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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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<Snipped quote by Vec>

I think that was characters, mate.

whatever that was ;) still 58k.
It is where it was fated to be

On a side note, my post just broke into 5 thousand words x_x
It will also take a lot of time to make all the creation sheets of the mess I'm making.

i read somewhere in the last 2-3 pages of the occ that someone was in the process of writing a 58.000 word post. So yeah. 5.000 seems casual enough for this RP.
@Dawnscroll that's a nice post you got there XD
<Snipped quote by Kho>

For the existence of such mountains, I would like to point you towards Vestec's contribution to the Codex, which encourages the development of such anomalies.
However, if the Solitary Mount is indeed stratospheric in height, then you probably won't be getting any visitors any time soon. If people can barely make it to 8km without breathing apparatus (Everest), then they'll have no hope of ascending to the Whirlpool on the peak. Even Heroes need air to breathe.

As for balance of Galbar, there is no problem at all. The radius of Galbar is about 6000km (if it's Earth-sized). 20km is but a tiny fraction of that. The difference in density between ocean and continent would have a far greater impact on the center of mass than any single mountain.
In fact, there exists a case study for mountains so big. Olympus Mons is 22km tall, on Mars, which is notably smaller than Earth. Mars seems to have no problems. (Granted, Olympus Mons is a massive shield volcano, so flat that the curvature is nigh undetectable, while these two Galbarian mountains would be much more pointy, but again I indicate Vestec's contribution to the Codex)

<Snipped quote by BBeast>


Honestly I saw the huge numbers of that post and the mention of it supposedly having a better view than the Celestial Citadel (which is pretty much in space most of the time) and just dismissed it as exaggeration. If the mountain is actually that huge, it's pretty ridiculous and would have required Might or at least some special effort to create.

A mountain of that size wouldn't form happen naturally like the rest of the Ironhearts did when Teknall broke the tectonic plates and made them move together. For comparison, Mount Everest isn't even 9km tall.

Tbh, I based my description of Mt. Borm from the Olympus Mons of Mars that BBeast mentioned earlier. I thought that, with such a huge swift in the tectonic plates and taking into consideration that it wasn't anything natural like our tectonic plates that shift with time, but an intervention of a god (in this case Teknall); It would be plausible for such a mountain to form under these conditions. I also mentioned that it was a volcano, but that is insignificant. You know, I don't have any problem whatsoever to return back there and add one might for the volcano to just exist. It would give a nice flavor to the planet now that Kho wants to create another stratospheric mountain. Say, they are twins or something :) The ogres live on one mountain and the dwarves live on the other.

All in all, I was serious when I mentioned that its view could be on par with C.C. since it's height is so exaggerated but I digress, it was my mistake that I didn't mention it OOCly for everyone to know about :/
So, dragons will be a thing in a day or two. I am willing to pull an all-nighter for this!

But now, I must sleep. gnight!
@Hael Also, who is this Saltheax guy that you guys have mentioned quite a few times now in the OOC? New hero?
<Snipped quote by Hael>


I wonder now that Vowzra is a daddy of two, what would happen if something... unexpected... happen to his kids? How would he react? I mean, if his cat ended up dying to some god, say Reathos, would Vowzra want revenge for that or would he chalk it up to just, 'tis was Fated to be' and leave it at that?
[@ALL] So what did I miss while i was away? It's been a hectic two weeks for me :/
[EDIT] I see we are in the next turn. Nice. Nice.

In any case, shall we move on to the next turn?

I was gonna say "Hold on a minute" but y'know what?

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