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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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:o seems like Nina has a dark side to her. #maniaclaugh
Janus got caught up in the moment as the monsters started flowing from the depths of the cave and didn't react as fast as he wanted which gave one of them the opportunity to attack him. Fortunately, Shujin was right on time and the reflected light blinded the monster enough for him to conjure up an arrow and shoot it straight through the monsters head. Done with the immediate danger, Janus positioned himself on a place relatively hard to reach by the monsters and started raining arrows down on them. "Ugh, didn't expect them to be so many" he said and continued firing away as fast and accurate as he could. Then all of a sudden, Nina transformed into a glowing white wolf, something to do with her magic he assumed but didn't really question it further as he saw her attacking the monsters that were coming towards them.
YipeeXD said
dude read my last post, there is light

ye just saw
forget the light?! ok then.
Max just sat on top of the rock, listening to what the small Cubone had to say. After she finished, he took a deep breath and said "Little one, of course you can do what you want. That's why this this village exists and that is why Oak decided to keep the location of this region a secret from the rest of the human world so we, the Pokemon living here could have the freedom to do anything. But that doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to deliberately disturb the peace. You should have known by now that Akira is a very light sleeper and that she gets very angry if you wake her up abruptly in the mornings. Did she ask you to wake her up? Did she consider what you did 'just playing with her'? I don't think so. I'm not scolding you or anything, I'm just pointing out some things you should think about the next time you decide to go 'play' with her in the morning" he finished.

"Oh and if you want to eat berries so much, there you go" he said and laughed as he teleported a bunch of berries on top of her, almost burying her under them.
"Her magic produces light huh?" Janus said impressed. "Well then i guess i wont have any problems with fighting in the darkness." He fist-bumped Shujin back and stepped back as he activated his magic. "I will never get tired of seeing this..." he exclaimed as golden armor formed and covered Shujin's skin and his hair turned blond. "I guess i should prepare as well" and with a quick snap of his fingers, an ethereal bow, whitish in color, formed on his hand.

At the time he saw that Nina had already woken up and followed Shujin inside the cave and so he took a deep breath, "Here it is, your first mission, albeit unofficial. Don't screw it up." he muttered and walked inside the cave.
i just woke up and im a bit sleepy still...but ill get a post in x)
i feel bad for talon. janus got his hopes up and now he thinks he won't join :/
:o i thought you were replying to my post earlier..oh well...
i guess...by now we would be close right?
edit: there. should i also get us inside?
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