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4 mos ago
Current Three Years and still not a single forum post. :3
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4 yrs ago
Oof. Been another 2 years. Niccceeeee...
6 yrs ago
Two years. :P New record. Lets go for 3!
7 yrs ago
Ich. I've missed three posts.
9 yrs ago
Time for my obligatory Trimesterial post. This time. Nothing. You are worth nothing.



Most Recent Posts

Nice troll guys. I happened across this because of @LegendBegins Explanatory post in his recent posts.

Nearly shit a brick. :/

Honestly though. Got me good lol.
"Turn that shit off"

Brandon sighed and moved to the television to shut off the broadcast. Sarah just lay on the sofa with her face buried in her tapper, the embedded screen was glowing in her face. Her thoughts totally occupied by what was slowly flashing down. She'd been working on a new worm, she had the bright idea that it might get her into some systems unlinked from the main network. All it would take is for an infected tapper to connect to the unlinked system, and once again sometime later. When that tapper connected back to the main network it would dump a payload of files. She'd coded the worm in such a manner as to look for a list of keywords in files on a priority order.

"Seriously Sarah, you know the more you dig into this stuff the higher the chance you're going to end up like your grandfather", Sarah scoffed some, "You know I wear that as a badge of honour Brandon, there is little else to do down here other than make trouble. Besides, I've seen his calculations....he was right you know.", Brandon sighed again. "Even if he was right, does it really matter? Society has moved on, I don't think it could really prosper without the support infrastructure we've grown reliant on.", Sarah scoffed at that and gave him a kick from her comforting position on the sofa. "Brandon, there is only so long we can live down here....Tenna said that herself, her diary is simply fascinating you know. There were a lot of ideas she tried to implement that were overruled. She keeps mentioning this emergency evac system in her diary. I'm thinking there is something more to it.", Brandon was the one to scoff this time. "Just stop putting your nose in places it shouldn't be......More people are vanishing you know....I don't want you to be one of them", he got up from the floor and left. Sarah paid him no mind and then hit upload on her tapper.

A few days later

Sarah's tapper began to buzz. She didn't have alerts on for anything other than her project so she grinned. The first packet had been slipped back from her worm. She flicked through the file names, a whole heap of nothing. God, she wished she knew what she was looking for, then a curious little file got her attention. [U.A.I expulsion list], She opened up the file, and a list of dozens upon dozens of names came up. Some had been struck through, others had little question marks, and the whole document was colour coded. She simply didn't understand what she had in her hands. She didn't understand the worth of this document, she didn't understand the pain this document would put her through, for as she searched down the list, she spotted one singular name. Andrew Kruze.... Why was dad on this list?

She'd find out soon enough, as when she got home? The door had been broken in.
Can I make an IC post?

Or are we still waiting?
<Snipped quote by DarkStar>

You missed a space near the end between Figure and 2.



It seems to display fine now, unless you're talking about how it shows ... part way through the url. Probably something related to url length, I guess. I don't know much about the site's actual coding.

Ah lovely. :3
<Snipped quote by DarkStar>

Everything in the biography looks amazing! Though, I would like to mention that Asmus and Tenna the 'creators' of civilization. Tenna was actually a female. I know this isn't specified at all, but I would like to clear things up because you are deriving from one of the important people in history!

Plus, I think in the future when I think through it enough. We will be having a PM conversation about your character and maybe the way they can help the rebellion against the Altas government if that sounds fun!

With all said, after you make the minor changes, you can put your character right into the character section! congratulations!

Just spotted that. I'd very much love to play a part in the rebellion. :3

Name: Sarah Kruze
Age: 22
Height and weight: 5"3 103 lbs

Where are you from? The Colony Atlas

Quick skills: Convincing lying, good with children and able to throw her voice.

Advanced skills: Hacking, self-taught from a young age. She found a glitch in a library terminal which she exploited to elevate her access from children's literature to more adult topics. Ever since then she learned more and more. Most of her knowledge comes from a small highly illegal book that resided in her families personal collection. Mechanical design and repair, this knowledge is mostly theoretical and comes from handed-down information through the generations and books from the family library. She has some limited experience from fixing the occasional clock and watch that survived the end of the surface. Electronics, again, mostly theoretical, since parts are quite rare indeed to tinker with and without a college education? Pretty inaccessible. This comes from the Atlas library and a few dozen books in the family library.

Backstory: Sarah comes from what was effective nobility. A descendant of Tenna Kruze, whom without, the Atili just simply would have been a figment of Asmus' imagination. Her skills in multidisciplinary engineering were simply legendary and the family continued on in her name, every expansion and major project the Atili commenced had A Kruze at its helm or involved. That was until about 40 years ago when Lindon Azure became convinced through calculation that the surface world was habitable. Of course, the government had known this for some time, but Lindon was quick to try and spread that information in a way that was provable and easy to understand. The funny thing was, his father, and his father's father all knew this. It just was never spoken, they knew the culture of the government, they'd worked within its inner circles all their lives. He'd committed the gravest of sins, and he paid for it with his life. His son Andrew thought well of his father, and quickly dragged the family's name through the mud. By the time Sarah was born? The family's once-legendary finances were rotten. Much of the wealth of the Kruze family was in its connections and ability to get things done. With Lindon disappeared and his son obsessed with his father's work and vanishing the connections the family had maintained had dried up, once Sarah was of age for university? Well, they simply didn't have the finances, nor the connections to get her education to be formalized. It didn't mean she didn't have the legendary Kruze mind, it's just she didn't have that piece of paper to work in the fields they were famous for.

With that, Sarah began to fall in with the wrong crowds, rebels, degenerates, free thinkers. It only served to tarnish her family's name more, it didn't matter too much though, the reality was, the name was already mud. There was little she could do to recover, nor build the name back to what it once was. A few families stuck by them, but they were of lesser provenance and couldn't do much to help. Now? She's among the better hackers in the atli, and she's found quite some information that could get her vanished like her grandfather, she refused to let her dad in on anything, he was close enough to being disappeared as it was, but she wanted nothing more than vengeance on the government for their crimes. For that list is long and varied.

Hahaha, lool. I fucked up. :P


In order to keep the surname. Perhaps her husband took her name?

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