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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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I suggest we just wait. Just as Kho said earlier, we are going at a pretty fast pace. Not everyone can write 1 post a day /:
<Snipped quote by Kangutso>

No worries. It was fun.

Just wouldn't fit thematically after all the work that's been done, both by the characters and the writers. The roleplay has yet to finish with it and it's already is tens of thousands of words long.

Heh, thats too short. It's the Universe we're talking about here :/
I HAD to get something out today...so yeah. Hope that's good enough.

As Ull'Yang drifted, he pondered. "Even at the moment when I severed my own arm, giving a portion of my essence to Slough, I didn't feel the connection one should have towards their siblings. It was more of a...protective kind of feeling. Why is that? Why do I feel so... distant from all the other gods?" Ull'Yang asked these questions while watching the void expanding endlessly in front of him. The pressure he felt within him kept building up...

At that moment, he felt another one of his supposed brethren come into existence. He would be the one to go against all of creation, put it down and pummel it into submission, testing its flaws and limits. As with the others, Ull'Yang didn't feel that he shared the sort of brotherly bond one should share with one's brother, in this case, Mammon. Nevertheless, he respected him because of the importance he held in keeping the balance of powers in check.

"Do you realise what you have done, God of Sun? This is not only a valiant act of kindness but the first act of kindness. I, Scribe of Souls, Recorder of the Gods, have taken great note of this. I will build my own library if need be so that a place in this world will always remember the first sacrifice: Ull'Yang's gift to Slough!" a voice ringed inside Ull'Yang's head.

"Act of sacrifice? Maybe. But what other use would there be for this temporary body of mine aside from enabling life to survive in this empty and savage void of the pre-Universe? The Universe cannot be allowed to lack life, for life is what makes the Universe truly gain meaning. Without life, it would be but an assortment of celestial bodies and matter in motion, without clear purpose or goal," Ull'Yang thought.

Following that, he remembered all the commotion that was going on near Slough's cocoon with many of the gods forming a circle around a certain big parchment, supposedly that was the Grand Plan of the Universe. "I shall go take a lo- Easy there," a voice was heard seconds before one of the gods rushed behind Ull'Yang and caught him in his hands. It was Teknal, the Craftsman God, and architect of the Grand Plan. "Let me patch that up for you," he said and placed his hand on the stump that had remained following Ull'Yang's self-mutilation.

To his surprise, Ull'Yang watched as liquid metal started flowing from under Teknal's hand, creeping upwards towards Ull'Yang's body and proceeding to harden into a solid metal case. Ull'Yang was about to thank the Craftsman God for considering his well-being but it seemed that Teknal hadn't finished his little work just yet. Metal rods and weird machinations started emerging from the metal casing, slowly molding together to form a metallic contraption with a close resemblance to an arm, minus the skin which Teknal implanted last, a metallic covering to go along with the rest of the build.

"How's that?" Teknall asked, "That arm should do until you can get a new one."

Ull'Yang tried to move the strange contraption and again, to his surprise, slowly one by one the fingers started moving first, followed by the hand and then the rest of the mechanic arm. "Truly astonishing," Ull'Yang simply thought, nodding his appreciation towards the retreating figure of Teknal, who was going back to join all the other gods surrounding the Grand Plan. Ull'Yang flew around the little group of 7 or so gods, keeping his distance and observing from afar.

He saw Zephyrion descending and leaving his mark on the Grand Plan, turning it from an immaculate golden parchment to a tattered piece of paper, a sight which left Ull'Yang somewhat disappointed by the First Gale's irresponsible actions. Somehow, though, the Grand Plan radiated more vividly after Zephyrion's meddling with it and so Ull'Yang decided that, while having an almost impossible to correctly pronounce, name, Zephyron wasn't nearly as bad as Ull'Yang thought he was.

More gods came forward and made their contribution to the making of the Grand Plan of the Universe, the likes of Astarte, Niciel, the newly arrived Belruarc and lastly Jvan, whose contribution was especially displeasing to the eye. However, none of their contributions were as important as Zephyrion's and so Ull'Yang didn't really pay much attention after that. He very much preferred to turn his attention to Logos, the self-proclaimed 'King of the Gods.' He boasted control over Universal Order and such wasn't one to be easily trifled with, that much Ull'Yang was aware of.

He descended upon the gathering of gods and forcefully pushed away from the Grand Parchment Jvan, Zephyrion and Vestec, seemingly intending to protect the Plan from being thoroughly corrupted by their chaotic essences. "Trying to block Beauty, however, twisted it is, and Change is one thing...but Chaos? You have no power over Vestec and you know that..." Ull'Yang thought, sighed and kept watching. That was when he realised that Toun had actually gone berserk and was hacking away at Jvan, trying to get her further away from the Parchment but failing and paying dearly because of it. Fortunately for him, Logos had managed what he couldn't.

Suddenly, Niciel appeared between the three gods and Logos and proceeded to unleash a terrible shockwave that accurately portrayed her current level of anger. When it reached Ull'Yang, aside from being paralysed for a few seconds, not being able to move, he was not harmed in a major way. However, the same cannot be said about the prosthetic arm that Teknal made for Ull'Yang. The sheer force of the shockwave shattered the metallic arm into pieces, leaving only the solid metal casing behind as a reminder of Teknal's gift. "Well, it's not like I would find any use for it, come the birth of the Universe..." Ull'Yang thought.

Somehow, something went down the wrong path during the creation of this Grand Plan and it resulted to this predicament. Niciel was lecturing all the gods but especially the two main sources of conflict, Logos and Vestec. At the same time, Toun and Teknal were trying to somehow fix the parchment up, trying to contain Jvan's creations and Vestec's corruption and although Ull'Yang realized that It was not the moment for him to finally make his own contribution to the Plan, It was also the only chance he would get. He felt the pressure building up inside of him was almost to its limit and Ull'Yang had begun to speculate as to what it might signify.

He flew in a circle, making sure to not get in the way of the gods that were currently fighting, and reached the location of the Grand Plan seemingly undetected, although it didn't really matter if the others saw him or not. "Brother," Ull'Yang mentally called out to Toun, "If you don't mind me, but this is something I must do as well, as one of 'gods.'" Ull'Yang made clear that he wasn't going to tamper too much with the Grand Plan and approached the parchment.

It was at that moment as he was reading through the piece of paper unfolded in front of him, that he realised just how much Vestec and all of the chaotic gods had tampered with the Grand Plan. "This...although it's in a bad shape, it's not of the magnitude befitting such conflict," Ull'Yang's voice, deep and mystifying, was heard for the first time since his emergence from the pitch-black void of creation that Amul'Sharar had called forth. "We truly are a bunch of children that got overly confident in themselves after being given power and the freedom to use it however they pleased..." Ull'Yang added while raising his one remaining hand over the parchment.

Pure cosmic essence flowed from his hand and to the Parchment, infusing it with his powers and changing it down to its roots. Needed changes of course. Ull'Yang found the passage that talked about the creation of stars, nebulas and other celestial bodies and completely rewrote them from start to finish. He was driven by a sheer instinct that said everything previously mentioned was utterly wrong and, if implemented, would cause the Universe to implode in on itself the moment it was born. When he was finished, he retracted his hand and stared at the Grand Plan and to his astonishment, the words on the parchment were re-organizing themselves to account for Ull'Yang's edits. Everything was becoming clearer, and as Ull'Yang went through the Grand Plan one more time, he realised that everything, down to the corruption of Vestec and Jvan's creations, had been organised in a manner that harmoniously incorporated both chaos and order, along with every other contribution of the gods.

"I believe that now we can cease this meaningless conflict..." Ull'Yang said, not caring if the others would hear him or not. He had done his part and now, he would wait for the results to show themselves.
@Vec, do you mind if I post first? As a motherly goddess, Niciel must remove the head of the snake before it can bite.

That, and I'm done with my post.

go on then :/ I'll just respond to whatever you do. Ull has to mess with Toun's things too. He feels like he's left out of all the fun.
@BBeastI got no problem with that :)
Who's going to post first?
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Could we both stop him?

I was actually just planning on grabbing his hand as he went for the Scroll. Not much of a plan here but if you want to go full SWAT on his @ss, that can work too
I'm making another post too. Was anyone else going to block those Chaos flames? If not, I'm doing that. Although, if so, then I'll let you do that.

I was actually planning on stopping Vestec, as Ull'Yang's first interaction with the rest of the gods aside from Slough and Teknal but If you want to stop him, I am ok with that as well.
I am in the process of writing my post. Bear with me x(
There we go. Toun's got his eye now. Are his actions alright with you @Antarctic Termite?

So the Elder Scroll is pretty messed up right now, right? So much that Toun wouldn't really mind Ull doing his thing as well? I mean, he's a good guy! No eldritch abominations or anything from him! Pinky swear!
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