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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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SyrianHamster said
Speak for yourselves. When the sextbomb explodes and you all vanish into your sordid pm boxes to fullfill your text-based carnal desires, Gukb's gonna be so alone that his reputation as an upstanding asexual will be beyond reproach.

I don't know how to respond to this.
damn ginger, your post gave me chills. props :D
EDIT: although, i think myke wanted Hart to stay upstairs. I don't know...
vietmyke said
as much as I'd want to write today... I have to work on classwork - I have a 6 page paper due in a little less than 24 hours. I have maybe my name written on the top. Maybe.

Collab it is then!
I vote for either ginger or myke to post next!
Metronome said
...1 crate of newt weed...
MyCatGinger said
Rosa happens to be stuck in that love pentagon at the moment and it's the strangest ever thing. <<totes shipping Corinne with madman Benji tho. I'm curious about just how 'off' the boy is, haha.And if not that...Oh, Luuuucien...*whistles* >> Do I dare let her join this little love-bloodbath? Perhaps!Right now Trafalgar seems to have his eye on her and HART KNOWS HER ONLY AS THE GIRL WHO SPILLED HIS DRINK ANDElric is a creeper but y'know.Also, would like to interact once, even if just shortly, with Tirarian before going home.I think we all can manage one more wrap up post each before the GM moves us along, eh?Also shippings shippings shippings woooShip ALL the characters!"Oh, 12. hold still for a minute...""...?""You look so beautiful there, with the light bathing your wings...so breathtaking.""Tirarian...""You truly are beautiful.""I love you.""I love you."AND THEN THEY ALL KISSED.Best plot dynamics where is Wyvern he has to back me up here.And if anything, ship Sebastian with lonely male-females errywher.He's single and ready to mingle, gentleme- Err... I mean...ladies.

Not my fault...you wanted to interact with him ~.~
MyCatGinger said
Rhucien is still my OTP.it's so canon I can taste it.And I really like 12 x Tirarian too. << Let's make these ships happen, people.such romance very love get rekd rosaw0w.I don't even know how I feel about all the other relationships presented there. ._.*whispers*

Phew, fingers crossed she says yes :D
Trafalgar watched as the female elf hurried over to him and her relative, seemingly surprised by his actions, “It was the only way for him to quiet down…” Trafalgar wanted to say but didn't as he saw the elf was pretty worried about him, checking him for any serious injuries. Once she saw that he was just unconscious she relaxed a bit; “You should take care of your uncle better if he’s so delicate and what else would you do if you were in my place? You saw how drunk he was…” he said with a hint of annoyance, silently lamenting his would-to-be drink.

She then helped Trafalgar carry her uncle upstairs where they could lay him on a bed and she could take care of him. On the way upstairs they were met by a boy who offered to let them use his room. Trafalgar scanned the boy, he had blond hair and was quite short for a human. Trafalgar questioned his age but decided to not delve into details; “Thanks, we are going to take you up on that offer. He is quite heavy actually” he said.

They followed the boy down the hall and into his room and laid her uncle down on the bed where she treated him with what seemed to be a potion. When she finished, she came over and introduced herself; “Nice to meet you Corinne, I’m Trafalgar and yeah I kind of noticed right of the bat that he was a half-elf, me being one myself” he said, scratching his head as he tried to hide his embarrassment. That was the first time he took a full look at her and man she was a beauty. Her reddish-brown hair along with her penetrating eyes and her fair skin color formed a simple but yet captivating combination. Trafalgar shifted his position, “Let’s leave your uncle to rest a little. He was so drunk I doubt he will wake up anytime soon and since I planned on spending the night here anyway, I might as well have an eye on him. But for now, why don’t we go downstairs and share a drink?” he suggested and turned towards the blond boy, “Thanks for letting us use your room. Do you mind if we leave him here as is until he wakes up?” he asked him.
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