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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Double Capybara Where you the one who drew it?
@Dawnscroll with so much admitted plagiarism going on here, i doubt we will be able to publish anything xD
it'd be funny if you brought jvan in it as an oceanic abomination-boss-enemy-god-thing

im sold
Annevar Tel'ethir

Living alongside the trees and breathing in the pure air of the forest, the elves of Rhiadan always lived isolated lives. Their village of Ulme, hidden in the innermost parts of the ancient Rhiadan forest, would seldom be visited by anyone other than fellow elves, and for a good reason. They patrolled the borders of the forest, much like humans, or any other race for that matter, patrolled the borders of their nations. Any and all intruders were swiftly apprehended and brought back to the village for questioning. Not many managed to escape unscathed.

However, perhaps it was this isolationist behaviour that allowed the elves to live peaceful lives, withdrawn from the power struggles of warmongering nations that only sought to destroy and conquer. Instead, the elves lead a life of self-sustenance, living with the forest and not off of it. This eventually led to the creation of the druidic order of Rhiadan. Students of nature and its intricacies, the elven druids harnessed the power of the elements and the power of natural change in order to protect the forest from anyone harbouring ill intent towards it.


One defining feature of Ulme was the huge houses carved out or built on trees. Oh yes, the elves in their zealous effort to be one with nature had managed to create what seemed to be the perfect place for one to stand back, close their eyes, and relax as the sounds of the forest caressed their ears. Not many things could disrupt the laid-back lives of the elves living in this forest, but the coming of the Lunar Festival was one of them.

Ah, the Lunar Festival. The Deladian Kingdom was not the only one celebrating this time of the year, no. The elves of Rhiadan also celebrated it, but in a more ritualistic manner than everyone else. Aside from the Moonscratched - or Kanys' Dreamers as they called them in their native tongue - being given a chance to break the shackles imposed upon them by the Cruel God and finally gain their freedom in death, the elves also celebrated Gnara, the mother-goddess of nature and fertility. During the celebrations, which lasted a whole day and night, they engaged in all kinds of sexual acts under the influence of herbal-induced hallucinations, as a way to come closer to nature, the goddess, and to each other.

However, there would always be one person that did not participate in these celebrations. Instead, that person became the Druidic Ambassador and was sent travelling beyond the borders of the Rhiadan, and towards the heart and capital city of the Deladian Kingdom. The ambassador bore the responsibility of witnessing the Lunar festivities of Delad and making sure that the fertility rites to Gnara were done properly. Each year the ambassador's position would be given to a different person, so as to give everyone a chance to hold the position. This year, it was young Annevar that was chosen.

Anne's slender hands knocked on the century-long aged door of her master's house. After a moment of silence, a male voice was heard from beyond the door. The voice was steady, and at first gave the impression of someone distant. However, when the voice beckoned for Anne to open the door and enter, she could only feel a surge of warmth washing over her, and could not help but smile.

The interior of the treehouse was simple, unadorned, and gave the feeling that its owner was not in the least interested in material possessions and wealth. At the centre of the room, there sprung a wooden table from the floor. As if someone had deliberately manipulated the tree, coaxing it into allowing a part of it to take the shape of a table. Behind the table, there sat a young man reading a book. His long, blond hair blocked the view of his face but as he closed the book and stood up to face the newcomer, he exuded an aura that was cdertain to instill respect in everyone that laid their eyes upon him.

"You came, child" the man stated with a smile on his face.
"As I was chosen, how would I not come to see you one last time before my departure?" Anne said and walked towards the table.
"Indeed, you were chosen, and so you must go" the man nodded and walked towards the window behind him. As his dwelling was located on the peak of the highest tree in Ulme, the view from that window was not to be underestimated. The man's eyes stared at the horizon as if being able to see something other than the vast Rhiadan forest expanding endlessly. "I had once been chosen as well, you know. A long, long, long time ago. I hated it that I had to be away from my homeland during one of the most important sacred days of the year. Of course, I was young at the time and also thought a lot about what I was missing... but that comes with being young I guess. However," he said and turned to face Anne.

"Although I felt indignant about my Ambassador position, I nevertheless took it seriously and made sure that the Deladians would honour the Goddess properly. I also made sure to be there and witness as the Dreamers entered eternal slumber. I prayed for them and implored the Goddess to treat their scarred bodies with care as they slipped into the embrace of Stieg.

And I expect that you do the same as well..."
The man concluded as he looked Anne with a serious expression. "Master Êldor, be at ease. Anne understands the importance of her position and what she must do. It was you who taught me all those years, you must surely know that I won't make any mistakes." Anne said with a melodious voice.

Êldor though knew her better than anyone else, for it was him that had practically raised her. He knew that whenever she acted like so, she would almost always be hiding something from him. His gaze lingered on her for a moment, eliciting a curious tilt of the head and an 'is there something wrong with my face?' kind of look from Anne. Êldor sighed but then his expression changed to a warm one. "Then it is good that you know," he said with a smile. "When do you plan on leaving?" he asked as he walked from behind the table and towards his student.

"Ah, I believe tomorrow at dawn would be as good a time as any," she answered back after thinking for a second. "The journey to Vaald will be a long one and so, leaving now would have me reach the Deladian capital right before the Lunar festivities commence," she noted as she also approached Êldor. He simply smiled and when the two were close enough, they opened their arms and hugged each other tightly. After a long while of them simply standing there hugging one another, they separated. "I've prepared a present for you, though I do hope you never find a use for it," he said as he reached inside his sleeve, pulling out a small wooden talisman and placing it on Anne's palm.

Anne looked at her master quizzically before bringing the talisman closer, scrutinising it. The talisman took the shape of a small cylinder, with golden engravings on its surface. When she realised what the engravings meant, Anne opened her eyes wide in shock and looked back at her master. "I've imbued it with a wind spell. Although it's only good for one use, as the vessel is too ordinary, the spell should be enough for you to escape anyone that might want to harm you. We can't be too careful, now, can we?" He asked her.

Anne wore the talisman over her neck, walked two steps backwards and bowed. "I won't disappoint you, Master!" She said. Êldor let out a laugh before turning back to his table. "Now, go! Let's meet again in two month's time, after the Lunar Festival," he told her and sat back in his chair.

As Anne closed the door behind her, feeling reinvigorated and determined, Êldor opened his book once more. "Where was I again? Ah yes, the madman and his fish stick!" he thought and laughed.
Man with Parkinson's showing a before and after of the relief that marijuana gives him


Fuck the DEA
In What if ? 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
I would let the zombie friend eat turn the person I hate and then kill them both.

What if you were Donald Clinton?

@Kho I've long stopped trying to imagine Jvan's creations. I just trust whatever picture Termite puts in the posts XD
So now the codex became a skull. Interesting...
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