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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Meng Wu
Tagging: @Eklispe

"A little bit of both. I'm waiting for someone as I climb up."

The man's answer confused Meng Wu. "A little bit of both? Who is this person that he so casually mentions climbing this mountain..."

Meng Wu sighed and rubbed his temples. He hadn't exactly 'enjoyed' climbing up the mountain and reaching as far as he did. He had to evade all sorts of threats while constantly rationing his food in order to not completely starve to death, and although nutritious as they may seem, Meng Wu felt like he was willingly torturing himself whenever he bit into one of those pink fruits, making the whole eating experience one that he would rather not want to go through ever again in his life.

Plus, usually when someone is waiting for someone else, they actually... wait. Meng Wu couldn't really understand why this person climbed the mountain 'while waiting' for someone to come. "Well, unless he is searching for someone, like I do..."

"Oh yes, I am actually searching for someone who had previously walked up this mountain. In a sense, you can say that the City of Gods is my destination." Meng Wu smiled as he replied to the man's question.

However, as he finished speaking, Meng Wu noticed that the man's attention had been drawn to something behind him, and so Meng Wu turned around and noticed the new arrival.

"Hmm, more people, and it seems he's not one of my companions..."

His mind drifted back to the other four people forming the sect's search party, and could only mutter a silent prayer for their well-being. He had found out the hard way about the dangers hiding behind the rocks and bushes of Mount Wua Sho, and thus, could imagine that his friends had gone through, and maybe still going through, much the same difficulties as he did before reaching this relatively safe clearing.

Yes, 'relatively' safe. Although Meng Wu appreciated the chance to catch up his breath, as well as the chance to converse with someone else for the first time in two weeks, he knew that staying in one place for a long period of time was bound to spell disaster for them. As he looked at the flight of stone stairs behind the gate, paving the road to the top of the mountain, Meng Wu felt unease creeping up his spine.

Looking back at the two who had also made it up to here, Meng Wu wondered if they shared the same thoughts with him. Going by how dangerous the first part of the mountain was, he couldn't imagine what dangers may lay further up, and he dreaded the thought of treading those steps alone.

Of course, his loyalty to his master trumped all feelings of fear and uncertainty he may have had. If it meant finding his master, Meng Wu would not think twice about climbing the rest of the stairs alone. Nevertheless, he would be a fool to not grab the chance to lower the danger level, by teaming up with other people to climb the mountain together.

Meng Wu jumped off the boulder and walked towards the scruffy man. "But we haven't introduced ourselves, have we? My name's Meng Wu."

He clasped his hands together, greeting the man the way only martial artists do. In his mind, a person capable of climbing up to here certainly had to have some martial background. A mere commoner is simply not capable of surviving the harsh conditions of Mount Wua Sho.
But if Jerry is Logos then why would he chase Vowzra and kill him? I thought Logos was avenging Vowzra when he went after Jvan.

I see. Increasing Chi seems pretty straightforward then. Defeat a number of people comparable to, or stronger than yourself, equal to your level of Chi at any given time.

Or, increase it through various other means through character development and plot interactions.

Since there isn't a set stats system in place, we would have to individually "write out" how our characters get stronger whenever they level up, and as for how they could gain new techniques...

I guess it could all come down to battle experience & "development posts", as in, the number of times our characters have engaged in battle, as well as the number of posts pertaining to our characters training/practicing/studying. We could set a goal for say: 5 battles & 2-3 posts of character development around techniques as a requirement for us to be able to unlock said technique. This gives us the chance to elaborate more on each character's techniques as well as increases the chances of character interaction between player characters since they might want to spar or train together/share insights etc.

Of course, that's just a random idea of mine. All in all, this system is quite similar to one one RP I'm in, as in, It is loose and versatile, and allows players more freedom when writing out their characters.

I like it.
@Grueslayer Thanks. So, could you elaborate a little on how you think we should go about strengthening our characters? I mean, is there a stats system you have in mind, like Strength, Endurance etc?

Chi is an essential part ofc, since it helps calculate the damage, but how do we go about increasing our Chi?

Logos, ofc. Do you really need to ask?
I uh, OK! I'm here, although I have forgotten what char I wanted to make so yeah...
there's my intro post :0
Meng Wu
Tagging: @Eklispe

Breathe in... One more step...

Breathe out... One more step...

Meng Wu had fallen into some strange trance since the day he started climbing the stairs up Mount Wua Sho, coming out of it only to eat and drink enough to allow him to continue, but not enough to fully satisfy his stomach. It is a known and true fact, in the end, that satiety dulls the senses; Meng Wu would not be so careless as to give himself unneeded trouble when climbing the mountain.

When he finally reached the end of the stairs, Meng Wu stood there motionless for a couple of minutes. The blank look in his eyes slowly returned to normal, a sign that he was coming out of trance once again.

"...Huh?" Meng Wu said absentmindedly. As he looked at the scenery surrounding him, his eyes slowly widened, only now realizing that he had reached a stop. In front of him was a clearing of gray stone tiles. Rocks of various sizes were scattered around the area, with ornamental poles standing tall between them and which held paper lanterns, their flames flickering and unsteady. All that, along with a tall, open gate that stood a couple hundred feet opposite of Meng Wu, gave the whole clearing's atmosphere a special feeling of ancientness that only ruins of the Gods had.

Meng Wu's master, Siu Ren, had briefly talked about the Gods to his disciple, but Meng Wu's mind could not comprehend the scale of power a being would have in order to be called a God. What he had understood, however, was that some unknown time, long ago, the Gods simply disappeared from the face of Waidi. Their City of Jade, full of splendor and magnificence, had been abandoned, left behind to be ravaged by the passage of time and the wrath of the elements.

The knowledge that such a city of legends existed, however, would cause Meng Wu to sometimes daydream about all the wondrous opportunities and treasures that were sure to be hidden away there. However, his master made sure that any thoughts not related to practice and training would be taken care of. Thus, you can understand how surprised Meng Wu was when his master told him out of blue one day, that he was making the pilgrimage to the top of Mount Wua Sho. Even more surprised where the rest of the disciple body of Sect Cloudspire. A Pavillion Master was leaving for an extended period of time, with no guarantee of coming back soon! The news spread like wildfire amongst the Inner and Outer sect disciples.

When the time had finally come for Siu Ren to leave, the whole Sect gathered to bid him goodbye and a safe return. Even the Sect Master, a man so old that could be called ancient himself, came out of secluded cultivation and silently watched as Siu Ren left.

At the start, everyone was optimistic about Siu Ren's journey, thinking that he would be back in two months - at most four if he encountered rough terrain or weather. When one year passed since his departure, everyone started worrying that something must have gone wrong, but their trust in Siu Ren's prowess kept them from sending people to search for him.

Only when the second year came to pass did the Sect realize that the gravity of the situation was out of the scope of their imagination. The Sect Elders convened and a search party of five people was created, of which one was Meng Wu himself. After careful preparation, they left for Mount Wua Sho.

It took the party roughly a month to reach the base of the mountain. Taking in the sheer size of Mount Wua Sho, the five people decided to split up, with each person taking a different path to the top. After splitting up the supplies, the five people took off, each picking a path of their own.

They quickly came to know, however, that the mountain was not to be underestimated. One died of a landslide, another died of starvation because he refused to eat the pink fruit that grew on the mountain's ridges, another was robbed and killed by bandits, and another was mauled to death by a huge bear while he was resting. Unknowingly to him, Meng Wu, by some kind of twisted luck, strength, will of heart to see his master once more, or a combination of those things had been the only one that survived long enough to reach the clearing.

And now he was standing there, gazing that the area in front of him silently. His gaze then fell over a man sitting on top of a boulder, a couple of feet away from the wrought iron door. The man was definitely not a person of Meng Wu's sect, that much was certain from his attire.

Meng Wu stared at the back of the man for a couple of seconds before walking over and sitting cross-legged on a boulder of his own. Without talking, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, revolving his cultivation base and feeling a wisp of spiritual essence flowing through his body's meridians. He immediately felt his fatigue lessening, and the last remnants of fog disappeared from his mind.

After a couple of moments, he opened his eyes once more and looked at the man again. He coughed slightly, to get the man's attention, and talked out loud.

"Hello there. If you don't mind me asking, are you climbing up the mountain? Or waiting for someone else here?"
I have a question for everyone. Should we meet at the top of the stairs? What I mean by that is, should we assume that everyone took a different path to the top and didn't meet each other while climbing the mountain, or assume that everyone has already met and they are climbing together?

I think that the former is better, since I don't know if there would be conflicts between characters or not, if they meet before reaching the top...
<Snipped quote by Vec>

Have you ever tried to describe something so vast and terrible that the words you know can only form a twisted analogy from which meaning must be wrested, rather than absorbed?


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