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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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finally i can post....
"Greetings, I'm Trafalgar Hurris" he responded back to the half-orc and extended his hand for a handshake. "So what brings an orc to a town like Estermere?" was what Trafalgar planned to ask the man before another orc came introducing himself, Shork..."oh so you are the famous Shork huh? Corinne said some good things about you" he said and directed his attention to the other orc. "I'm Trafalgar, I arrived to this village yesterday, seeking the Astronomer's Guild and I met Corinne who acquainted me with some of the townsfolk but I didn't expect a gnoll attacking the inn I was going to spent the night at...tough luck huh?" he said jokingly.

"Well yes, It is indeed not that common for half-breeds to live in big towns like Estermere. I can tell from experience and presume you two as well, that most of us generally don't like socializing much. It's become pretty hard to find fellow kinfolk." Trafalgar said and sighed.

On the mentioning of scholars by Shork, Trafalgar turned his head towards Rovtar; "You're a scholar? That means you are with the Astronomer's Guild right?" you could clearly see that Trafalgar was genuinely intrigued by what he had just heard. "So that means those papers are research materials right? Hey say, do you know of any scholars specializing in the arcane arts? I heard that the Guild houses magic classes for those gifted with the aptitude" Trafalgar eyes were now locked at Rovtar, waiting, hoping the rumors were true.
ya just fixed that soz. anyway...Fairy Tail tattoo? im pretty sure its Phoenix Wing lel
MyCatGinger said
TRAFGUY PLS. ;; PLS NO. PLS ILYIt'll be an interesting development if he crashes the ....or if he's hooked up with the hot new redhead on the block, hehehe...Or he'll end up with Corinne, super cute and stuffs, and Elric will get the redhead, and heirs for all, and somehow Tirarian - Shork are shipped and so are the fourteen year old and the lovely goblin.Huzzah! Matchmaking skills are brilliant!

too late...q.q
MyCatGinger said
...I'd like to see Corinne married, perhaps sometime in the plot long-term, to BENNY BOY BECAUSE HE'S HER PRIMARY LOVE INTEREST, Y'KNOW...

*silently walks to a corner and slashes his wrists, crying*
It is the victors who write history, dear boy; not those who are cut asunder.

"Then I'll make sure I'm not included in the latter group, but I'll do it my way" Sho said in return. That pesky little princess was starting to get on his nerves. Why would anyone prefer fighting like a coward with no honor? Sho couldn't quite get his head around her beliefs but admittedly, those two swords where two of the finest, if not the finest, swords he had ever seen. Especially the one she called Durendal; Sho bet that those runes where what gave the sword its edge and although it seemed old, it was well maintained, a sign that she had some sort of special connection to it. "Your father's huh? Fallen from grace?" Sho couldn't understand what she meant by that but didn't ask further questions as he saw Maddox coming towards them.

"How generous of you to join us" Sho would have said but Maddox gave him that look, that look people give you when they think you did something wrong. "Ugh come on, its just a building...nothing that can't be repaired..." he muttered. "Newcomer? I'll have you know, I've been a part of this guild for three whole months! THREE! I'm no newcomer..." he started protesting but stopped when Minerva pulled out a small pouch that, by the sound of it, seemed to be full of money. "And she doesn't care not showing that she is a noble..." he thought and looked back at Maddox, continuing his rant from where he left off until he heard Master Jamie calling everyone to get inside the guild. He shot a glance at Maddox and proceeded to get inside the guild hall.
Trafalgar walked, looking around the town, trying to find the whereabouts of the Astronomer's guild when he noticed what seemed to be a huge telescope poking behind a couple of buildings. He quickly made his way towards the telescope and in no time he was in front of the Astronomer's guild, or at least that's what he thought it was. He paused, gazing at the building. It was a very unique building, rarely did anyone find something this marvelous built by humans. Trafalgar had heard of the Astronomer's guild many times in the past but that was his first time seeing it in person and it deserved all the praise people gave it.

He started walking again, this time fixated to the building in front of him, so much that he didn't see the man bumping him. When he spoke, Trafalgar instantly knew he was of orcish descent, only orcs possess such a rough Common dialect and Trafalgar had learned to distinguish it from all the other dialects. He turned around to see the man that bumped on him, only to see a paper coming right at him, carried by the wind. Trafalgar grabbed the paper and took a glance at what was written but could hardly understand it. He presumed it was written in Orcish and didn't give it any more thought.

"U huh, might this be yours?" he asked the man in front of him, curious to see why an Orc would be around these parts and why he carried so many papers around.
Mr Nim said
Vec, you can always have Sho go to the common room and also respond to what Riye told him as well as send an angry glare towards Maddox while being surprised that Minerva covered his damage.

Just a thought :P

After meeting with Elric and making sure he was alright, Trafalgar walked with Corrine back to her house, making sure she was safe. She wasn't exactly in control of herself as the wine she had drunk before was starting to kick in again, making her lose footwork. After leaving her at her house, Trafalgar wandered around the town, finally finding an old couple who would house him for the night as the Hippogriff was in bad shape and all the other inns/taverns had closed down a long time ago.
*Yawn* "Ah, finally a good nights sleep" Trafalgar said as he sat up in his bed. Well, not exactly his because he was just a guest in that old couples house but it did the trick nonetheless, he got the refreshing sleep he needed. As he got out of bed, the pain from the rough horse-riding he did the other night reminded him why he didn't like horses in particular...

He proceeded to wash his face, dress up and go downstairs where he was welcomed by the couple who had woken up earlier than him.
"Oh, good morning young man, did you sleep well last night?" the old lady asked Trafalgar.
"I sure did! You have no idea how much i needed that, especially after wandering around the town, trying to find an open inn..."
"We heard what happened to Pucksy's Jolly Hippogriff. Poor Pucksy, he is a good man, I don't know why anyone would want to hurt him" the old man said.
"Well, I don't think he was targeted in particular. That...thing that attacked the inn seemed like it wanted something else. If not, it would have destroyed the Hippogriff completely..."
"By the gods, what is happening to this town..." the lady muttered, her voice hinting her sadness.

Trafalgar quickly finished the breakfast the lady had made for him and much to the couples disapproval, left them one gold piece as pay. It was the only thing he could do to repay them for their hospitality. Bidding farewell to the old couple, he walked outside, making his way towards the Astronomer's guild. That was why he came to this piece of land in the first place...
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