Avatar of Unraveller


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3 yrs ago
Current Fire Emblem. But STILL on a forum.
5 yrs ago
Fire Emblem. BUT ON A FORUM!
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8 yrs ago
Roleplaying is the only thing that gives meaning to my mediocre existence. And cookies too.
9 yrs ago
Wants to be a saikyou hero.


I am a rather middling RPer who likes to believe they are actually at an advanced level. This is of course, nonsense created by my desire to be known as good at something. In otherwords, I'm kinda okay at things and stuff.

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When creating a unit you must first choose a name to designate it, whether it be generic like 'Cavalier 12', or more personalized, a unit may have as little or as much background and personality as you desire. Though the latter will help you becoming more attached to your unit's and their campaigns across Jugdral as they grow! Next you'll allocated the unit's base stats and growth rates as detailed below. Finally you will select a class for the unit, paying the price as listed and selecting a castle under you control for which the unit will appear.

All TIER 1 class units are created at level 1, while TIER 2 units begin the game at level 10 but receive six levels worth of stat growth. TIER 3 units begin the game as level 20, and receive 12 levels worth of stat growth. Thus, a TIER 1 unit who reaches the same levels of a TIER 2 or TIER 3 will generally outgrow them statistically. When hiring a TIER 2 or TIER 3 unit you may select class skills from their class prior to promotion.

Rebalance and change many really bad awful equipment from Fe4.
Finish adding Class Skills.
Add more magic to make it interesting.

Add grand strategy mechanics for gold generation and building.
Figure out how equipment purchasing mechanics will work.
Add in bond/children mechanics?

WIP Please do not post as of yet, thank you.

KURUM: "The Lady of Fortune isn't with us this time lads. . ." The Dark Sun rider's wounds gout blood as he feebly calls back, with the last motes of his strength he kicks the side of his horse to herald him away. And swiftly thereafter his subordinates follow suit.

RAVINA: "Let's be after those two-timing snakes and finish them off eh?"

DOAN-NASIR: "Two-timing? Dishonorable perhaps, but many of us have no choice but to be cutthroat in these times. . . We won't pursue."

SIM-MA-SIHU: "Then let's turn about and back the boys up."

DOAN-NASIR: "No. We'll secure the perimeter. Iddin and his men are more than capable of handling this task. Let's be sure no more reinforcements will arrive." With that the three senior Hellions ride off, leaving the rest in the hands of their subordinates.

AM-ZIKAR: "Damn! So they've got lots'a little friends do they? Fine, men head toward the keep, we'll bolster the Angal's defense!"

KASSITE HUNTER #3 attacks ZARIF with their BRONZE SHORT BOW, dealing 6 damage! ZARIF counterattacks with his BRONZE SLING, dealing 7 damage! ZARIF receives 8xp!

KASSITE REBEL #11 attacks BALATHU TWICE with their BRONZE SHORT SPEAR, dealing 8 damage! BALATHU counterattacks with his IRON LANCE, dealing 16 damage! Killing them!





KURUM attacks RAVINA with his BRONZE CURVED BLADE dealing 10 damage! RAVINA counterattacks with her BRONZE GREAT AXE dealing 23 damage!
DARK SUN CAVALIER #4 attacks SIM-MA-SIHU with their BRONZE SHORT SPEAR dealing 6 damage! SIM-MA-SIHU counterattacks with his IRON SHORT SPEAR, killing them!

KURUM: "G-GYAAAH!" The leader of the Dark Suns lets out an awful sound, striking at the mounted Axewoman only for her to take it and return with all the more force, her heavy greataxe digging deep into the cavalier's shoulder. At once all around him, the sellsword's numbers had been cut in half. "Damn! Form on me!"

AM-ZIKAR: "Surround 'em, cut 'em to shreds!" Sure enough, the blood-starved Kassite swordsman and his goons quickly began to engulf Ninil and Balathu near on all sides as the rest of the Hellions make their way up the main road.




Ashür flicks the dark crimson off his blade and moves away hence, with a hawk-eye toward the gate, his allies had broken in and put down the bulk of the rebel forces, 'No doubt that idiot Siris is going to charge ahead. . .' He mired, gazing on to the majestic Salador's master. The bandit moves forth beside them, gripping hold of the hem of the camel's saddle.

"Quartermaster, I need not fall behind, those young fools are lost without me." He calls over the lull in battle.

ASHUR moves to 28-15

KURUM: "Aaah, Tremorous Doan. These barbarians hardly slaked our thirst, perhaps your band will be a more enticing drink?" The leader of the Dark Suns leads his men on a stampede out from the city-state they'd nearly just taken, the gate is swiftly slammed shut abaft as they charge.

CAPTAIN DOAN-NASIR: "Hmmph." Doan-Nasir, captain of the Hellions of Gir stamps at a choke in the road along with his trusted confidants. He raises his Horseslayer aloft toward his prospective foe, "Taking payment from the other side to turn on your kin, truly you are a despicable one. Even we sellswords must live by a code of honour or are we mere brigands?"
KURUM: "Fool, what makes you think I'm fighting for those degenerates?" Kurum lets out a devious grin before continuing their charge. The Hellions ride out to match.

NINIL: "Eehehe. . . We may have made a slip up." Scrambling in from the northern gates of the city-state, two more of the Hellions find their way through to the inner-quarter.

BALATHU: ". . ."

NINIL: "Okay. . . Okay. . . I made a slip up, but don't worry! I'll make it right Balathu, as long as you've got my back!" The young girl's taut arms keep her bow drawn as she ducks stoops low for the shelter of brush, her heavy companion abaft as bootfalls sound after them.

AM-ZIKAR: "I won't forgive ya 'lil shit. My blade's aching to taste that sweet blood o' yers."


CAPTAIN DOAN-NASIR: "Hm? Don't speak such rot."

DOAN-NASIR moves to 24-26 and attacks DARK SUN CAVALIER #2 with his HORSESLAYER dealing 36 Damage! Killing them!
RAVINA moves to 25-29 and attacks DARK SUN CAVALIER #5 with her BRONZE GREAT AXE dealing 25 damage! Killing them!
SIM-MA-SIHU moves to 25-26 and attacks DARK SUN CAVALIER #4 with his IRON SHORT SPEAR dealing 13 Damage! DARK SUN CAVALIER #4 counterattacks and hits for 6!



ASHÜR grimaces at the pain, first of his wound, then of the searing succor of Zuzu, and finally at the thought of how much glassen flesh was hidden 'neath a veneer of scars. Shaking the strange] off of himself, the dour man sends one eye toward the large cavalry detatchment leaving the southeastern gate, and the other eye toward the priest.

ASHÜR: "Join with the others and find safety within the walls. . ." His words are just as much pointed towards Etor as Iddin. "I'll take care of your woman." The bandit adds with some venom. And just so, he darts back past the priest as the likewise foreign merchant looses a volley of arrows that meet their mark. With a deft swing of his curved blade, the burly Kassite is felled.

ASHÜR moves 7 tiles to 33-15 and attacks KASSITE BRIGAND #1 with his BRONZE CURVED BLADE, killing them! He recieves 36xp and levels up!
DOAN-NASIR: "Onward, we'll draw them off!" The captain hefts his mighty lance, the Horseslayer, aloft straight-ahead down the path. He, Ravina, and Sim-Ma-Sihu charge, the beat of their hooves echoing to match their numbered foes.

DOAN-NASIR moves to 30-27.
RAVINA moves to 31-26.
SIM-MA-SIHU moves to 31-28.


With the utmost deftness, the greatest cutpurse among the Hellions of Gyr works his magic. With a quick jolt forward, Makeen fires twin knives through the air, severing the paltry mechanisms of the gate, and allowing it to fall. The sounds of battle grow closer, Kassites within the city assault their own tower, yet there is little time to consider the implications, one of the rebelling tribesman brandishes their spear and lunges forth from the opening toward Makeen.

KASSITE REBEL #6 attacks MAKEEN with their BRONZE SHORT SPEAR, dealing 9 damage!
MAKEEN counterattacks twice with his BRONZE LONG KNIFE, for a total of 6 damage! Makeen gains 8xp and two Blade proficiency!

KASSITE BRIGAND #4 attacks LYUN with their IRON HAND AXE, missing!
LYUN counterattacks with his BRONZE HAND AXE, also missing!

Regardless, a path opens itself to them, and perhaps a chance to evade the coming onslaught to the east. Abaft from Makeen and Siris, Ashur battles with an entrenched spearman. By an utterly narrow margin, he pivots away from the attack, slicing across the figure's throat with a sloppy flourish, realizing how close death had drawn near. . .

KASSITE REBEL #5 attacks ASHUR with their BRONZE SHORT SPEAR, missing!
ASHUR counterattacks KASSITE REBEL #5 with his BRONZE CURVED BLADE, for a CRITICAL HIT, killing them! ASHUR receives 24xp!

Further on another of the burly steppemen charges into the backline between Iddin and his younger bride.

CAPTAIN DOAN-NASIR: "We haven't time to tarry. Ravina, Sim-ma-sihu!"

RAVINA: "These boys, ahohoho~ always getting themselves into trouble."

SIM-MA-SIHU: "This won't be easy. . . Ain't those the Dark Suns?"


CAPTAIN DOAN-NASIR: "We'll divert the Dark Suns attention best as we can. It's time to cut off the head of this serpent!"

ASHUR: "These reinforcements couldn't be more dramatically timed. . ."

The bandit twists his body abaft after having brushed with his own mortality. Despite the thick tension of battle, he clasps a hand upon the young Etor's shoulder. "There'll be time to stew and suffer after your dead, now get a move on!"



An exasperated groan emerges from the bandit's throat, looking on to Siris's advance forward and his egging on of their thieving companion without even having slain the defensive position. . . "Hop to Etor, we've to save a couple of fools, as per usual." In the brush where they lay, Ashür's slit eyes take a gander at the younger merc, still caught somewhat in there daze. He resolves to clasp his hand upon the boy's shoulder.

ASHÜR: "Just as before, you'll get a grasp, just follow my lead."

With that, the sellsword darts forward, quickened of pace, flanking the Kassite in the trees off one side closest to the road and his ever brash compatriots. With a flourish his blade strikes true.

ASHÜR moves to 20-31 and attacks KASSITE REBEL #5 with his BRONZE CURVED BLADE, dealing 6 damage!

KASSITE REBEL #5 counterattacks with their BRONZE SHORT SPEAR, dealing 9 damage! ASHÜR receives 9xp and 1 Blade Proficiency!
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