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Comic Con for the day, woo!
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Can't afford to be neutral on a moving train
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8 months? I don't feel like I received enough warning at how quickly time flies the older one gets. Poking around, taking a look.
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Work isn't cooperating with giving me time, working on catching up.


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In Huh 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Thanks Halo ^.^
Picked up Shadow over Innsmouth for 99cents...enjoying it so far.

And as for an OOC...I'll spend some time over today and tomorrow getting that up as long as my work schedule stays nice.

(Super great to see you again, @ruby)
In Huh 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

Things look different.

All the buttons and options since the last time I was here...

@Six Six Six

Hah, I'm actually not that familiar with it, but after googling it a bit, it seems you are correct. Lovecraftian would be a good term for it.
Thank you~ I am still working on correcting some errors I've noticed and updating the Mayor/Council members with brief information.
Let me know if you have any questions, or think something needs to be better clarified c:
Aeredal is and always has been. Brother Andryl

A tiny village tucked away in a hidden valley, its inhabitants are self sufficient to the extreme. Time passes, children are born and the elderly die. Time passes, yet little has changed since the land was first settled. Too distant from any large holding, and with the journey by land arduous at best, the village sees few outsiders. No lord lays claim (or remembers a claim) to the land or the people, nor are the inhabitants much aware of life outside their own. Merchants pass through twice yearly, at the onset of spring and autumn. Exchanges are kept to simple bartering and little news comes from the stoic lips of the barge masters. From time to time, the barges deposit not only goods, but people as well. Stragglers, one or two men or women, those who are desperate to escape - to start over. The village rarely welcomes such individuals with warmth.

Something has always been off about Aeredal.Merchant Perthwin

With no more than two hundred calling the village home, all work together to support the tenuous grasp they have over nature - to overcome the difficulty in surviving season to season. To their great benefit, the seasons tend to be mild and the land incredibly fertile. The majority of the town is densely packed around the town square - enclosed to the north by the Mayor’s home and to the west by the Brothers' church. Most families keep a small garden and chickens or ducks. To the outskirts of the village hold larger community farms and grazing for sheep and goats. Wheat and barley are the staple of their agriculture, though a small orchard of apples and pears has also sprung up in more recent years. The meager fields and herds they have would not be enough to support even a village so small - Aeredal still relies on a small group of hunters and gatherers who set up camp in the nearby forest. The extra meat from deer, rabbits, and other small vermin, as well as the mushrooms, wild onions, and berries, make up for an otherwise lackluster diet. The village healer, closely tied to nature and at times at odds with the Brothers, calls the forest home as well.

The village buildings and houses are largely wooden, though a few show their wealth with the use of stone. To the east of the town square the skilled artisans set up shop, their workstations combined with both shop and home. Overseeing them all is the Master Tradesman, with a home smaller than the mayor’s but still impressive in comparison to the rest of the village.

The village functions without much oversight on a day to day business. The Mayor is the unquestionable leader. He - or rarely, she - is advised by a small council. The Eldest Brother, the Master Tradesman, the Mayor’s Heir, and a rotating villager meet monthly to discuss any pressing concerns. Mayorship is hereditary, in times of a mayor having no heir, a prominent family can garner support to fill the role. Such an act has not been necessary in several generations. The Eldest Brother title perhaps speaks to a time when several Brothers would lead the village in spiritual matters. Or perhaps not, regardless, the Eldest Brother is alone in his duties except in the taking of an apprentice to teach and succeed him. The Master Tradesmen is selected from the group of skilled artisans in a manner only they are aware of.

OOC Information

  • Aeredal is a seemingly idyllic village, unmolested by time or outsiders. All is not as it appears.
  • Player characters will be recent arrivals from the merchant barges. They arrive with the first merchants of the year - in spring.
  • Village characters are to be treated as NPCs - some control is allowed, barring the Mayor and Council - basic character information will be provided. As GM, these will be used to push along the story.
  • Influences - MOTW/Twin Peaks/Fringe otherworldly creepiness in a Medieval - lightly fantasy - setting, Banished
  • Humans are the only sapient/sentient species. Flora and fauna is “real world” based.
  • Light fantasy elements are to be introduced as the rp progresses.
  • Looking for up to 6 players.

Extra World Information

  • The villagers are opposed to news of the outside world - ignorance is willfully pursued to the point of anger should such conversation be pursued.
  • There is obvious contention among certain factions of the city - most notably between the healer and the Brothers.
  • Nonetheless, most villagers vocally ascribe to the Brothers’ religion. Rituals and dogma are bare bones - belief is centered around a male-gendered creator and basic mores of spirituality is taught. Zealotry is at a minimum.
  • Subsistence living at its finest. Apparel, homes, accessories, etc are simplistic and functional.
  • Merchants and traders that visit twice yearly take whatever extra raw goods the village has managed to produce (grains, wool, leathers, etc) in exchange for other raw goods and processed materials the village is unable to produce or produce in high enough volume (citrus, iron, parchment & inks, etc).

Villagers/NPCs of Note

IC Expectations

  • Advanced - 2-4 paragraphs expected - but not looking for short-story/novella length posts
  • Post collaboration is welcome and encouraged - but not to the point of holding up others
  • Grammar and spell-checking - mistakes happen, but posts should not be riddled with errors.
  • Post at least once per week
  • Got an idea and you aren’t sure how to fit it in or make it work? Ask! Character driven subplots are wholly supported.
Yog Sothoth said
Wow a lot of you made really generalizing statements about superheroes and it tells me none of you read a lot of comics. Superheroes can be written in any fictional genre. There are magic and fantasy heroes, aliens and sci-fi heroes, mystery and anti heroes.@ Innue, the x men are superheroes, most superheroes deal with social problems of many different types, superheroes are among some of the most relevant kinds of fiction outside of realistic fiction in the history of storytelling. Most people dismiss superheroes because they're American and have never really picked up a comic.

No one is saying superhero rps are bad or worse than X. People are saying they don't like to rp them. If there's a lack of interest in the rp boards, then its just a time where the general mood has swung away from these things. Its one thing to complain that what you like isn't popular/common on the forum. I get that, I'm sure we all do and have experienced something similar.

Its another thing to sit there and try to argue about why people should want to do them. Or imply that they're stupid somehow for not wanting to. But honestly, at this point, you're willfully ignoring the difference.
The point though, reasons aside, is that what is "good" or "better" is entirely subjective and an opinion, not fact.

I don't care for anime or superhero rps. That doesn't mean I'll say my tastes are better than what is currently popular in the int checks.
Yog Sothoth said
Really? It's been weeks since there has been a interest check for a superhero rp, while anime floods the guild nearly every day. Superheroes make some of the best roleplays when done right.

In your opinion.
Halo said
It's almost too stereotypical to be real though. It feels like a parody of those. Surely. Please tell me it is so.Also, to answer the 'offended' query.... they literally say "Jesus Christ is my n***er" like fifty times.

I'm pretty sure this was a serious attempt at reaching the "urban youth." Its given me flashbacks to the type of stuff the church I went to would do to be hip and cool. Although we never used the old fogeys to rap, no, that was us middle/high schoolers...
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