Demetri Rowan Howell
Location: Zeus Cabin
Demetri couldn't help but smile. The gentle curl of his lips turned partway into a grinding as Zeke buried his head into his neck and spoke. He had half a mind to say something. Some quick witted joke about how perhaps he'd gotten so wise because he'd had a bit of Apollo's kid in him. But he didn't want to spoil the moment. Not yet anyways. So he held on in silence for a bit longer before pulling away partly, shrinking his head into his shoulders as Zeke ruffled his hair. ”Oi don't mess with the hair, it hard to make it look perfectly disheveled like a hobbit who's cared less.” He said with a bit of a laugh before taking Zeke's lead over to grab some food. He took his tray, a bowl of white rice with several vegetables on top and an egg appearing with another filled with pork belly.
Demetri begrudgingly dropped more than just fat in today, like he usually did, and instead gave Zeus an actual offering of food that wasn't meant as an insult. He offered a silent prayer, asking his father, begging really, for him to back off. He didn't know what deal he'd made with Aphrodite, but he didn't want them meddling into his love life. After that he joined Kiera and Sera, pulling Zeke along. ”Aaaand we're back. Miss us much? Who am I kidding of course you did. Who wouldn't? Zeke's amazing. So what's on the agenda for today? And please don't make it boring or political. What I need is fun.”