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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Hmmm...interesting, very interesting. The anatomical structure of the female body is quite intriguing indeed... Nigel thought as he watched through his screens at the people bathing in the hotsprings. These new microscopic nanocameras are proving their usefulness at last... --- Joining Harpy's Wing was a no less than a happy coincidence for Nigel. Back then, he had just arrived in Earth Land from Edolas through the dimentional rift and he was completely dumbfounded by the sheer amount of...everything really. Magic was abudant and the people were living their lives in peace. Nigel didn't have to search for information as much as he had back at his homeworld, where everything was clouded in secrecy. Here, everyone was more or less happy to share information with a complete stranger like him and so it took him little time to adapt to the new environment. At first he just drifted from city to city, taking in the sights and admiring the world around him. Little did he know not everything was as nice and dandy as he originally thought. As he was traveling, Nigel had already stared studying about magic and its applications. He found out, to his dissapointment, that he could not use magic the way the people of this world could, something he suspsected had to do with him originally being from Edolas, where magic wasn't as widespread as here. As such, through his studies, he learned about magicians and magician guilds, where many magicians basically gathered and took requests from ordinary people. Those magicians used their powers for good and to help those in need and Nigel could not help himself from admiring them; but, he also learned about those who missused and abused magic, the so called dark magicians and their dark guilds. He learned about Zeref and the three dark guilds that used to terrorize this world, Oracion Seis, Grimoire Heart and, the most vile of them all, Tartarus. He grew to detest dark guilds and so started searching for a guild to join so he could be a part of the force that would wipe out all dark guilds from this world. That's where Harpy's Wing eventually came in. --- Letters started appearing on his screen as Nigel was analyzing the feedback from the cameras, his eyes caught a female figure entering the hot springs on the screen. He focused the cameras at her, something that proved to be the right decision as at that moment, she dropped her robe and boy did Nigel gain information from that. I wonder what Master Kat will say if she finds out about me doing this kind of research Nigel wondered but quickly shrugged that thought off and returned to his musings.
Alex felt the disruptions caused by the trios's little "spar" diminish and realised they must have finished. Finally done...what were they practicing for so long and using so much power? he wondered and at that instant he felt the wavelenghts coming off Deus diminish even more; "What the..." Alex stood up and went to the window to see what was happening. All three of them were beat up and full with bruises and cuts but Marcus was carrying on his back Deus who seemed to have lost conciousness, "The hell...was it just 'practice' that did that to him?" he thought. Marcus seemed to be heading towards the infirmary, "Well, you get what you get..." he said out loud as if scolding Deus and quickly formulated an equation to teleport himself back to his room. To anyone who was at the cafeteria at the time, seeing Alex just dissapear into thin air must have been quite shocking...
hmmm was just skimming through the other CSes and i realised that Aria and Nigel would make a beast team :O
just dropkick someone in the face and join the fun.
well i need to atleast know where my guildmates are e.e
Personal Information

Name: Nigel Ballard
Nickname/Alias/Title: Sky Blue
Gender: Male
Age: 21

Personality: In most conversations, Nigel usually takes things literally and misunderstanding certain sayings but he nonetheless says things as they are, straightforward and honest. He maintains a calm demeanor when faced with a crisis and tries to solve it however he can. When he befriends someone, he will do his utmost to protect and help them in their time of need without expecting something in return and as such, he makes a very valuable friend. Despite his laid-back attitude, Nigel is also very caring about those around him. He is a good listener and is able to give constructive advice about almost anything.

In his TM-001 form, along with the physical changes on his body, Nigel experiences a sudden shift in personality. He becomes easily irritated when things don't go his way but he doesn't let that obstruct him from completing his mission. He becomes rather talkative and isn't afraid to belittle or even straight up insult his opponent or anyone who stands between him and his goal.
Likes: Good food, constructive conversations, sleeping
Dislikes: Foul smells, Dishonest people, dark guilds and their mages
History: TBR - I'll only say he's from Edolas.

Magic and Combat Information

Guild: Harpy's Wing
Rank: S-Class
Weapons: His whole body/Every machine in his vicinity.
Strengths: Area-Of-Effect Mass Destruction/Research & Developement of New Weapons/
Weaknesses: Can be rendered useless if his systems are overloaded with electricity e.g. Lightning Magic
soooooo...anyone would be so so so so kind as to summarize to me what has happened until now? So i can get a grasp of where the RP is and find my way in? Please
...if only Alex knew more about the dark energy that the sword has, he could heal deus with his power :D
i edited the CS with what i think his rank should be and a tiny revelation.
ok this time i don't think that there any similarities with already existing characters so here I go !
Personal Information
Name: Nigel Ballard Nickname/Alias/Title: Sky Blue Gender: Male Age: 21
Personality: Nigel is very passive. In most conversations he usually takes things literally and misunderstanding certain sayings but he nonetheless says things as they are, straightforward and honest. He maintains a calm demeanor when faced with a crisis and tries to solve it however he can. When he befriends someone, he will do his utmost to protect and help them in their time of need without expecting something in return and as such, he makes a very valuable friend. Despite his laid-back attitude, Nigel is also very caring about those around him. He is a good listener and is able to give constructive advice about almost anything. Likes: Good food, constructive conversations, sleeping Dislikes: Foul smells, Dishonest people, dark guilds and their mages History: TBR - I'll only say he's from Edolas.
Magic and Combat Information
Guild: Harpy's Wing Rank: [It's up to the GM really. I think he is around S class.] Weapons: His whole body/Every machine in his vicinity. Strengths: Area-Of-Effect Mass Destruction/Research & Developement of New Weapons/ Weaknesses: Can be rendered useless if his systems are overloaded with electricity e.g. Lightning Magic
Hmm...voting system. F@ck it. Kal U Ryt. Anything can happen. Now that I think about it. @Vec. Sup and who is it? You can always pull he or she is from edolas or from the future. Sup guys.
yea im in the process of making a new one. It's going good. probably will be ready in 10-20 mins...?
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