cloning vats)
Military Overview: The military of The One operates within the limited territory they control, primarily focused on the defence and expansion of their domain within the city. With only 40% of the city under their control, their military efforts are concentrated on clearing and securing these areas from the remaining automated defenses left by the Immortalis civilization.
1. Clearing Operations:
The One undertakes regular clearing operations to neutralise the automated defences within the city. These defences, including robots, drones, and turrets, are formidable adversaries, but they are confined to specific areas and do not venture beyond their designated zones. The military's main objective is to systematically eliminate these defences, allowing for the gradual expansion of The One's territory.
These clearing operations require careful planning, coordination, and combat skills. The clones, equipped with weapons crafted from their own bones, such as swords, spears, bows, and javelins, engage in close-quarters combat with the automated defenses. Their shared knowledge and skills acquired through cloning enable them to adapt and counter the defensive mechanisms efficiently even if a few hundred have to die first.
2. Specialised Operations:
The One may occasionally undertake specialised operations within the city. These operations could include reconnaissance missions to gather intelligence on the remaining automated defences or retrieval missions to recover valuable artefacts or technologies from areas previously inaccessible.
3. Security and Defense Operations:
Maintaining the security and defence of The One's controlled areas is an integral part of their military operations. The One establishes a network of defensive structures, fortifications, and surveillance systems to protect against external threats.The One's military force, diligently monitor the perimeters and swiftly respond to any breaches, and neutralise potential dangers to safeguard the population.
Infrastructure & more:
1.Food: Within a specific area of the city, there exists a unique species of luminescent mushrooms, named glowy one. These mushrooms are cultivated and cloned to meet the nutritional requirements of The One. They serve as a vital protein source, supplemented by the combination of their own cloned tissues.
1.1. Water: Due to the frozen nature of one side of their world, The One relies on this abundant resource. While the initial challenges of making the water less harmful to the human body resulted in the loss of many lives, the remaining population benefits from this readily available water source, despite the extreme temperatures.
2. Electricity: The One harnesses their own collective energy by interconnecting thousands of individuals to power up the cloning vats, for everything else the One relies on fire as their primary source of illumination and power. They developed techniques for fire management, including the creation of long-lasting and efficient fire sources using an oily substance found on the automated defences they destroy. The substance burns for very long periods of time but not at a high heat.
3. Materials and Tools: The One's approach to clothing and tools is resourceful and self-sustaining. They employ a unique method of utilising their own biological resources. Leather is sourced from their own cloned bodies, fulfilling their modest clothing requirements. As for tools, bones are repurposed and serve various functions. While bones may break, the vast abundance of available bones ensures an almost unlimited supply. These resourceful practices extend to other aspects of their infrastructure and requirements, facilitating their self-sufficiency. Organic materials such as hardened skin, fibrous plants, and other naturally occurring substances are woven, treated, and combined to create items like clothing, furniture etc.
Common terms :
Immortalis - They were a highly advanced civilization that mysteriously disappeared. The Circle of One, the name of the city in which the One live, is a ruin. Besides the Vaults where the One discovered the cloning vats and the black pyramids, nothing else is undamaged. In some parts of the city there will be automatic defences (drones, machine guns etc) which protect it. That's the reason the One never explored all of their city.
The Circle of One - The name of the city in which the One live, is a ruin. Besides the Vaults where the One discovered the cloning vats and the black pyramids, nothing else is undamaged. In some parts of the city there will be automatic defences (drones, machine guns etc) which protect their area. That's the main reason the One never explored all of their city. The city is surrounded by a huge dome that acts as a defence against the terrible living conditions on the planet.---
Additional Info: Theme song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzvyQ8JxwMk
Approved, obviously.