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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Vec, Is Ull's Level equal to the number of times he has cycled, or is that a separate phenomenon?

Separate. if it was the same then Ull would reach lvl 100 after some quadrillion years lel
@BBeast say, could you do the same thing but for ull, taking into consideration his sheahul way of mp generation?

Damn autocorrect. Anyway, assume that Ull spends half of a cycle in each stage, MSS & RG. I only ask best case scenario where Ull ALWAYS induces a supernova and never enters the third stage. If you want to do the third stage though, its up to you.

Σ[2^(n-1)], n=1 --> n, is the sum series for Ull's age.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Oh. Well, you can still make a !NOT! Japan. Or a !NOT! Sun-Worshiping Incan Empire.

I don't know who came up with the idea first? Me or you? xD This feels like Newton vs Leibniz all over again.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

What was? A desert?

And a river. And a desert empire.
@Cyclone Goddamn Cyclone, that was one of the things I had in store for laterz but you beat me to it xP
Just as a demigod can be made from only one god, realize that gender is mostly meaningless for deities and only really matters for the sake of pronouns and describing their appearance.

In other words, you could have Teknall + Vestec family (), Teknall + Zeph, or any other combination. It needn't be just one of the goddessess.

Heck, Ull is basically a ball of plasma.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Thanks ;) By the way, you aren't taking into consideration Ulls speshul MP sauce when calculating? At the end of this turn, Ull will be at The RG stage. Just a heads up.
I will try to get a post up tonight.


Man, I'm really lagging behind on this. At least it feels like it.

Personally, I'd have gotten at least one more post in this turn if it wasn't for this shitty flu that I caught so suddenly. I am in no right state of mind for any sort of writing right now but I reckon I'll be back to normal come Friday. But as Cyclone said, It's not necessary for you to post every other day. Heck, this RP was supposed to be a slow one because of Academic Year but I find myself to more and more use it as an excuse to procrastinate rather than for the sheer enjoyment of writing.

So take your time. 1 post per turn is OK.
@Double Capybara I didn't think of Murder, that would have been a fun portfolion.

Domain: Beauty
Portfolio: Murder

Now that, has Jvan written all over it.
<Snipped quote by Dawnscroll>

<Snipped quote by Vec>

You guys will only understand the meaning of those tentacles when you go and play Necromancer

Oh, but I have played it ;)
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