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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

And the whole bit about it being a god-killing weapon under Lifprasil? That is the juicy bit.

<Snipped quote by Vec>

Nah mate, I don't even talk to you since you stole my vaporwave sign.

I'm a capybara from the criminal side of town, you don't want to mess with me or my friends.

(And I really hope I don't need to explain this is just a joke)

I am offensive by your statement.

Only edgy kids side with Logos.

All the cool kids are non-aligned. Siding with Lif is Ok though.

But just out of curiosity, how up to date with events around the Codex you are?

if you're talking to me, I know that it's become a cup and is in the hands of some grill. That's about it...

You mean other than the death of everything as we know it?

<Snipped quote by Rtron>

If only we had some kind of hyperbolic time chamber on Galbar where people could go and have all the time they want. But alas, no such thing

hehehe shhh, they will know...

On another note... It's alive. I haven't been on for a while due to uni and stuff. Have I missed something?
@Antarctic Termite@Dawnscroll

^My mental processes while reading that post.

Pretty good overall :-]
Aɴɴᴇᴠᴀʀ Tᴇʟ'ᴇᴛʜɪʀ

So one of the two has been a resident of Vaald for a long time, and the other had just recently come to the capital. She sized the two; Anne already had a very good opinion of Dodger in her mind, and with him having lived in Vaald for the longest of the two, he was bound to know one or two things more about the city and it's denizens. Especially about the Dreamers, Anne felt that the ones appearing in the Lunar Festival would certainly not be the only ones. There were bound to be more, preferring to remain hidden between the shadows of the capital. "Gnara's teachings should reach those unfortunate souls as well..." Anne sighed inwardly as she shook hands with Isyph, who then promptly walked towards the exit of the Guild Center. Be it because she was distracted by her thoughts, or because she had simply gotten used to getting stared at, Anne did not notice Isyph's eyes lingering on her for a moment.

"The temple to Gnara should be by the Serene Pools if I remember right. We should get headed there, soon," Isyph said. Anne paused for a moment, thinking of something, before nodding in approval. "Let us be on our way then," she said and strolled right outside.

On the way to the Serene Pools, Anne asked her new friends a lot about the city and whatnot. Since she was new in town and would certainly spend quite some time in the capital, at least until all of the festivities and rituals were over, Anne was eager to know more about Vaald.

"So, I presume the two of you have known each other for a long time, right? When I entered the Guild Center building searching for information, I noticed that you were sitting on the same table," Anne said curiously. "You were quite engrossed in your reading those papers, Isyph. What were you doing, If I may ask?" she added, opting to use a more informal tone with the two, much like how Isyph had previously done.

>inb4 Logos + Amartia vs Everyone

I'm sorry, but I'll have to also withdraw from this. I know I said that I would post him catching up, but this is just too fast for me. Also, now with university commencing I will have even less time to dedicate to RPping. I resent leaving 2nd group without a cleric, so I don't mind having Kai turn into an NPC, until a new player comes in to fill the position. It's up to you @Holy Soldier. See ya in other RPs.
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