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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Wait, so this remmington guy is at elrics house? Where corinne and traf are?
Can someone msg feisty? I think he forgot about this...
Trafalgar looked at the man walking away from them, heading towards the tavern. Trafalgar felt sorry for what Elric had been through but it seemed he was coping with it quite well, as good as one whose house was almost destroyed by a giant hyena can anyway. Atleast he was lucky getting away with just a couple of broken ribs, not something the man back at tavern could say for himself...

"He's a doctor too huh? I wouldn't have guessed if you didn't mention it. Well, now that I think about it, he does certainly make the type..." he said, even more impressed by Elric. There weren't many people like him left in the world...

Upon her mentioning what happened with her uncle earlier, Trafalgar chuckled "I doubt i would be able to do that had he not been as drunk as he was...but really, it was more out of annoyance than anything. He was ruining the atmosphere with his antics, not that it didn't get ruined anyway..." he said, glancing back at he hyena's corpse.

Then Trafalgar noticed how much tired she was and shivering from the cold, "If you were cold you only needed to ask" he said and took off his coat, giving it to her. "I can get by without it, although now with the Hipogriff at such a condition and assuming, actually no, I'm sure all the other inns have closed down hours ago, it would be hard to find a place to spent the night at" he said, thinking about what he would do.

"Hmm? The hero? Well..." Trafalgar pondered the thought for a while, "well, i suppose we could try and see if they are upstairs...I don't really know. It's up to you really" he said, raising his shoulders.
Huh, what to do, what to do...so many options!
I've been waiting for a week or so for feisty to respond to sho's challenge...
Corinne shouted something back at him, but Trafalgar was too busy trying to keep his balance and steer the horse in the right direction and didn't answer back. Riding an unsaddled horse proved to be quite the challenge.

It seemed he had caught Elric's attention as the man waved his hand back at Trafalgar. Once he reached Elric, he realized how bad the situation actually was. What seemed to be Elric's house had a huge gaping hole where its front once had been and out, on the street in front of the house laid two corpses, one obviously was the hyenas and the other was a gnoll. He climbed off his horse, feeling a stinging pain down his nether regions, a side-effect of the rough ride but quickly shrugged it off and approached Elric. By that time, Corinne had already caught up with him and was now all over Elric. Trafalgar stood next to them and listened to Elric talking, explaining what had happened there.

"Phew, seems you had it rough buddy" Trafalgar said when Elric finished talking and gave him a friendly pat ot the back. He then looked back at his house, "but unfortunately, your house wasn't spared the destruction. Look, if there's anything i can do to help, anything, just say it" he said, smiling.

"And I'd like to meet that hero you talk about. He must be pretty extraordinary if he can put down a monster this size by himself. As for what you asked, well let's just say, there were some casualties when the hyena rampaged through the tavern" he said.
I was planning on posting today( tonight where i come from) but im dead tired ;( first thing ill do tomorrow is post promise! Gn ^_^
Get well soon man. ;-)
"I'm fine she says but if someone took a closer look, they would see right through her. But I don't blame her, anyone would be in shock if a giant hyena suddenly popped from nowhere and started killing people around them them"

"That was what most adventurers call a gnoll. A hyena-like humanoid monster of average intelligence. They usually band up, form packs and attack wanderers or merchants, stealing anything they find and killing the victims in the process. Murderous thieves..." Trafalgar spits the last words out of his mouth, his anger clearly showing on his face. "If one of those is here then there must be more nearby. Gods know what will happen to this village..."

" I don't know where it went but it seemed furius..." was the only thing he could answer her. Truth be told, Trafalgar had no clue about what a gnoll would possibly want that would make it attack a populated area like Estermere.

He quickly followed the speedy elf downstairs and out of the tavern. What surprised him the most was the fact that she was more worried about her horse than herself, something he found remarkable even for an elf, who were known to be pretty close to animals.

Trafalgar quickly looked around him, spotting the thick wooden post where travelers who stopped to rest at the tavern tied their horses to and luckily for him, a stray horse was there, right next to where Corinne had left hers. It had no saddle and was thrassing around trying to free itself. Trafalgar quickly ran towards the horse, slowing down as he approached it so as to not agitate it more than it already was. "Here girl"(it was a female) "shh,calm down now" he said and surprisingly, it did.

He quickly climbed and sat on top of it and with one of his knives, cut the rope tying it to the pole. The horse started rearing and flailing its hoves and almost threw Trafalgar off but he managed to stay on it by tighty holding onto its neck and keeping his balance as much as he could. When it calmed down for good, Trafalgar kicked with his legs, sending the horse running towards the direction Corinne took.

It didn't take him long to reach her, "If i wanted to stay behind, I wouldn't have left the safety of my home to travel the world. This is what makes this life worth living!" he shouted, laughing as he passed Corinne, following the trail of destruction left behind by the gnoll.

At the end of the trail layed the body of the monster and next to it stood a very familiar figure.

"What the... Is that...Elric?!", Heeeey he shouted and waved his arms, trying to catch the barbers attention.
wow ok, time to go to writing
Edit: im gonna try somethig different this time, lets see how it goes
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