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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Any thoughts on my opening post? It strikes me as lackluster, but I felt somewhat uninspired when I made it.

I think you should scrap everything else and just leave "I AM ZEPHYRION"

That's pretty self-explanatory.
@Muttonhawk Hmm. Ull'Yang isn't that radiant right now. It seems like not many people have gone over the finalized CS :D Some changes are there for you to read, some will be revealed ICly ;)

EDIT: But don't worry, Ull will do his thing with Slough :)
Dang, this time around yesterday, there were 10 or so people watching this thread. I think @Kho should have kept this RP in perpetual HYPE xD
And posted. Not much going on here, just some stuff about the soul etc.
*Clack clack*

John closed the door behind him and walked up to the couch, dumping his work bag and leather jacket on it before lazily trotting off to the kitchen. Johnathan Barton, 49 years of age with just a month before he passes the half-century mark. Marital Status: Divorced. Occupation: Astrophysicist.

Just the sound of the word was enough to scare away some people, but he didn't mind. Ever since his wife left him, he stopped doing so. They didn't know, they didn't understand and it was a waste of both his and their time, trying to explain what exactly it is that he does and how important stellar research should be for humankind. "Ungrateful, ignorant, greedy sons of bitches... 'The results of your research are not substantial enough for it to require an additional influx of capital' BULLSHIT!" John suddenly yelled and, in a fit of rage, punched the thick, concrete wall in front of him. "AAH, you motherf-" John muffled his screams, cursing inwardly at his stupidity. Trying but failing to properly open and close his hand, John grabbed his keys and hurriedly left for the hospital.


"Great, just great. 4 to 5 months in a cast, exactly what I needed..." John sighed and fell over his bed, his body aching. He wanted to just lay there, moving not even an inch. He glanced over at the transparent balcony doors and with a thought, rolled off the bed, stood up and walked outside. At once, a cool wind washed over him. He looked up towards the clear night sky and saw the millions of stars that were hanging there, illuminating the world. The same stars that he had spent half a century, the whole of his life observing. Their mysteries were truly profound and the knowledge humanity had accumulated over the years was but a smidgen when compared to the truth that it was the universe.

As he kept looking at the stars, an indescribable feeling suddenly washed over him. At first, it was very faint, to the point of undetectable but nevertheless, very unique. The feeling slowly grew in strength and John noticed a weird pressure being built up in his head, giving him a mild headache at first that soon grew out of proportions.


John opened his eyes wide, drew in a long, continuous breath before his heart stopped beating. That was his last breath as a mortal being. His soul left his body and, unable to resist, was forcefully pulled into the black vortex that had appeared next to where he previously stood. The soul travelled for a long time, so long in fact, that every memory that had ever been imprinted upon it was forgotten. When it reached the end of the vortex, the soul retained the personality of its previous owner but it was incomparably purer than its previous iteration.

An appropriate body was needed for such a soul and so, when it appeared on the other side, the soul immediately condensed into a crystal-clear, nigh-transparent humanoid. It opened its eyes, scanning its surroundings and noting each and every one of the beings that shared this space with it, for it knew, they were its brethren.

Except for two. The beings crystal eyes locked at the two that were standing in front of it, silently watching, waiting. Suddenly, one of the beings looked towards him. "Ull'Yang," a crispy clear voice suddenly reverberated throughout his being, giving meaning to his existence. Fate spoke to him, making him become aware of his place in this new world, along with his own predicament. No further words were needed. With a solemn expression, Ull'Yang raised his hands, carefully examining them along with the rest of his body.

For he knew, it was temporary.

Defining the aspect of strife with mere words is difficult, for strife is dynamic and everchanging. It is an ever growing, cosmic power that seeks to move, pull apart and undo all bonds that tie together.

Consider the following example (which is only one of the most basic interpretations of strife); when a mother strikes her child, she might do it out of love and concern, and to punish bad behavior. The child might listen to their mother, or they might not, it does not matter. What is important is that the seed of strife is planted at that very moment into the both of them. This poisonous impetus drills into their very psyche, latches into their subconscious and slowly but surely changes their personalities and behavioral patterns. The mother, for example, will be more inclined to resort to corporal punishment in the future as, from her point of view, she had evidently succeeded in disciplining her child using said punishment method. However, the child might become more rebellious and antagonistic as a result of this.

Hence the sacred bond of parenthood, the love that a mother has towards her child, are twisted and warped beyond any recognition. In the end, the child, having grown up in an abusive home, might become a petty and vengeful person that harbors repressed feelings of resentment and rage towards their parents. Then at some point, they might be prompted to act upon these feelings in a very, very unpleasant way.

The above is but one of the many environments within which the aspect of strife dwells. This ever-present conflict of instincts, interests, ideas and everything in between is what Nuleavaromasasthuva feeds and thrives upon, using it to weave the strings of fate in a way that will further whatever goal she might have in mind at any one moment.

Thieves, plebes, murderers, kings, everyone and anyone could come to benefit from joining Nuleavaromasasthuva's network of worshippers. As vast as the night sky and deep as the depths of the sea; where there is conflict, the demigoddess is bound to have her threads woven around it, giving her a wide berth to maneuver herself within the Galbar and spread her influence among the populace.



God dammit guys, were you chained all this time? 11 posts in 8 hours!! I can't even sleep!
let's see what's in store for me now...
Well, I'm off to bed...

The unconscious mind is still viewed by many psychological scientists as the shadow of a “real” conscious mind, though there now exists substantial evidence that the unconscious is not identifiably less flexible, complex, controlling, deliberative, or action-oriented than is its counterpart. This “conscious-centric” bias is due in part to the operational definition within cognitive psychology that equates unconscious with subliminal. We review the evidence challenging this restricted view of the unconscious emerging from contemporary social cognition research, which has traditionally defined the unconscious in terms of its unintentional nature; this research has demonstrated the existence of several independent unconscious behavioral guidance systems: perceptual, evaluative, and motivational. From this perspective, it is concluded that in both phylogeny and ontogeny, actions of an unconscious mind precede the arrival of a conscious mind—that action precedes reflection.

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