Avatar of Vanq


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Comic Con for the day, woo!
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9 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
Can't afford to be neutral on a moving train
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9 yrs ago
8 months? I don't feel like I received enough warning at how quickly time flies the older one gets. Poking around, taking a look.
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9 yrs ago
Work isn't cooperating with giving me time, working on catching up.


Most Recent Posts

Ooo Zach, lovely images for El's sisters. If only I could find a good one for little El.
I'm also feeling rather energetic tonight so I'm going to try to get something up...
A rather mad member. Harumph I say. Harumph.
In Abaddon 11 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Re-post your sheets here pretty please, and I'll get them added to the OP since we have hiders again. :3

Also, if I still have enough interest, I'll be looking to start the IC Monday-ish. Yay long weekends.
I'm....just gonna work on redoing House Dayne. I still have the pictures saved and remember about half of the names for that bunch so there will be some tweaks as I re-write them. Probably won't get around to that til this weekend though. I'll redo Elaena as well, but she was a pretty easy sheet to put together, so might get that done sooner.
In Abaddon 11 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

OOC Information
*About 2 months previous to the start of the rp, approximately 2 billion people disappeared. All that was left was anything non human, clothing, fillings, medical devices, etc. By all accounts, every single person missing disappeared at the same time, and according to witnesses, quite literally in the blink of an eye. Although hard facts are hard to come by, it also appears as if the disappearances were random. Rich, poor, religious or non, young or old, every nationality...But, again, hard facts are hard to come come by. Your char will not know much, similar to the brief prologue above.

*Starting off in Buffalo, NY. Mostly because I am very familiar with the area. Home of the Bills, the Sabres, and the Bisons, creators of Buffalo Wings, only region to find a Mighty Taco. Next door to Niagara Falls and Canada. Winters are rough, the area was dying long before the start of this, and the people, well….it’s the Rust Belt. There’s a good dose of cynicism in most people, but with that comes pride as well.

*Advanced standards apply. I don’t require more than 3-4 paragraphs per post, more is welcome but don’t feel pressured. You’ll also notice a different CS template than typical. I’m looking for ways to not only create more solid and real characters, but to get a better read on them via a CS. Feedback is welcome on the structure of it.

*As another note on characters, I will be picky. Don’t create a character that has no reason to interact with the group. Feel free to create a character with hidden motivations, or is morally gray. But do not create somebody who clashes with the very premise of the rp.
General plot will follow our group uncovering what’s happened to the world. What’s happened to loved ones and friends, what caused the world-wide disappearances, and how to put it all back together.

*Super-badass-gunslinging type is off limits. It never ends well.

IC Information
*Start date is October 2015. In Buffalo and the surrounding area that means winter is coming. This also means the day of the Rapture was August 2, 2015.

*In the outskirts of Buffalo, at the Ralph Wilson Stadium (former home of the Bills). The gangs and some former cops have banded together to see over the stadium and its various occupants. The stadium has drawn a large crowd from the city itself and the surrounding suburbs, turning it into a shanty town of sorts. It’s a better situation than the rest of the area at large. Food is rationed but still available. A barter system has already been developed. There’s even electricity sometimes. The rules are simple and effective. Do what the men with guns say, keep your head down, survive.

*All characters must be in the Stadium. Ours will have been put on a work detail with each other. It's likely they don’t know each other for the most part. The overseers like to keep it that way to keep a hold of their power.

Accepted Characters
Oh hey.

Jorick get out. >=[
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