Avatar of Tsukai
  • Last Seen: 23 days ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 203 (0.06 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Tsukai 6 yrs ago
    2. ████ 9 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Alright my Sci-Fi loving writers out there, here's a little something that might tickle your fancy--------> roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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3 yrs ago
Damn this site really fell from grace lol
5 yrs ago
Just passed one of the hardest tests in EOD school :D Im over halfway done, wish me luck everyone :)
6 yrs ago
I can always make at least one person in a crowd laugh... Because I find my jokes hilarious :D


Call me Tsukai (Su-Kai)

I know I dont have much in here but it'll do.

Real name?
Tristan, however, as previously mentioned Tsukai works best.

Im 22

Godlike stature of 5'6"

between 140 and 150lbs trying to gain some muscle mass

7/10 if I had to guess

What do I do IRL?
Im in the Army, little less than two years left. Im an EOD Tech. I take care of IEDs and other UXO (Unexploded ordinance)

My Character Den

Most Recent Posts

I'm still here.

A few things popped up that were distracting me. I'm working on a character concept :P

All good! I suspect most of our players will be trickling in over the weekend when people have free time.

No need to rush anything! :)
Too nitpicky for my taste, good luck on it, I'm sure it'll be fun for others. 👍

This isn't for me, i wish ya the best of luck on it tho 👍

I didn't mean to nitpick you into leaving the RP, Like Odd said the backstory doesn't need to be 100% right this second.

However if you truly don't want to put any more effort into reading the lore and developing a character that fits it I suggest sticking to the Free Roleplay section of the site.

This is Casual Roleplay where its expected to produce 1 or 2 paragraphs per post. Id expect at least that much in a backstory before its considered complete.
Is it okay now?

Only other thing I see is that you said he was born in china, however there is no china anymore. its been 450 years since the surface of the earth was civilized.

Maybe something like "Former Eastern Asia"?

other than that, and a very short backstory (you could definitely flesh it out, take a day to just brainstorm stuff for your character) Id say hes okay.
<Snipped quote by Tsukai>

Im doing the best i can with this crappy tablet, sorry

No biggie! Just making some suggestions! I'm not trying to come at you by any means :)

So far, my suggestions are

Change "Wnere are you from" to "Where are you from"

and I strongly believe Calligraphy to be an Advanced skill. Odd, please correct me if Im wrong, however I'd like it to change from quick skill to advanced skill.


Putting large pictures into hiders helps people look over the Character sheet a little better. I suggest this layout-

[Hider=Appearance] link image here [/ hider]
Hey ,I'm gonna drop Pops, and make someone different, surface dweller, Monk style.

Get all the trial and error out now so that you arent unhappy with the character you end up playing! :)
Yo, I've been following/lurking in this and based on the third sample picture in the OP I am having a hard time deciding if this would qualify as what you'd consider "anime" or not. So before I spend hours fleshing out the character concept I'd like an opinion on that. But the no-time-to-explain, elevator pitch version is that she's a cyborg that used to serve as a bodyguard for public figures, but was captured and de-programmed, effectively rescued by activists. She has a "handful" of hidden weapons.

If she doesn't fit the setting, I'll probably do a surface dweller instead.

Yes I do believe this qualifies as anime. I think Odd would prefer more drawn out facial features so we actually know what the face looks like. That being said, I could totally see the bodyguard for officials being a thing however maybe instead of body integral weapons youre just programed to be good at using weapons? also... instead of being rescued by resistance or whatever that case may be. Maybe you just gained consciousness and decided to leave? (Because you knew as well as them, they couldnt stop you) yknow?
@Tsukai How did you get that awesome signature??

If you click on it, It will take you to the site I used to make it. Just play around with some of the settings/options and you can get an awesome signature too! :)
Just want to let all you know, I'm just here to help OddApproved as much as I can. If there are any character ideas or questions Id be happy to help sort those out. As for the world, those questions will have to go to Odd.

If there are any conflicts I will gladly solve those as well in Odd's absence.

Feel free to PM me anytime and Ill get to them ASAP
I'm in on it too. Meglegere has a cool idea that I'd like to take a part in.
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