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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Welp, then if the GM is ok with the fruit, I'll fix it to include what was talked about and leave it at that.
Anyway, I see my idea is causing a lot of arguments. The only other option I really had for him, if this DF didn't work, was the Moku Moku No Mi, Smoker's fruit. But, since you also don't like logias. I'm out of ideas.

I originally wanted to make a swordsman, but then i realized that there are like already 5 other swordsmen on the roster, so i scrapped that idea as well.

<Snipped quote by Vec>

I would also add that you cannot change mass or energy of an object and they must be the same type of item. For example, metal to metal. Stone to stone. Liquid to liquid. You still cannot manipulate seawater. And you cannot manipulate anything organic. So no wood warping or anything like that.

You also need to set a finite limit of how much mass you can do at a single time.

everything you said, I mentioned when I was addressing Bai's questions. Of course, he can't control seawater. As said before, he can only change Solid > solid, liquid > liquid, gas > gas, plasma > plasma. As said also before, he can't change wooden items or change items to wood. As also said before, with the skill of the user varies the speed (how many items at a time) with which the user can change objects as well as the volume, mass and size of the changed object.

The thing with mass is that it will always be changed. Let's say you have Iron right? and you change it to gold. Gold is always heavier than iron so in a sense, you can't jus change an object and NOT also change its mass.

Anyway, I see my idea is causing a lot of arguments. The only other option I really had for him, if this DF didn't work, was the Moku Moku No Mi, Smoker's fruit. But, since you also don't like logias. I'm out of ideas.

I originally wanted to make a swordsman, but then i realized that there are like already 5 other swordsmen on the roster, so i scrapped that idea as well.
It does seem like it still might be very open ended, and solve problems in a way that just makes for a boring RP.

Like... you might find yourself asking the question 'Why doesn't he just do XXX'? Like right now I can think of... transmute something into a new, unsunken boat, take that boat out to the marine ship and transmute it into sugar, make himself an impenetrable shield in combat etc.

I'd suggest including at the very least a size limitation (I.e. can only turn a pebble into something pebble sized), and that it only produces things he can picture in his mind, and so if he tries to make something too big, too complicated, or is just distracted then it's going to come out warped or broken.

Either that or go full Full Metal Alchemist and have it work on equivalent exchange.

Power can only be used on non-sentient things. This limitation also applies to the users own body.
The wood the boat would be made of was living once and here is where the second limitation applies:
User cannot create life from nothing nor revive the dead.

As for the size thing, Furthermore, dependent on the skill the user holds with the power varies the speed with which the user can change objects as well as the volume, mass and size of the changed object. As of right now, I would put his skill at around beginner to medium since he has some experience but not with anything too complicated.

and that it only produces things he can picture in his mind, and so if he tries to make something too big, too complicated, or is just distracted then it's going to come out warped or broken.

Well, if its for complicated machinery, ofc he will have to be able to understand how the thing works or obtain a blueprint of some sort. and again, as time passes and he becomes more proficient, the size of things he will be able to change gets bigger and bigger. Right now, ofc he won't be able to change a rock boulder into a usable ship, firstly because he can't create wood nor understands how the inner workings of a ship are, to be able to picture them in his head.
What do you mean by turn anything into anything? That is far to open ended. We also already have someone with the "mix mix fruit" that has the alchemy kind of feel too it that allows them to mix anything non-living. Also, a bounty of 20mil is gonna be a bit much for starting out.

Power can only be used on non-sentient things. This limitation also applies to the users own body.
User cannot create life from nothing nor revive the dead.
User cannot change the target object's state of matter. That means that gasses can only be turned to gasses, liquids to liquids, solids to solids and plasma to plasma. Vacuum is by definition, the absence of matter and thus, cannot be achieved by the power of this Devil Fruit.

That means that if e.g he wanted to have a sword made entirely of gold he would be able to take a rock or any elongated solid object and turn it into that sword. It's all based on his imagination. As for the Mixing thing, I don't see how this and that resemble one another. That one is more or less alchemy while this is the power of imagination.

EDIT: the anything to anything part was a little ambiguous I agree, though.
EDIT2: 20mil is the least I would presume someone who could counterfeit money would be worth
Anyone else that might have some problem with it, please say so. I like reading other's criticism of my CSses.
Just a question, what DFs are currently taken?
<Snipped quote by Vec>

I'd say we're still accepting.

Well, I just had to ask >.< Don't Judge me!
Wha- I actually found a One Piece RP in this forum! Do you still accept?
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