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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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RIP Alan Rickman 1946-2016



So yeah.

I assume that there's a percentage success rate of skills that you are not revealing to us xD But that's fine hehe. Anyway, that's quite interesting that Meng Wu managed to 1-hit KO the thing. I guess it wasn't as powerful as we expected?
OK, I will have to find some time out of my schedule to read that ginormous post. And it's Part 2! Dammit @Kho...

Anyway, This following week I sit for my midterm exams, and thus I won't be online much. Not that I have been doing anything significant here anyway.

I am waiting, however, for the Xerxes battle for stuff on my side to advance, and until then, I have enough time to plan out a course of action for Ull. As for Luna, she will probably be resurfacing earlier than Ull.

@Dawnscroll I wonder how Logos would react if he were to meet Ull, what with everything that has happened thus far on Galbar and between the Gods.

Ull'Yang has been thus far quite reclusive and not even many of his own kin have met him after the creation of the universe. I reckon, only Teknall has had any direct contact with him, and everyone else only spoke to Ull through his Avatar.

So yeah, to this distanced sibling of his, how will Logos react?
Meng Wu
Tagging: @Eklispe@Grueslayer

The walk towards the western side of the city's exterior was uneventful. The two travelers simply walked, and though Meng Wu was on alert - since he was on a foreign and potentially dangerous land - he couldn't stop himself from staring at the wall and towers with interest.

"Hmm, I wonder if the Gods even required a wall to protect them."

Meng Wu assumed that once one reaches the level of power needed to earn the title of God, such things as walls and watchtowers become meaningless, trivial things. The strongest protectors were the Gods themselves, and their presence in the city was enough to guarantee that the city would never get attacked. So why build a wall? Towers? Who would stand guard?

However, all of Meng Wu's questions were more or less answered once they reached what seemed to be the ruins of a residential area. Meng Wu could easily deduce from the architecture that the area had nothing to do with the Gods since the architecture was simpler, and the buildings were definitely something that the Gods would not build. Meng Wu realized that the area had most likely been where the servants or human warriors of the Gods lived back then.

Or it was built by humans who were not granted entrance to the city. Either way, it was manmade and that's what counted.

"This area is defi-"

Suddenly, a long, eerie sound was heard from within the residential area, with the gloomy atmosphere of the environment exaggerating the situation even more.

Another sound, closer this time. Meng Wu grabbed the handle of his sword and rotated his cultivation base, getting ready for a potential battle. The sound was heard once more, this time even closer. Meng Wu's alertness was at an all time high; he would never dare underestimate the potential danger of this City of Gods. His companion seemed to be thinking the same thing, as Meng Wu saw he was also preparing for battle.

"It seems the city is not empty."

Yasuri's words rang true inside Meng Wu's mind, and he nodded without saying anything else.

He simply waited.
3 posts! 3 posts! I am drowning in assignments and there are 3 IC posts! I better get to reading...
EDIT: Unexpected school stuff came up and I didn't have the time to post. I will do so today for sure though!
ill post tonight
Meng Wu
Tagging: @Eklispe@Grueslayer

Meng Wu followed behind Yasuri as they climbed the last six thousand stairs to the top of the mountain. Always on alert, Meng Wu didn't even realize it when they finally reached the top; the climb had been quite calm.

At the top, a towering, vast wall greeted them. Silent and tall as it was, Meng Wu felt like an ancient structure like the wall would have achieved sentience by now and would be watching every traveler that managed to reach the top of Mount Wua Sho. Nevertheless, there were no eyes popping open, nor did the wall sprout legs and start walking towards them.

"I want to go this way unless you have a suggestion?"

The silence between the two travelers was broken by Yasuri, snapping Meng Wu out of his trance. He turned his attention towards the burly man and saw that Yasuri had started walking towards the west. After a moment pondering on the issue as well as picking up on the feelings emitted from that direction, Meng Wu nodded affirmatively and walked next to Yasuri.

"Let's see what this feeling of sadness I'm picking up is," Meng Wu said while looking ahead.

An organ shaped like Trump's hair is bound to taste foul, so no. Your arguement is invalid.
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