Avatar of Vanq


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9 yrs ago
Comic Con for the day, woo!
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9 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
Can't afford to be neutral on a moving train
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9 yrs ago
8 months? I don't feel like I received enough warning at how quickly time flies the older one gets. Poking around, taking a look.
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9 yrs ago
Work isn't cooperating with giving me time, working on catching up.


Most Recent Posts

Tears of the Mihra (Adv RP) Information:

  • Myths and Legends:
    Possibly relevant information and world flavor, take everything within with a grain of salt ICly

  • Maps:
    World map available, city maps and/or "dungeon" maps may be posted as well, depending on the situation

  • Empires, Kingdoms, and their Courts:
    General information regarding the political/geographic bodies on the continent. Filling in information regarding the rest of the world will be done via collaboration, keep in mind the general feel of the world.

  • The Mihra:
    General information about the only recognized religion in Terlayne.

Character Sheets: I am looking for a different way to build this. While name/age/appearance/personality & bio have been a standard go to in most of my rp's (either gm'd or participated in), what I'm really looking for is a snap-shot of the character. Information here.

Blessed be mahz, the mightiest unicorn of them all.
Yar...reworking it now to try and come up with something worthy.
Haegon Vaelaros


Haegon is a serious man, some may even go so far as to say completely humorless. In business, in faith, in his family life, he is unwavering in his demands and expectations. The zeal and ruthless nature he showed while a young man has not broken in the wake of his faith, but been forged into something new. He sees each moment as a way to espouse his belief whether in success or failure. When he expands his business or takes out a competitor, when he makes love to his wife or tutors their daughter, it is always with the intent to serve R'hllor.

He is met with both fear and ridicule by his peers. R'hllor is not an uncommon faith in Lys, yet his fervent beliefs can even push away some priests. Those that fear him have good reason to, Haegon has made more than a few enemies due to his business practices. He does not have friends as much as he has allies and acquaintances.

Haegon was the eldest of his parent's six children and the only son until his final sibling was born some fifteen years after him. He grew up with the heritage of a Westerosi mother, one who shared noble and royal bloodline, as she too frequently reminded the young Haegon. He was the only one of his siblings to ever see her land of birth, though he was just a toddler at the time and recalls nothing of Dorne except what his imagination dreamed up as a child listening to a mother's stories.

Having a Dornish mother may not have earned a young Haegon harassment, but he grew up knowing there was a contrast between his family and the other merchant princes of Lys. He was not so pale, none of his siblings were, though they were all more blonde than brunette, and inherited their father's blue eyes. When Haegon was older he also realized that his parents had once been truly in love, blessed by the goddess perhaps some would say. And in fact, they were married in the temple devoted to the goddess of love, so taken with each when they met. That love though had burned too hot and had extinguished itself long before Haegon could see any sign of it except in the quiet moments when his mother's expression would become far off, sad. There was no goddess of love, there were no gods as far as Haegon could tell. Only the worship of money.

He learned his father's businesses with a zeal. Perhaps in part to prove that the Westerosi blood did not dilute the Lyseni in him, perhaps simply because he had the mind for it. Baerion Vaelaros owned a vineyard that went into making one of Lys' famed red wines and several brothels. Haegon was never satisfied, more restless than his father in pursuit of gold. More ruthless.

That began to change, at least in part, when he was a young man of fifteen. Tyene Dayne fell ill during her final pregnancy; it was a birth that both she and child barely survived. While Tyene would go on to recover, the child never did. Little Rhygael was born with a crippled body, deformed. Always sickly, weak, his mind seemed just as crippled as his body. Haegon watched in disgust as even at three namedays, his young brother was unable to utter a word, or even attempt to walk. Though it was never spoken off, Haegon knew that the child's death was not natural nor accidental. He also knew that his mother's death just a week later came from her own hands. Now eighteen, he was forced to make a decision about some things, for as horrifying as he found Rhygael's life, the loss of the little crippled boy and his mother was shocking in a way he would have never guessed. For the first time in his life, he sought meaning outside of the pursuit of gold.

Vaella was the byproduct of his first attempt to find meaning. He turned back to the Lyseni love goddess. While the child he and the priestess created in their passion brought some happiness and meaning to his life, it was not enough. Rather than give the girl up to be raised as a priestess, he took her into his father's home. What was the point of raising another in an empty belief?

Haegon turned to the Seven next, his mother's religion that she had turned back to when the love between her and Baerion failed. There was no peace in it that Haegon could find. Seven facets of the same god, he found them all to be apathetic even if they were real. What great deeds did they ever do? What signs of their existence?

It was then, in his early twenties, that Haegon converted wholly to R'hllor. The Red God whose priests could see the future, the believers who awaited their savior, Azor Ahai. There was power and in proof in the belief, and Haegon became fanatical in a few short years. Though his father wouldn't allow it while he lived, after Baerion died and Haegon inherited the estates and businesses, he would bring the brothel's children to the R'hllor's temple. He funded, from his personal wealth, missions to send the Red Priests to other lands, most notably, Dorne. He still retained his lust for gold and expansion of his business, though the intent was no beyond just proving himself or getting more. It was getting more to serve the Lord of Light, to further his worship, to be ready when the long night came and Azor Ahai would be reborn.

Haegon married a fellow believer, though from a family of new wealth. Lynaera was not so pure-blooded, much like himself, but their shared beliefs has created, if not a loving marriage, one of understanding. Married only four years ago, his wife is barely older than the daughter he created in his days of youth. Lynaera has given him a second daughter, Aedra who is three, but is pregnant with their second child.
The Daynes are more than half finished, and I wrote some in the piratepad which promptly died.
I have a post mostly ready to go...but....I'm still trying to find a good way for Rena to "bump" into someone.
Ok, I'm gonna try to post tonight, for reals. Yaaaay Fridays.
Going to try to have something up in that collab tonight.
Rtron said
Well, Gorzath needs a new person to feel protective of...

Yessss. Big old orc to protect the wee little lass. It's perfection. Poor Zaveed will be super jealous I'm sure.
Dervish said
Dis, Vanq. Dis.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1khghXRGb6kBWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM.

Ohhhhh. I've never actually seen Inception. Silly meeeee. So I can start writing? What should I write?! Zomg....Rena's going to have a fit. She's gonna hug someone, I can feel it.
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