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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@poog the pig I don't see any lewdness here. >.> <.<
@LokiLeo789 Meruem got pwned by an old man. fixed it.
@poog the pigYou guessed it!
@Frettzo Seems like Astarte is going down the wrong path again!
>grabs pitchfork
>Impales Vestec

@Kho @WrongEndoftheRainbow Seems like out Khoverlord is not pleased.

@poog the pig Funny thing but since the time you introduced Lakshmi, I've always spelled the name "Lak-shi-mi" instead, for some reason I don't know. It always sounded better to me that way
@Cyclone I haven't even started reading it yet and I already like this post *cough*khookies*cough*now*cough
So, regretably, aftet brainstorming for half a day, I couldn't really find a character that I would be confortable playing with in this RP:(

I would be following this, cause i think you have a great thing going on here, though. #keeptruckingguys
@LokiLeo789 Just type Grammarly on Google. It should be first on the results :) Happy correcting!
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