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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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The Primordial Sun, Emperor in Gold, The Star Forger
Level 2 Cosmic God; Stars
9.5 Might & 3 Free Points

The Great Artisan, Divine Mason, Builder of Civilisations
Level 3 God of Crafting (Masonry)

1.5 Might & 1 Free Point

Yang'Ze slowly breathed in, filling his lungs to the brim with oxygen, paused for five seconds and then exhaled. It had been some time since he had shot out the beacon of light, signaling Teknall to travel to Mount Borhmanven but the god of crafting hadn't arrived yet. "I guess he would be busy, wouldn't he? Now that I think about it, didn't Zephyrion and he built that floating citadel I saw back then? Huh..."

Ull'Yang was sitting down cross-legged, in a meditative position. He had stretched his divine awareness throughout the Avatar's body, trying to figure out its limits and weaknesses. He lamented on the fact that he couldn't just appear wherever he wanted using his true form. That would undoubtedly bring great calamity to every solar system that would be unfortunate enough to be near him when he appeared.

"Alas, although this body isn't as convenient as my true body, it'll have to do for now. If it's only mingling with mortal affairs, it's good enough," Ull'Yang sighed. "Although, in the long run, those siblings of mine and their creations might prove problematic for me if I am stuck in this body... I'll need a weapon of some sort..."

Speaking of the devil, just as Ull'Yang was pondering on what his choice of weapon would be, Teknall appeared beside him. Ull'Yang watched silently as the Craftsman God was praising the exceptional view from the peak of the mountain. "Nice view up here, isn't it?" Teknall spoke. Ull'Yang stood up and after taking a good look for himself, turned to Teknall while nodding in approval. "Although I haven't been to Zephyrion's Celestial Citadel to witness the view from up there with my own eyes, I'll still bet that it's not better than this view here."

Yang'Ze took two steps forward and gazed at the horizon as the sun was setting and the stars were, one by one, beginning to appear in the night sky. "As you must have guessed by now, I was the one who fired that beam of light. Truthfully, this body is too lacking when it comes to communicating with the rest of you gods and goddesses so I am forced to use cruder and slightly inaccurate means. I fear what would have happened if Vestec was the first to notice the beam of light and come here rather than you, Teknall. Right now, although this body is quite sturdy as is, It's quite not up to my standards yet. However, a good enough weapon would somewhat even things out for me," Ull'Yang said and turned around, looking at Teknall.

"That is where you come in. I want you to make me a weapon. Its design should be practical, allowing for versatility and swift movements while also helping me keep whomever I am fighting at bay, prohibiting their attacks from reaching me. Also, It should also be able to change its size and shape to whatever I so choose, for better transportation as well as, again, versatility in battle.." Ull'Yang paused for a few seconds, letting Teknall think about everything that he had asked for so far.

"Of course, I should be able to infuse it with my powers if I so desire. Lastly, It should be unliftable to anyone other than me although I doubt that this will be possible as I don't think there are any gods that aren't able to lift items made of physical materials. Just make it so it weights little when I wield it but when on others' hands, it's weight is so immense that it's basically unliftable by anyone other than true gods," Ull'Yang told his brother and waited for his response.

Teknall pondered for a few moments. Creating the weapon of choice for a god or their Avatar is a great responsibility. Then he managed to figure out an appropriate design. Teknall crouched down to the ground, touched the bare stone and rose his hand up again, lifting out a narrow cylinder of stone, four centimeters thick and a meter and a half long.

"Something like this?" Teknall asked. He twirled it around experimentally, then handed it to Yang'Ze for him to try. "A staff. That should be an appropriate form. Of course, the actual thing shall be made of a better material than raw stone."

Ull'Yang examined the long piece of rock that Teknall handed out to him. He swung it around expertly, trying to get a feel for the approximate design of the finalised weapon before nodding in approval at Teknall's choice. "Hmm, indeed, this will do just fine If I so say. It allows for swift movement by the wielder and helps restrict the opponent, limiting their range and scope of attacks. Very nice indeed..." Ull'Yang said.

"I shall make this staff for you. I can create the form, and imbue it with the framework of the magic it needs, although you will need to provide the power for those enchantments," Teknall said, "In exchange, I shall ask for a similar favour from you. I'll let you know when I decide what I want."

Then, from far below, Teknall perceived the presence of the Fiberling, which was trying to ascend the mountain. He walked to the edge and looked down, and the Fiberling was but a pink speck, almost twenty kilometers away. "We have some company, from Jvan, although she won't be here for many hours yet. That should be time enough to finish your weapon." With that, Teknall jumped down into the deep crater of Mount Borhmanven, descending to the heart of the volcano.

"Company you say?" Ull'Yang also walked towards the edge of the crater and, after a few moments of searching with his eyes, he noticed a slight miscoloration, a tiny, pink smudge that was slowly climbing upwards, making its way to the peak of the volcano. Ull'Yang could faintly feel Jvan's unique divine essence emitting form the pink object. "Our sister seems to have been busy with her creations, just as expected," Ull'Yang said but when he turned around, Teknall had already jumped down the crater of Mount Borhmanven.

"I'm certainly glad that you are eager to fulfill my request, brother," Ull'Yang thought and jumped, following Teknall down the scorching depths of the volcano.

The chamber where Teknall stopped was filled with the scent of sulfur, and in the center was a bubbling pit of lava. The red light of this pit cast deep shadows across the craggy stone room of dark igneous rock, with the only other source of light being Yang'Ze's incandescent form. Here, Teknall began his craft. From a crag, Teknall chipped off a large chunk of stone, about waist high and two meters long and flat on top, which he pushed across the floor until it was in the open. In this flat top, Teknall chiselled out a semicircular groove all the way along it. Then, at his touch, the walls leaked molten metals, which snaked across the ground, illuminating Teknall with their glow, until they reached the anvil, where they climbed up the sides of the stone and pooled into the mould Teknall had made. As the metal began to solidify, Teknall spun and hammered it, and by his expert hand, a perfect rod of mithral was eventually formed.

While the metal still glowed red hot, Teknall chiseled shallow lines into the rod, flowing in the pattern of flowers and vines. At his call, more molten metal flowed to the anvil. In front of Teknall formed thin strips of orichalcum, which he drew into wires and, with both metals heated to the verge of melting, hammered them gently into the lines in the rod, fusing the orichalcum filigree into the mithral.

Once more metal flowed from the walls and became solid on the anvil, this time forming bronze. Teknall took this bronze, flattened it into two sheets then wrapped them around the staff at two places equidistant from the center, handholds for when the weapon is used with two hands. Likewise, Teknall heated the item to near-melting so as to fuse the metals together.

The metal still glowing a dull red, Teknall picked up the staff. Holding it by one end with one hand, Teknall swung the staff in front of him, then spun it around beside him before gripping it with two hands. Mithral was indeed a good choice, for it was an extremely light metal yet as strong as steel. The physical implement was complete, now came the tricky bit.

Teknall put the staff back to rest in its groove on the stone anvil. With eyes closed, he passed his hands over the warm metal. It would, of course, have to be enchanted so as to be nigh indestructible. And, as per request, it would need to be able to change size at will. Both these enchantments were trivial for Teknall since his own weapons did that. Being able to morph its shape would be more difficult, and dynamically adapting its weight even more so.

As he was considering how to do it, Teknall's godly perception rested once more upon the Fiberling, who was ascending the mountain. On closer inspection of its workings, he realised that this Fiberling held the key to his problem. At will, it could stow matter in extradimensional space and retrieve it, moulding its own fibers to its will. This was exactly what Teknall wanted to do, so that is what he did. Adapting the Fibreling's extradimensional magic to work for metals, and to act in a more responsive timeframe, Teknall wove that enchantment into the rest of the staff's magic.

The last enchantment was yet to be figured out, though. The staff had to be able to dynamically change how heavy it was, without affecting its physical size. Teknall thought long and hard about how he might be able to get the weapon to change its mass, perhaps by adding extra atoms and making the lattice more compact as with the Fiberlings, but he could not figure out a way to do this reliably, especially at several orders of magnitude. Then he realised that he was thinking about the problem the wrong way around. Rather than change the weapon's mass, he should change the weapon's weight. This was far easier to achieve. All he had to do was increase the force of gravity on the object, which is quite doable given the right magic and a deep understanding of the physical laws dictating the Universe.

And so Yang'Ze's staff was almost complete. With the mithral cooled to room temperature and the framework of the enchantments set up, all that remained was for Ull'Yang to apply his divine power to it. Seeing the finished product before him filled Teknall with a warm feeling of satisfaction, the rewarding feeling of an artisan who has completed a sophisticated and challenging piece of work. Teknall picked up the staff and handed it to Yang'Ze.

"Here you go. All done. It just needs you to add your power," Teknall said, "It's a solid mithral rod, so fairly strong yet light at the same time. I've imbued it with magic which will make it nearly indestructible, so it should be able to handle heavy blows without a dent. As requested, it can change size at will, by a factor of a few. It can also be shaped by your command, even summoning or stowing material in extradimensional space if need be. It holds the power to increase its own weight, the force of gravity on it, by several orders of magnitude if anyone other than yourself, or people you allow, attempt to pick it up. Finally, its design and materials make it a good conduit for your divine power."

Ull'Yang was standing at a distance away from Teknall, making sure to not bother him while he was working. Occasionally, he stole glances of the weapon that made him feel slightly excited about how the finished staff would look like.

When Teknall finally handed the staff over to him, Ull'Yang took it in his hands and examined it, marveling at the supreme craftsmanship that his brother had displayed in front of him. He tucked one end of the staff under his armpit and executed a sweep with it on a phantom opponent before swiftly grabbing it with both of his hands and swinging it counterclockwise and striking another phantom opponent. "...You truly deserve the title of the Divine Mason," Ull'Yang told Teknall, his expression making it hard for one to not notice how pleased he was with the weapon.

Teknall's face beamed as much as Ull'Yang's. "It is a pleasure to have crafted such a fine object."

"Now, to jumpstart the enchantments you placed on the staff," Ull'Yang said as a strand of divine essence flowed from his hand to the weapon. The engravings on the staff shone a bright blue light as they were filled with divine essence and Ull'Yang could feel the changes starting to take effect. He willed the weapon to change size a few times. He also tested changing its shape but soon realized that every other form felt sub-par when compared to its original one.

"I guess I would very rarely change its form but it's a nice feature to have..." Ull'Yang thought. He didn't question Teknall on how he managed to include the enchantments on the weapon as he didn't really care how Teknall would go about creating it. He had already gotten what he asked for and he was pleased with it.

Teknall looked thoughtfully at the makeshift anvil, the walls streaked with resolidified slag and the bubbling pit of lava. It had made a decent workshop in a pinch, and he had wrought a great work here, but it was lacking elegance or style. He could fix it up, but volcanos were such fickle and unpredictable places. He needed a workshop fitting for a god. And for that, he needed a power source fitting for a god. Glancing at the Avatar of the Primordial Sun beside him, Teknall figured why settle for a volcano?

"I've decided on my payment," Teknall announced, "I'd like a star. Something to put inside a personal plane of existence, which will be a stable source of power for billions of years to come for whatever projects I may have."

"Oh, a star you say? Well, I certainly could do that for you without any effort whatsoever. But...Is that all? You know, what you have created here for me is probably going to save me a lot of needless trouble... Nevertheless, if that's all you want, I will not hold back one bit. Seeing as you created this wonderful weapon for me, I should, at least, give something of equal value back to you," Ull'Yang said.

Mildly surprised, Teknall considered what more he could ask, yet his mind came up blank. "Just as you could not have built that staff yourself, I can't make a whole star myself. If there is ever another favour I can ask of you, I shall, but for now, I will have a star."

Teknall concentrated for a moment, then at a wave of his hand a rift opened in space beside them, leading to a realm of darkness as complete as the void before the creation of the Universe. Although Teknall's plane was presently devoid of form, it brimmed with creative potential, just as the World had been when the gods first arrived. "If you could put it in there, that would be great."

Ull'Yang watched his brother open a dimensional rift that lead to a plane that was completely empty. "Hmm, a personal plane? Why haven't I thought about creating one for myself? Now that I think about it...It could very well solve a lot of problems for me..." Ull'Yang thought. All sorts of expressions could be seen on the Avatar's face as Ull'Yang kept pondering on the idea, beginning to like it more and more.

"Although I can create stars at will, the divine essence that this body can hold is much less than the essence required for the creation of a standard star, even more so for the creation of a star that's supposed to last as long as you want it to last. Only my true body is able to produce that kind of essence." Ull'Yang said. "For me to repay you, you'd have to travel to where my true body is currently at, and open the dimensional rift there."

"Ah, right," Teknall said, "In that case, let us leave this cavern and you can point me there."

With a wave of his hand, the rift closed, leaving no trace of its existence. In a single bound, Teknall ascended to the top of Mount Borhmanven and looked out to the vast starry sky beyond, unoccluded by the thin atmosphere.

Yang'Ze watched as the Craftsman God shot upwards and out of the depths of the volcano. He willed the staff to reduce in size, enough for it to be carried inside one of the inner pockets of his coat, before following Teknall outside. Ull'Yang walked a couple of steps forward until he reached the edge of the crater. He closed his eyes and retracted his consciousness from his Avatar.

As his consciousness returned back to his original body, Ull'Yang became aware of his surroundings once more. "Hmm, currently, I am quite a distance away by mortal standards..." he thought. He used his divine awareness to feel the unique essence signals that his fellow deities emitted and, after some time spent searching, located the direction of Galbar's solar system. "Well then..." Ull'Yang thought and sent his consciousness back to his Avatar.

Yang'Ze opened his eyes and raised his hand, pointing at the location of his true body. "Currently, the Universe is in its early stages and as such, there hasn't been a sufficient passage of time so as to allow for the light emitted from me to reach this planet. Fortunately, I can still show you the way." Ull'Yang said, a pleasant smile donning his face.

Teknall's gaze followed Yang'Ze's outstretched finger to a patch of dark sky. Although there was no light to signal the existence of anything, his divine sense could tell that there was indeed a great presence there. "Alright, then. Off I go."

But before Teknall left, something else caught his attention. He turned around and saw, flying slowly and lethargically, a strange winged mass of flesh and sinews. "I think Jvan's messenger has arrived."

The Embryonic Angel spoke its message. "My brothers in creation, it is good to see your faces once more, and I have many thanks to give. Teknall! Throughout this world, I see great plants of your design, and I admire your foresight. Already creatures from the Deepwood are spreading further into the world on your back. Already Toun's children are bending branches and stripping sticks for their own use. I invite you to look upon them sometime and feel proud of your work. Ull'Yang, your spirit is welcome on Galbar, and I feel you, too, may be interested in these new animals, for they possess tremendous animus, which you might be able to emulate in children of your own. May you both be inspired always."

At the mention of tool-making creatures, Teknall's face lit up. He had been waiting earnestly for this moment, and soon it would be time for him to shine. "That is excellent news. I will have to attend to them soon."

Ull'Yang didn't expect for the messenger to start speaking even before it had reached the peak of the volcano, so he was taken aback when he heard Jvan's voice echo from below them. "Indeed, I have already observed Toun's new creations. Fascinating little things. They loosely resemble the structure of an avian creature but spot arms and legs and are capable of bipedal locomotion. What's more, they possess intelligence! Ah, Toun must have felt quite creative when he came up with them." Ull'Yang said, affirming what Jvan's messenger had already conveyed to them.

Teknall looked once more to the true location of Ull'Yang in the sky. "Okay, I'm going now. This time for real. I'll be back soon." Such distances were far too vast to be travelled by any means even approaching conventional, so Teknall settled for willing himself to be in the right location. In one moment Teknall was standing atop Mount Borhmanven, the next he was in orbit around a distant red giant, yet this was no ordinary star.

"Hello there, Ull'Yang. You're a bit bigger than I last remembered," Teknall called out in greeting, his message carried by divine power rather than air.

A massive solar flare erupted outwards from Ull'Yang, the remnants of which formed a majestic bird of fire. The bird stretched its wings and a bright radiance filled the space surrounding it, a radiance only matched by Ull'Yang's true body. "It is as you say, brother. This body is indeed a burden that I have to carry for the rest of eternity," Ull'Yang voiced somewhat dejectedly. "Enough of that, though. Open the door to your plane so we can proceed with the creation of the star," Ull'Yang told Teknall.

"Of course," Teknall replied. With a simple gesture, the rift opened between the two gods. In through the rift went the bird of fire, followed by Teknall.

The bird flew inside the empty space of Teknall's personal plane before settling on a location. It then folded its wings around its body, forming a relatively large spherical object that proceeded to rapidly condense in size. When it reached the required threshold of compression, the spherical object exploded outwards into a magnificent supernova, creating a gold-blue coloured nebula.

"I have already made sure, using my powers, that the star produced by this nebula will last for a very, very long time. You won't have to worry about it burning out for at least a trillion years or so," Ull'Yang sent mentally to his brother.

Teknall watched as the nebula coalesced into a star, glowing a warm red. "It is excellent, brother. It shall serve me well. I shall speak with you again some time, but for now, I must depart. Farewell."

"Very well. For now, I bid you farewell as well," Ull'Yang told Teknall as he was leaving.

And so Teknall departed, returning once again to Galbar.

@Dawnscroll That is interesting. I don't really have a problem with that as long as we really have the choice on the matter. Some people might not want to do it while others could very well go all in while writing from the mortals perspective. I for one would try this at least once even if you hadn't made the suggestion anyway. :)
@Antarctic TermiteAlthough I wonder, If what he have seen so far of Jvan is her usual self, what happens when she gets angry?
<Snipped quote by Antarctic Termite>

*screams internally*

Jesus christ man, what is wrong with you? That is legitimately scary!

@MuttonhawkSame spot for me. For the first time -- I'm not behind.

@VecYou could always quickly outline a plan the few times you're online at the same time, and then work on your respective sections separately (within your own time zones).

thats what i'm gonna do right now. I'm gonna create a titanpad and just msg the link to him and when he can, he can just continue from where we had left off
me and Beast have been talking about a collab but the time zone struggle is real....
<Snipped quote by Kho>

@Cyclone I found your Vizier ;)

I want to visit a horse house, one day

<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

The thing is, Ull'Yang was a horse! Come on, I mean, you are already rotting anyway, why not catch fire too?

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