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3 sketches of story ideas - very open to discussion. Please feel free to post here or PM.
I've done PbP/forum rp'ing since I was 16, and I'm now 35. I walked away about 6 years ago, but find myself now really missing it as a creative outlet. Given my age, I would strongly prefer to partner with someone mid20s+ but absolutely someone 18+ is non-negotiable.

While I also have a tendency to get long-winded, I'm thinking of trying something new (to me) with this - take turns setting the scene, but then aim to have more quick exchanges for dialog/moving the scene. I'd also be good with tossing dialog exchanges "live" and then translate that to a post. Too often in the past I realize I'd have spent a week for an event that would have maybe lasted 5 minutes. There would be plenty of wonderful prose to read, but not much that my character would have gained from it.

Additionally, I am good with romance (most of these plot ideas lend well to that) but am not looking to write explicitly.

I am fine with writing via PMs but would want to keep the rp on site. I have discord and happy to chat off site there (or toss dialog back and forth if incorporating it into a post onsite).

So far it seems that most of my ideas simmering are all related to songs, please do not judge my taste in music :) no apologies for my absolute love of snow patrol

Thought I'd toss in the rough idea I have here for any other feedback.

God: Eris
Other Names: Discordia, The Discordant One, Strife

Her grandmother was originally the Quartermaster on the ship, but died or disappeared some years ago. Eris' mother has been out of the picture longer for reasons I'm still mulling through. I thought it'd be good to have a character who wasn't part of the initial journey. I do see her as having had many years "studying" under her grandmother before taking on the mantle.

Eris relies on a few forms of technology that would have originally been modified and developed from implants meant to make space travel and colonization "easier" on the human psyche. Increase work output (even to the detriment of the person), suppress certain emotions, increase others, etc.

Also envisioning that grandma would have built up an actual cult that has decreased in more recent times but still exists in some form today.

Still thinking through on what granddaughter Eris thinks about it all.
Consider me interested~ This sounds good after my too-long hiatus.
I feel like I've made a handful of these over the years but am very reluctant to see when my last one occurred. Based on my last post dates, it has somehow been 6+ years since I was last here.

It's been way too long since I've put pen to paper, but many ideas still swirling around. Not sure what I'll fully jump back into, and it seems unlikely I'll recognize very many names at this point, but I will at least enjoy lurking around for a bit before making any decisions.

In advance - nice to meet you all - and in case there are any familiar faces, so nice to see you again.
Paul, duly chastised so it stung, backed off. He was aware of the Lady Klotho, and her peculiarities in politics. Regardless of his own feelings, she was not one to cross and, by extension, neither were her underlings. There was little he could do but silently seethe at the effect it would have on Nima, and his relationship to her. Paul was decidedly old school with his progeny and his role as sire.

Satisfied that Alexei seemed to be of a mind with her, Nima grew more bold. She would likely pay for that later, in a private moment with her sire, but it would be simple jealousy on his part. She was tied to him, and would remain tied to him, for as long as she needed to. Nima had decided on that early on. She always had been the ambitious sort.

"Turning hunters could serve many purposes. You know my history, but did you follow what happened to my group after I was taken? My father killed himself. My sister tried to find me and met a rather disastrous end for it. Our larger group? Split apart. It was a rather brilliant decision. Hunters are not often victorious, and rarely take on meaningful targets. Still, taking a member of that community hits them hard. They dissolve. The story spreads and discourages others, or is hidden, allowing it to happen again." She knew full and well that had not been Paul's intent, but it was the outcome nevertheless. "Now we have another who has learned that, and added to the impact. Destroy the local hunters and set up an effective trap to take the territory." Her lips pulled back to an acknowledging smile. "Yet, they did not plan for those more intelligent seeing through the ruse."

Nima took pulled a chair opposite Alexei, smoothly seating herself. "I am sorry, let me be more brief. Anna was popular, but not overly involved. Giorgio was...past his prime. I doubt they were the targets the sire loosed his hunter - or hunters - on. It must have been Richard. We are still so emotional early on. It would have been easy for the sire to use that hunter hatred towards an Eternal that so enjoys the chase, particularly the chase of 'innocent' young girls." She paused, knowing Paul vehemently disagreed on this point. "I would also wager that the vampire behind this is young as well, stupid enough to threaten the natural order." But how would they solve it? That remained unanswered, and Nima was reluctant to admit that she partially agreed with Paul. "This was a test, they are not here, so they must be waiting to see the response, to see if they can steal territory in this way."

Paul interjected. "You believe they will try this again, given the chance. Alexei - if you agree to this, we must ensure we are the ones to select the territory they go after. We cannot allow chance to dictate their next move. I know there is a prime piece of real estate recently...freed up. There are many vying for favor to receive it." He pushed for his original plan, eager for the opportunity to prove that he was correct. "If these traitors believe they have won, they will be emboldened. It will be too tantalizing for them to pass up."

It was dangerous business, being such a youthful Eternal. While she had kept herself useful to her patron, rarely would be brought in to speak directly to her knowledge. The greatest threat had always been themselves, until recently at least. She looked over the images, the reports that were scattered around the room.

Paul had discussed it with her, on their way to Dukewater. Though the higher ups would try to down play this travesty, he was certain they were desperate for answers. Desperation which could lead to scapegoating. The threat had been thinly veiled, as it had been when she was tasked with ambushing her imbecile sister.

It took her a moment to answer, long enough that Paul inhaled sharply. "No, I have never heard of such a thing. But you must know, hunter groups are such a varied bunch. It is a community in the loosest sense of the word - I had heard rumors of other groups who honestly thought this might be reversible." Perfectly ruby red lips pulled back in a sneer. "Purposefully storing Eternal blood, or using thralls against us...Most of them would find that too repulsive." Most, but not all. She left the door open to that as Paul had demanded. It wasn't what she believed, but Paul's instructions had been clear so she swallowed her pride.

Nima picked up the crime scene photo of Giorgio. It screamed of hunter tactics, except for the lack of any sign that he had been staked. And the overkill. "I was a hunter, and now I am Eternal." "If that is possible, surely it is possible for a hunter to be enthralled to do their "prey's" bidding." That was closer to her own belief. A vampire or small coven misbehaving. "May I speak bluntly?"

Paul nearly hissed, Nima had always been difficult to keep in line. There were times he almost appreciated that about her but this was not one of them. Any slight would be held against him as much as her, if not more so.

"Anna was a high profile target." Paul spoke over her, with a look silencing any protest she might raise. "Whether this was hunters or an Eternal behind the attack, clearly they meant to make a statement. Surely that can be used to draw out this group once more and settle what is at play. We know the tactics they employed, and that can be turned against them."

She had thought it would feel great too. Now, as she sat in the cafeteria, picking at the nearly untouched food in front of her, with the news blaring, it didn't feel so good. It hadn't felt so good in the moment either. Thinking it would end without so much bloodshet had been a foolish thought on her part. So far, she had kept it together, in line with the rest of her team. Saria had never been one prone to long fits of despair, she buried it, turned it into fuel for rage.

At least the girl was alive, that was something. Perhaps this Christine Haynes or her family would not think so at the moment, but life was a success. The endless images of the deputies, the outpouring of anger at those who hadn't taken their lives, it was like daggers. How often had she felt the same for hunters whose lives were lost or those of the innocents taken as game.

It was hard to meet Marco's eyes. She did not want her resolve to appear weak as it was. "It did at first, at least." She paused, forehead creasing. "We proved...we proved the impossible. We got revenge." But. Marco's words hung heavily, the sentiment he chose to leave unsaid. "We will find a better way." If not for morality's sake, having to take out groups of thralls would not be tactically sound. Which reason the others chose to find a better way would be their own. Saria struggled to justify it, her life in danger against foes who did not choose their violent bindings. And she thought of Nima, if she was an Eternal, like Saria so absolutely believed, she had not chosen that fate either.

She cleared her throat, willing her tension away. "So what now? Do we get any rest before the rest of hell breaks loose?" Her half smile faltered, they had started a long road. Rest was, luckily, not something their bodies required as much of anymore.


"It's impossible. Surely this was a rival staking a claim."

Far from Tennessee, a couple argued. "Don't be ridiculous. You may not have been one of us long, but have you ever seen a territory dispute leave such a mess in its wake?"

The man was tall, muscular, and very angry. His normally meticulously groomed hair was astray, his meticulous clothing, disheveled. The woman, his companion, positioned herself on the far side of the room. Tall and trim, her body's curves and perfect face had secured her fate. She had been with Paul for several years now. She had never heard him speak such nonsense.


"No, our orders are final. We will look into this further, and you are essential to this matter. You came from a family of hunters, if there was information you kept from us during your...initiation, now would be the time to share it." Paul lunged from his chair and was upon the female in moments, her skin giving in to his grasp. He had chosen her, he had wanted her and claimed her. She had been his since the day she was taken. He had molded her, shaped her in her new life.

Nima blinked once, slowly. "There is no way in hell that even a large group of hunters would have been able to take on three of us. Especially not one as old as Giorgio." She cut him off before he could lash out further. "But of course, I will lend my expertise on resolving this."

Paul's grip relaxed. "We leave tonight."

A Prologue

OOC Information
  • About 1 year previous to the start of the rp, approximately 2 billion people disappeared. All that was left was anything non human, clothing, fillings, medical devices, etc. By all accounts, every single person missing disappeared at the same time, and according to witnesses, quite literally in the blink of an eye. Although hard facts are hard to come by, it also appears as if the disappearances were random. Rich, poor, religious or non, young or old, every nationality...But, again, hard facts are hard to come come by. Your char will not know much, similar to the brief prologue above.
  • Starting off in Buffalo, NY. Mostly because I am very familiar with the area. Home of the Bills, the Sabres, and the Bisons, creators of Buffalo Wings, only region to find a Mighty Taco. Next door to Niagara Falls and Canada. Winters are rough, the area was dying long before the start of this, and the people, well….it’s the Rust Belt. There’s a good dose of cynicism in most people, but with that comes pride as well.
  • Advanced standards apply. I don’t require more than 3-4 paragraphs per post, more is welcome but don’t feel pressured. You’ll also notice a different CS template than typical. I’m looking for ways to not only create more solid and real characters, but to get a better read on them via a CS. Feedback is welcome on the structure of it.
  • As another note on characters, I will be picky. Don’t create a character that has no reason to interact with the group. Feel free to create a character with hidden motivations, or is morally gray. But do not create somebody who clashes with the very premise of the rp.
  • General plot will follow our group uncovering what’s happened to the world. What’s happened to loved ones and friends, what caused the world-wide disappearances, and how to put it all back together.

Character Sheet Template

She should have known better than to insinuate they would leave a bunch of helpless people to deal with detoxing thralls, but neither Saria was not eager to see how they would have to deal with deputies. She glanced back towards the damaged Eternals, a reminder of how far all of them had come. She hoped they felt the same sense of dread so many mortals had felt, she wondered if they could fully fear true death.

PDA in hand, she pulled up a map of Dukewater.

I don't suppose crossing jurisdictions means much to the deputies.

It was only sent to Marco, and regardless of it just being an attempt at banter, she followed his lead in leaving the vamps in the dark as much as possible. With a different thought, she changed her search. Permanently closed business. There was a list, restaurants, mom and pop stores, not the kind of place she wanted to guide them towards. Her eyes lit up further down the list.

About 15 minutes out from an closed warehouse. Relatively empty industrial park.

Seconds later she sent out the coordinates to the group. The route would take them closer to the city, a calculated risk. Saria doubted the thralls would want other police departments to engage, given their cargo. She flexed, stretching her arms and legs, one by one in the limited space allotted her. They might have to kill the deputies, she knew it and kept the thought in the back of her mind, preparing herself. But it wouldn't be their first resort, or at least it wouldn't be hers. Much like Marco had taken the poor prom girl out with a tranq, Saria shuffled to load up on some non-lethal options. Equipment was certainly not a scarcity with the Vigil.

The warehouse had surely once been one among many such facilities, a few decades ago. Once it had been a paper mill, and like so many others, had struggled along, cutting workers until it was barely a shell of what it once was. Back in the day, the jobs if offered would have given an average Joe a decent wage to lead a mediocre life. It had been abandoned completely for some years, boarded up with no trespassing signs littering it's entrance road and building. The county and state didn't have the funds to tear down all of them, especially when ownership remained up in the air. It remained fenced off, but between kids cutting it to sneak in for urban exploration or parties and more nefarious sorts using it as a place to dispense with business, the fence was not well maintained. It wasn't difficult to enter, and the sprawling, dilapidated parking lot with out buildings made it a prime location for the impending showdown.

As the vehicle came to a smooth stop, Saria took a deep breath. "Time for the not-so-fun part, hm?"

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