Avatar of twannyman


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12 mos ago
Current Man I forgot this website, had so much fine here. Guess we peek around
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4 yrs ago
When you get back to this site after like 2 years cause Covid took away all RP you could have IRL :(
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5 yrs ago
Fine by me mouse, fine by me
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5 yrs ago
Hmmm.. School be like, no sleep for ya
5 yrs ago
Good luck peeps who still need to sleep. Imma go and head to school soon :(.. Welp wish me luck


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Most Recent Posts

I'll get my next post up tomorrow
Keepin em short to get some progress going.

On another note are there any plans to create a discord server or something?

Captain Roderic Thorne

Roderic gave a solid nod towards the Princess and grabbed the latter from her hand. After quickly reading the letter he smiled, or attempted a smile, it looked a bit forced. "By all means come in your highness."

Roderic opened the gate and inside was what looked like a normal village with two major exceptions. At first glance, it was very noticeable that there were no real houses, sure propped-up tents, but no houses. Secondly, there was a lot more sound going around, from smiths hammering away to the thunking of wood on wood that came from what is presumable the training grounds. Roderic guided the Princess and her entourage towards what seemed to be the main tent, as it was significantly larger and had some different rooms on the inside.

"Please have a seat, your Highness, can I offer you something to drink? I have ale, water, and tea here." Roderic himself sat down on a comfy chair adorned with the skin of a large wolf. "So what did you have to discuss, your Highness?"

I initially planned on having Altina side with the duke as well, but hm... now, I dunno... The Wizard Queen might end up getting dog-piled if this keeps up, so I'm reconsidering... I left her allegiances up in the air in my initial post to give myself some leeway. Decisions, decisions...

The real power play is just forming a new faction after the Duke beats the Queen or during that battle
Bit of a short one to get started, really need to shake off some rust

Captain Roderic Thorne.
The Hands of Iron Hideout

It was an uneventful day at the base. Some of the sellswords were in the mine extracting the very little iron that was still around. The sound of clanging of hammers was heard all around the base, the smiths actively forging various weaponry and other useful bits and bolts. Roderic himself was mostly out and about, overseeing the day-to-day activities when one of the gate guards came up to him. "Captain!! Captain!! Someone who claims to be a princess wants to see you."

Meanwhile at the gate crossbows were raised towards the unknown carriages, the gate closed and the guard very warily looking at the approaching party. While they did not seem to be hostile initially, in this line of work that could all change in the blink of an eye. One of the more experienced members responded to the shout; "And how can we be so sure you are who you say you are?!"

Slowly but surely Roderic himself made his way towards the gate. Just as he reached it a small hand tried to open the gate; "Well princess you are fearless just to open this gate with only a handful of guards aren't you?" To be honest Thorne wasn't surprised that the current Royal family had sent someone towards his hideout. Unease could be felt throughout the province and as such sellswords such as himself would become a valuable force for many. "So what brings you to my cosy little camp Princess?"

I'll get working on a post tomorrow, had a big tournament this weekend. Looking forward to this RP if I just read the few IC posts
@Donut Look Now I love the name of your character Nyx Hier(for those who don't know it means there is nothing here in Dutch just Nyx is written as Niks)

Roderic would be in a situation where he hopefully understands that he oughta keep real fucking quiet about his Seed, or bro's

He knows, just shut up and act as if its a hand that's in a glove anti-magic is defo a last resort
The real question is how he got Dremora's in him. They don't mate with other races. I'd say they don't mate at all, monsters and demons are just spawned in whenever there's a mortal birth. Most likely, how he got his Dremora powers is if he was cursed by a Dremora, (or blessed, depending on how you look at it.) Would that fit with your vision?

That works too, mostly needed a reason to explain the shadow powers and Dremora seemed to fit, a curse/blessing would work
So did you just read Safina and Melisande's CS, then figured, "Hey, why not both in one?" 😛

I sort of needed a solid explanation as to why shadows were so prevalent and indeed, Dremoras seemed like a solid option.

As a wise man once said; "I'd rather steal well than be horribly original"
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