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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Merry Christmas everyone!
Sharon and Gerrik sitting in the tree
First comes love.
Then comes marriage.
Then comes baby in the baby carriage,
Sucking its thumb,
Wetting its pants,
Doing the hula, hula dance!

Here, listen to this while writing the battle scene :)
<Snipped quote by Slime>

Ah I missed this, sorry.

Violet's a character of mine, but I'd be happy to collab something that involves Helvana and the lads meeting the overthinking doom carpet.

On another note @everyone, though, guess who's getting dragged across the desert in a car for four full days and spending another week in a city where I don't know anyone? Please end my life.

Hang in there, m8. It will be hard, but you will pull through it eventually, just like Tauga.
@Muttonhawk and thank god for that. Thank Gods.
@Kho Yeah, I was just wondering because it was within my plans to have him return on Christmass, and seeing as I haven't been productive at all for a long time, I want to make up for lost time. There's that collab with Cyclone that ties in with your mega-collab that has been put on hold until you guys are finished, and then there's that one post I've been working on but haven't come around to finishing due to studying etc.

I hope to have finished the dragon post by the end of the weekend, though, as It's almost done and it will be a shame if it doesn't get posted. Mind you, though, I'm rusty as fuck. Not that my posts were good previously, but yeah...
I have a question: How long has it been since the battle between Jvan and Vowzra? From then, to the latest time IC, how long has it been?
<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>



<Snipped quote by Antarctic Termite>

That was not intentional.

What am I missing?
@Cyclone Shhh, they're gonna find out...
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