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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
Y'know what. A dislike button would be nice. Let's pray to Godhz for that.
@Vec The attack was for Samir. But of course she'll dodge it :P

Meh, wanted to add the nanite action. Soz if I stole your spotlight :/
I'll assume the attack was a projectile heading towards Samir, right? If by some way, that hit wouldn't be countered like I did, I can always change the post.

I pictured it was something like this.
Nigel Ballard

Once he saw that Samir had agreed, Nigel placed his hand on the back of her neck. A single nanite came out of it and pierced her skin. Samir would feel a slight discomfort but nothing more than that. Eventually, the nanite would enter her bloodstream and navigate itself to her brain. The process would take several minutes.

"There won't be immediate results. We will have to wait until it reaches your brain. On the meantime, we'll just have to do with our voices," he finished and turned his head to face his opponents. What he was greeted with was a rather eager Sage Ruzuzaki, charging at them and swinging around his blades. "Dodge!" Nigel simply said as he jumped backwards. What he thought, however, would be a simple sword slash was in fact a magic attack. Nigel transformed his left arm, taking the form of of an arm cannon. "Eat on this!" he shouted and fired a concentrated ball of eternano. The ball would enter the black beast's mouth and exploded from within, destroying the monster.

"Remember what the announcer said?" Nigel spoke while he entered his Battle Form. His hair rose as if they were electrified. The black tatoos all over his body started glowing a sinister black and his, previously plain black T-shirt, transformed into a blue, poncho-like cape, covering most of his upper body.

"The key here is teamwork."
btw @Kho, a demigod without any holy sites or worshipers generates 1 might p/turn right?
Nigel Ballard

Nigel stood up when he heard his name be called. He was a little surprised that he would get to fight so soon but that didn't disrupt his concentration nonetheless. What did were the threats Revan threw at them if they happened to lose the fight. He knew that Revan was one of the few people in the guild with zero sense of humor, so he knew that his threats were always serious. He looked at Samir as she walked next to him, "Greetings Nigel," she said to him "ready for the battle at hand? Cause it's going to be quite a... bizarre fight."

Samir Saron was a mysterious woman to Nigel. She was almost never seen in the guild hall and of the few times that she did happen to be there, she would never stay long enough to even consider that a visit. Even for Nigel, who was able to adapt to almost every situation, knowing so little about his teammate would hinder his ability to cooperate with them easily and efficiently. Nevertheless, he had no other choice, "Hello Samir," he replied with a smile that quickly faded as he looked down at his wrist where the mark of the chain binding him to Samir had appeared. "This fight won't only be bizarre. It will be tough too. I hope you're ready," he told her and turned to see their opponents.

Well, that's one interesting duo, he thought as he watched the two interact as his nanites had already gotten to work. The woman seemed to not be too well and Nigel wondered if they could use that to their advantage. Nevertheless, he replied to her partner's greetings, "The pleasure is mine," he said with a nod of his head. He walked next to Samir and whispered in he ear, "I know this is a little sudden, but I'll put one of my nanites inside your brain. That way, we will be able to communicate without needing to shout to eachother. Don't worry, it will not hurt you in any way," he told her.
Well hell. First I figured that I was going to add War as a second domain, but then Kanros came along. Then I thought about the Sun, but then that got ninja'd as well, and by a horse no less

I guess Darkness is what I'll be aiming for now.

And who says that I won't rush my second domain?? AND WHO SAYS IT WON'T BE DARKNESS?
EDIT: meh, just realized I can't cause opposites. meh.
So... \[T]/ PRAISE THE SUN \[T]/

Happy to be a part of this RP.
Escre, the Great Spirit Level 5 God
Ull'yang, the Sun Aspect Level 1 Demigod

As Escre approached Galbar, it felt a certain apathy settle over it. For the moment, it wanted nothing whatsoever to do with the gods, merely to sink into another form and spend some time among the living things that it had helped to create. Certain measures would have to be taken, however, to prevent the further corruption of souls while the Astral Home was being cleansed. The Great Spirit held up its lantern, and reached into its reserves of power to reroute the link established in the Astral Home. After a few hours, the flow had been changed; until the Astral Home was fit to channel the spirits of the planet once more, the dead souls would be drawn into the lantern, like so fireflies dancing around in the glass.

With that out of the way, Escre descended to the surface. Mercifully, nothing yet appeared overly changed. Perhaps Vestec had sensed how deep he was reaching and, reasoning that, without anything left pure he'd have nothing left to corrupt, backed off. The robes and armor of the god shimmered and became a traveler's cloak, hat, and pantaloons--its Nightwalker form. It felt the rush of air through its nostrils, and found it most tolerable. With that, Escre began to walk. It had certain goals in mind -a loose end in particular to tie up- but did not rush itself overmuch.

Until now, Escre had been able to boast only a cursory awareness of the great war among humans recently waged, given that its attention had been seized by the crisis enveloping the planet's core, that singularity of life it held so dear, the Astral Home. With that more or less taken care of by nothing less than the gods of gods themselves, and with time to spare, Escre felt it could permit itself to wander Galbar's surface in relative tranquility. Having not yet gone to begin its business with Eroneus, whom it planned to empower as a spirit of air, the Great Spirit strode toward the great battleground in the guise of a ghastly human in flowing cloak, wide-brimmed hat, and gray complexion.

When it arrived at the battlefield, it was more than a little surprised. Life and death were two sides of the same coin, a coin flipped by Escre and very well known to it, but to see such a flippant squandering of life did not please the Great Spirit. It stalked, a specter of the battlefield, among the corpses, some long dead and pecked out by crows, some butchered beyond recognition, and some still alive--though a life inches away from death's door, crippled beyond repair and bleeding out liter by crimson liter, was hardly a life at all. Escre wasted no time in vacuuming up these souls into its lantern, so that they may find rest and not be blighted by agony.

It was during this process that Escre stumbled upon a horse. Its back legs were scorched, eliminating its capacity for movement, but the rest of it was still very much alive. The thing's death, Escre saw as his side heaved, would be even ghastlier than the rest. The men on the battlefield were dead of wounds, or loss of blood, or disease, but this horse would have the indignity of dying of thirst. When the Great Spirit waved its lantern over the creature, he discovered that it hosted a very strong spirit. "I... wonder..." Escre murmured, thinking.

When the horns of war were sounded and the banners of the Northern Army were raised, Varamir, what its master came to call it, followed him to battle, carried him on i's back. Through the dense forest they marched, hundreds, thousands of humans along with many other creatures. They plowed through villages and killed many. They conquered.

Varamir was leading a normal life till then, as normal a life a warhorse could live that is. When lunch was due, it ate and when it was tired, he slept. When there was training to be done, he trained and when the time came, it was ready for war. There was no selfishness in its actions. It did what It was asked to do, with the limited amount of understanding it possessed.

The day of the battle was no different. When i's master equipped it with its armor, it became more focused and battle-ready and so, nothing that would have happened from then on could possibly break that.

Or could it? When the two armies faced each other for the first time, Varamir and i's master were placed at the sides of the formation. At first, there was silence. The calm before the storm, as they say. Then... Then there was hell.

At first, Varamir could sense a sudden increase in the temperature, the thought that they would be facing some kind of fire made him a little worried at the start but quickly dismissed it. Little did he know though, the enemy was planning just that. Suddenly and out of nowhere, a great fireball, easily towering even the biggest of human structures Varamir had seen in its short life, was hurled towards them. Instantly there was panic; his brothers and their riders turned around and galloped away from the giant orb of death that was coming towards them, trying to save their lives. Fortunately, his rider chose to save himself and subsequently Varamir by following behind them, but was not as lucky as they were. The fireball unexpectedly exploded, sending innumerable flames to rain down upon the unlucky few who were close to the initial explosion.

Varamir was one of those unlucky few. The rain of flames found its target and the horse's back legs were thoroughly burned. With all the momentum that he had gathered though, there was only one direction he could go, forward. He fell with such force that both of its knees in its front legs were broken and several of its ribs fractured. Its rider? He was sent flying off his mount and crashing on the dirt headfirst.

After that, everything went blurry for Varamir. The fight continued, however, the clashing of swords on the background continued. Nonetheless, the pain was too much and the warhorse's efforts to remain conscious were in vain.

Escre stretched out its left hand. It had one companion already in its planned galactic travel--the Birdbrother, the bringer of air, not yet a demigod. To fill other worlds with wonder and marvel, however, another ingredient was necessary. Kneeling, the Great Spirit touched Varamir's side, and its hand reached into the skin until it felt the horse's heart. There, Escre began to make changes.

In his dream, Varamir stood in a stony realm. It was an eternal city, as empty as it was ornate, ancient and monolithic. More lively than the surroundings was the wind, and the birds uplifting by it, dancing in the eternal sunset. Before the horse floated a ghostly phantom, part cloth and part metal, with strange, pale eyes and a purpose.

"Brave one. It is time for your darkness to recede forever. Wake, like the rising sun, and shine"

The dream faded. Escre, the nightwalker, the divinity with a human face, stood in a quiet field of death. But it did not stand alone.

Seconds, minutes, hours passed, but Varamir would not wake. The pain from the burns and his other injuries had numbed the poor horse completely. It went into a dreamlike state with few being the times it would slip back into consciousness before fainting yet again. In this state was where he found himself in a realm of stone. Varamir looked around and marveled at the world he had found himself in. There were buildings, houses of sorts with ornate exteriors that even the finest of stone sculptors would never dare to claim as their own, mostly out of fear but as well as awe.

As it walked, it was suddenly faced with a ghostly figure. Varamir backed away from the figure out of pure instinct, but soon discovered that it was not actually afraid of this phantom. That was when it spoke. When the first words came out of the ghosts mouth, Varamir instantly felt like it was showered with warmth and could only appreciate what had been given to him. The horse bowed his head as the figure faded away and with it the dream as well.

He slowly opened his eyes and raised his head, looking around at the battlefield, his previous home. Countless dead and even more injured lay around him, but his eyes could only see one thing. His savior.

Varamir stood up in his four legs and spread his newly-acquired wings. "You, who have given me this gift, this second opportunity at life. I am forever in your debt," he said and bowed his head before the man once more.

"This... power you have given me; I am not worthy of it."

"You question my judgment? Foolishness, Ull'yang. Foolishness. You are well suited to the purpose I have chosen for you. Just as with the future Birdbrother, I will teach you about responsibility and power, and you will teach me about emotion and creativity, for I have likened your mind to a human's. We will travel together, us three, through the universe, and bring light, air, and life to a thousand worlds. But I have other business to take care of before we depart; one other mortal to give half the power of a god. In the meantime, stretch your wings, and bring light to a planet long beset by darkness. If in your travels you encounter a multicolored being of malice, Vestec the Execrable one, I implore you treat him as a dire adversary, and if you meet a dark-haired goddess in white, know that she has surrendered herself to Vestec's malfeasance. Rise, Ull'yang. It is time for you to fly."

"Very well. Varamir no longer walks this land. Only Ull'yang remains. I will carry on with the mission you have bestowed upon me and see to it that all darkness is expelled from this planet," he said and with a last bow of his head, spread his wings and flew towards the horizon.
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