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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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huehue so he thinks Sho is just a citizen huehuehuehue
Burthstone said
Is it bad that this made my day?

dere all fixxed
Magnolia town was one of the liveliest cities Sho had ever seen in his travels. He had to go through the shopping district to reach Phoenix Wing's guild hall and as such couldn't help but marvel at all the stalls, full of all kinds of merchandise. From food to weapons to armor and jewelry, Magnolia's trade shopping district was by far the most diverse he had seen so far.

Phoenix Wing was apparently one of the strongest guilds in Fiore, full of strong magicians and fighters. Sho's journey had gotten him as far as the Pergrande Kingdom, known for its so-called "gladiators" and Colosseum matches. They were all weak as far as Sho was concerned. Now it was time to see if the rumors for Phoenix Wing's strength were true or just another rumor.

Finally reaching the doors to the guild hall, Sho took a deep breath in and opened the doors. "BRING ME YOUR BEST FIGHTERS PHOENIX WING. ITS TIME TO FIGHT" he shouted, a huge grin forming in his face and his blood boiling with excitement and anticipation.
i sees dead Wes in a post. GG people die in this RP? noice!
anyone care to sum up for me what is going on around magnolia town and the guild? so i have a clue about what to write in my intro etc
nice :D so can i just come in with my chara or there's something going on right now?
wut about me CS caits :D


General Information

Name: Michio Shoichi ( 道夫翔一)
Age: 21
Greatest Love: Fighting
Motivation: To become the best martial artist in the world and make his family's style the ultimate martial arts style.



Shoichi was born and raised in a small, unknown village deep in the mountains of Fiore where guilds and magic are unknown words. He grew up an only child in a family full of martial artists and as such, his family's style was engraved into his soul from an early age. His father, Hayato, destined him to be the next successor to the House of Michio, a branch of a once renown family practicing the ancient martial art of Ryukendo (The Way of The Dragon Fist). Sho had different views on the matter which resulted on countless arguments between his father and him. He wanted to travel around the world, find powerful people and fight them to prove that his family's martial art is the ultimate martial art. His dream became a reality when he left the village at the age of 18.

Sho wandered around the world for three years, finding, fighting and beating countless opponents from every country in the world and honing his style and skills. Seeking more powerful opponents, he came upon Phoenix Wing, which he joined as an official member.


Shoichi is a very carefree, to the point of being called lazy, person. Friendly, royal and dependable towards his close friends and family. Fierce, hostile and unrelenting towards his enemies. Those are the traits that pretty much summarize Shoichi's character and personality.

Due to his fathers teachings when he was a kid, he has a strong sense of discipline and if he sets a goal, he will see to it that it it is finished but since he hated his father's approach on things, he strives to be more lenient and kind towards others. Sometimes though, his bad side emerges and he becomes really sarcastic of others and will not hesitate to mock someone who makes even the tiniest of mistakes. In addition, he has the bad habit of misjudging people from their appearances and so if he thinks that a person is inferior to him, he won't bother fighting him at all.

Since he was young, he loved his family's martial art style and made a promise to himself that he would make it the ultimate martial style in the world. Due to this and his uncanny love for fighting, he has made a name for himself on almost every country.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Three Strengths
1. Great reaction speed and dodging skills.
2. The man for the job when it comes to especially hard jobs that require fighting.
3. As long as there's a plate of food and a place to sleep, he won't take any money from the jobs he completes.
Three Weaknesses:
1. He's an idiot.
2. He's lazy.
3. He does not even bother to fight if he thinks his opponent is inferior to him.

Magic & Martial Art

Requip: The Martial Artist
Magic Level: A
Description: Requip is Shoichi's signature and main form of magic, over which he possesses great mastery. This Magic allows the user to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives them a high level of flexibility in combat, depending on the type of weapon they requip.. It is said that the user summons the items from a pocket dimension; the notional place that things come from when they are needed, and where they go back to when not. The actual location of where they summon the items from is very hard to determine. Requip can be used for simple or for combat-related purposes; from changing clothes to equipping weapons and armor. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store.

Martial Art: Ryukendo
Brief History: Meaning The Way of The Dragon Fist, Ryukendo is a martial art with a rich history that spanned many centuries but due to Zeref and the Slayers, it was lost into oblivion. Only a small branch of the once proud House of Zou, the original practitioners of Ryukendo, the House of Michio survived by hiding deep in the Fiore mountains where Zeref and the Slayers could not reach them. There, they continued to practice Ryukendo and perfect it for nearly 100 years.

Description: Ryukendo was created and practiced by monks that resided in the Fiore mountains back in the days when dragons still existed. This martial art mimicked the flow of movements and different characteristics of a dragon and was used as a defensive method against evildoers. Unfortunately, never in the 700 years of history of Ryukendo has there been a way to defeat an actual dragon using this martial art.
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