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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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im on Eastern European Timezone so yea :/
its like 5:30pm right now
man i am at a completely different timezone than you guys. Its boring without no one posting :/
"Oohh, I'm sorry i didn't know..." Jan quickly said and withdrew his hand. That settles it, you are an idiot Janus. How did you not see he is blind? Jan said to himself and sighed. After the man told Janus of the location of the guild, he quickly thanked him and apologized once more and quickly walked towards the, now visible on the distance, guild hall.

As he reached the hall, he took a deep breath before opening the doors to his hopefully new guild. The building inside was pretty spacious. The first things that caught his attention were the bar where people where sitting, presumably guild members, and the jobs board. He approached the bar and sat on one of the empty footstools. "Hey there, my name's Janus and I'd like to join this guild." he said and smiled. "How would one go about joining?" he asked the female bartender that was cleaning a drinking glass.
an idiot asking a blind man for directions.
it can be artemis if you want to post right now. just let me change a few stuff here and there...
beware. there will be alot of bumpin into people with Janus! First victim: Darren.
Honey, be careful where you are going ok? Don't forget to come by once in a while!! his mother waved as he set of to join a magician's guild. Its been only 1 year since he decided to join Mystic Ram but Jan couldn't believe he was actually leaving his house. It was a big step forward for him in overcoming his past....

~~A few days later~~

"Hmm, it clearly says here on the map that Mystic Ram's guild hall should be somewhere around here but all i can see are bars and restaurants." The city was bustling with life as people went about their morning business. The quick pace of the city made it hard for Jan to find his way around since he was used to the more peaceful and slow pace of living in the countryside. "Hnng.." he moaned, rotating the map in-front of his face, trying to find the guild hall when suddenly BAM!

Janus and a man collided and fell down on opposite directions. "Ouch" Janus yelped, "Not again...this is the fifth time this has happened to me today..." he said and scratched his head. He got up and lent a hand to the black haired man. Taking a better look at him, Janus realized he must have been younger than him, something his body didn't suggest as he was obviously well trained and battle-ready. "Hey there and sorry for that. Would you happen to know where Mystic Ram's guild hall is located? You would save me from great trouble." he said with an awkward smile.
thanks. i brainstormed this character a lot for weaknesses and i was worried he might come out as overpowered.
now lets see how i can fit him in the story...
pyroman said
He's in, but he needs to have some limits.

i know. how about now?
RP: Mystic Ram

General Information

Name: Janus Weller
Age: 20
Motivation: To make new friends that will help him forget his past.

Janus is a pain. He is, most of the times, somewhat oblivious to what is going on around him and that is why he often gets into trouble without even knowing why. He can be of great help though if you manage to capture his attention and is always willing to help his friends with any problems they might face. Unfortunately he is short-tempered and if he sees one of his friends hurt, he will lose control, making him pretty hard to restrain.

After the timeskip, Janus has somewhat learned to control his feelings and channel them towards furthering his goals. The loss of his friend Shujin took a heavy toll on him and for a while, he was inconsolable and it took him a great deal of time to move on.

Janus grew in an orphanage for children with magic powers in Brago. His life there was pretty peaceful, until Deliora came. He still remembers it to this day. One sunny morning, he was playing with the other kids in the courtyard and suddenly, dark clouds filled the sky. After a minute, the earth started shaking under his feet and that's when he arrived. That giant beast started destroying the city on its wake and Janus could do nothing about it. The caretakers had evacuated the orphanage and all of the children but that didn't stop Deliora from killing most of his friends. Janus became traumatized that day and now, whenever he sees a friend getting hurt, he relives those memories like it was yesterday, clouding his judgment and making him lose his composure.

Days after the attack, Janus was rescued by a couple that lived far away from the town. They took him in as their son and raised him to be the man he is now. When he heard that a guild was formed from people that had survived Deliora’s attacks, he set to join it in hopes he could ease his pain.

Magic: Light Manipulation Magic

Magic Type: Caster
Magic Level: B
Description: User can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to simply as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight. When used for offense, the Magic can take many forms such as that of a sphere-like object that can be ejected at the opponent or as a beam that can be blasted. Light can also be emitted from the caster's body; depending on the brightness or heat that the light emits, it can be capable enough to blind an enemy or cause the surroundings to explode. LM Magic can also be manifested for multiple usage in defense.

Lights' speed in air (299,102,691 meters per second) is one of the fundamental constants of nature. Visible light, as with all types of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), is experimentally found to always move at this speed in air.

[I will add to the technique list as we progress through the RP]
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