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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Kho's latest post in a sentence:

"On his head, there was a hat. On her head, there was a hat. On his head, there was a hat. Oh his head, there was a large hat. Oh her head, there was a small hat. On his head, there was a furry hat. On her head..."

Legend says that all of Eskandar's descendants were born with hats on their heads and woe to those that peer into the abyss that exists under the Eskandarian hats.
@Double CapybaraIt's going to be hard since most people don't know how to create a wikia page. I've tried once or twice to do it but failed because first, I didn't know where to start from, and second, I suck at summarizing stuff. If we want to create a wikia like all those other fandom wikias, with personality, history, powers, trivia, etc etc. categories, it would take a lot of time and dedication.

I like the idea though.
@Kho I made a mistake and counted double the might for ull when i was editing his stuff, it should be 22 not 31, as well as 7 FP, not 8. Edit that in pls nd soz for the mix-up.
Jvan's soggy tits

EDIT: my previous unanswered question still holds

I wonder how Logos would react if he were to meet Ull, what with everything that has happened thus far on Galbar and between the Gods.

Ull'Yang has been thus far quite reclusive and not even many of his own kin have met him after the creation of the universe. I reckon, only Teknall has had any direct contact with him, and everyone else only spoke to Ull through his Avatar.

So yeah, to this distanced sibling of his, how will Logos react?
I wonder if we could have a political map of Galbar. All these geographical maps are nice, but I wonder how large each of the four(?) kingdoms' territories exactly are. How far each kingdom's influence reaches per se.
<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

pls do not bully the AI it has enough problems already okay ;-;

I went ahead and edited in Ull's MP/FP in the doc, however, I don't know whether he will be awakening this Turn or the next. It depends on how long it takes to proceed to the next turn as well as the time I can put into writing up the posts.
Where can one find this google doc? @Kho
<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

And how would you manage that? Staring us down with the one burnt down city your company actually owns?


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