Avatar of DarkStar


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4 mos ago
Current Three Years and still not a single forum post. :3
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4 yrs ago
Oof. Been another 2 years. Niccceeeee...
6 yrs ago
Two years. :P New record. Lets go for 3!
7 yrs ago
Ich. I've missed three posts.
9 yrs ago
Time for my obligatory Trimesterial post. This time. Nothing. You are worth nothing.



Most Recent Posts

I'm still here.

A few things popped up that were distracting me. I'm working on a character concept :P
mrinitialman.com/OddsEnds/Sizes/comps… 1~male~190.5_Figure 2~male~160.0

The website can't display this link properly.

I don't know why. It also refuses to display when tagged with the url bbcode.
A possible suggestion, but more than likely a request for help...

Is there a way to get email notifications of DM's or roleplay updates?

I've been waiting on an update and I'll miss it by an hour. Then only see it when I refresh.

I'd really love it.
It may no longer be welcome, but I'd be happy to make eight.

This sounds like a well thought out world.

Might I ask though, what is the current condition of the place? Is it worn down? Decrepit like Rapture? Perhaps kept in good condition?

And with regards to pre ar technologies and items. Are most things from that time extinct? Or will there be the ability to own such things?

So I had been thinking about werewolves as of late. And I came up with a little thought, what if a werewolf simply couldn't turn back?

In the late 19th, early 20th century, most superstition about werewolves has long since faded into the past. The occasional brutal murders are thought to have been from wild animals and no one has actually claimed to have seen a werewolf is really believed, not enough new werewolves are created anymore for it to be widespread enough for folks to really believe in their existence.

When a werewolf first turns, it is the most painful experience of their lives, it leaves the mind blank and instinctive beast aware. It takes a werewolf time to become sentient again whilst transformed and as such, most feral werewolves end up dead before they can truly awaken.

The few that are left are very hesitant to make a new werewolf, for they know they spread like a disease if unchecked.

Then along comes Andrew, he escapes a werewolf attack and disbelief leaves him unable to accept what was to come. He turned on the next full moon, his own family attempt to kill him as his appearance strikes fear into their hearts and he runs to the forest to escape.

Days pass and he awakes, he was standing in an unknown part of a forest. It's like a veil comes off from his eyes and he's suddenly aware. Looking at his hands he finds not skin, but fur. He has not transformed back into a human.

Weeks pass and still, he has not become human, he begins to think he'll never be able to integrate back into society. A year passes, he's now thin and gaunt, he hasn't been all that successful at hunting, he's moved far from home as people have come to hunt the fabled werewolf.

And that's where your character finds him, along turned werewolf with full control of himself, living in a small, nondescript town as a normal human. Rumours have begun to circulate that a werewolf has been spotted in the woods surrounding the town, few take it seriously, but you? You are one, you need to sort this out before some foolish new blood kills somebody.

I would love for this to be high casual. I love verbose descriptive language.


Name: Andrew McLohan
Age: 23
Sex: Andromorph (Hopefully but can be made Male if it's a dealbreaker)
Background: As a human he was a fairly happy nondescript lad, he worked as a woodworkers apprentice and was earning a fairly decent living, he loved his parents, his town and his life. He had a few friends and life was good, until a camping trip in the woods, he'd gone with his friends as a celebration for moving up from a lay apprentice to a candidate apprentice, things were joyous, right until they weren't, something attacked the camp in the dead of night. It snarled and drooled, heaving bulk swallowed the night sky, it started with a blood-curdling scream, then shouting, blood-streaked the ground. Andrew thought he'd gotten off lightly by the time it was all over, a bite on his arm, one of his friends was dead. Lucky for them, a ranger had heard the scream and came running, he shot at the monster and it ran. His parents, along with most of the townsfolk were convinced it was a bear. Oh, how Andrew wished it had been a bear....

I'm totally in if it's still open.

Steampunk fantasy is lit.
I'll bite.
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