Thanks Halo ^.^
Yog Sothoth said
Wow a lot of you made really generalizing statements about superheroes and it tells me none of you read a lot of comics. Superheroes can be written in any fictional genre. There are magic and fantasy heroes, aliens and sci-fi heroes, mystery and anti heroes.@ Innue, the x men are superheroes, most superheroes deal with social problems of many different types, superheroes are among some of the most relevant kinds of fiction outside of realistic fiction in the history of storytelling. Most people dismiss superheroes because they're American and have never really picked up a comic.
Yog Sothoth said
Really? It's been weeks since there has been a interest check for a superhero rp, while anime floods the guild nearly every day. Superheroes make some of the best roleplays when done right.
Halo said
It's almost too stereotypical to be real though. It feels like a parody of those. Surely. Please tell me it is so.Also, to answer the 'offended' query.... they literally say "Jesus Christ is my n***er" like fifty times.