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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Opening Post Formatting by @Vec the Vamper

<Snipped quote by Vec>

Could always shoot for a character that used to live in the EU and has 0 knowledge of Northern California or any other US regions. Then you just lean on us, Google, and the other characters for context. :D

I like how you think ;)
I'm interested and will think up a char, but know that I live in the EU and thus, have 0 knowledge of Northern California or any other US regions.
Someone get me a shovel.

You're welcome.
Hope is a lie.
You will inscribe that into your soul while I carve it into your heart so as to establish quite firmly how much of a lie my rule here is. Just thank Fate that I won't do to you as the Rukbans do with sacrificial horses...

Here we see the Rukbani in its natural habitat. Any moment now it will freak out and start searching for its missing waifu. Extraordinary.

Signian Calendar, 3rd Megennium AA, Year 8750, Winter.

Cygnean Godworld, Vermillion Continent, an unnamed forest.

As the sun licked the horizon with its crimson colored rays of light, signaling the end of another day, the night prepared to take over the sky, covering it with a dark, hazy blanket filled with stars.

Realizing that it was time for its warm friend to go, the sky in turn bode farewell, waving its ethereal hand towards the setting sun, and summoning the east winds as escorts, along with the clouds and the rain.

Drip, drip, drip.

Amongst the sounds of rain pattering against the solid ground, a low growl was heard coming from within a cave situated on the rocky foot of a small hill. With the sounds of the forest in the background, the dwellers of this cave tended to each other's needs.

A mouth filled with sets of sharp teeth ever so gently tugged at the soft back scales of a mewling drakeling, adjusting its position so that it can better access the meal its mother prepared for it. The baby dragon looked at the hunk of meat in front of it with curiosity, before looking back at its mother, as if asking what it was looking at. Its instinct told the small dragon that it was food, but it had just hatched and had yet to leave the cave, so it wasn't sure.

However, after its mother nudged it, pushing it towards the meat, it relaxed some and started eating. As soon as the first bite went down its throat, the wyrmling let out a growl full of delight before diving further into its very first real feast.

The mother dragon watched her child eating its fill, her look filled with care. Nevertheless, deep down she instinctively knew that moments like these would be few. Her child would need to learn how to fly properly and hunt on its own very soon. On the one hand, her child was lucky. The guidance it would take from her and her partner would surely prove invaluable to its future survival, unlike what she had to deal with whilst growing up.

While she was having those thoughts, she heard the faint sound of flapping wings. She raised her head, turning it towards the cave entrance, and let out a low, whistling sound. After a few seconds of silence, a similar sound of affirmation came from outside the cave, confirming the arrival of her partner.

The sounds of heavy steps echoed inside the cave as the dragon entered, its green, glistening scales dripping water all over the cave floor. As he came in, his eyes fell over the wyrmling as it ate, clearly amused by the mess it was making.

Shifting his body over towards his partner, he gently poked her nose with his own. She, in turn, returned the greeting with a deep, almost purring sound. He let out series of noises, asking about her day and other various things, to which she promptly answered back.

By the time they caught up with each other, the baby dragon had finished eating its meal and was in the process of digesting. With a satisfied smile plastered across its scaly face, the wyrmling nestled itself near its mother and slowly drifted to sleep.

After making sure the small dragon was deep in sleep, the mother broke the silence. "So... how bad is it?" She slowly asked.

Her partner looked at her for a moment before closing his eyes and sighing. When he opened them once again, his face contorted in anger, two tongues of flame escaping his nostrils and charing the exposed surface of the stone wall of the cave black.

"That damn wolf and his lot are getting more and more provoking as time passes. Ever since his son managed to evolve, he became even more domineering. I came across two packs of his wandering around in our territory and had to chase them out by force."

She frowned as she heard her partner speak. "Do we really have to stay here? Can't we move to some other place? I don't want to put our children through needless danger..." she told him and gently licked his scales.

"...or you," she added.

He noticed the look filled with worry in her eyes, and could not help but falter a little inside. His territorial instincts told him that abandoning their land was not a good idea and that he should defend their lands from the wolf and his pack, not run away from them. His parental instincts, however, told him otherwise. Especially when he looked at his firstborn sleeping, and his mind drifted to his other three unborn children in their eggs, tucked under their mother's belly.

He connected his forehead with hers and looked deeply into her eyes as he comforted her. "Don't worry, we'll think of something" he muttered to both her and himself.

Some hundred miles distance away from the cave, in a gloomy grove hidden deep inside a forested area, a group of beasts had gathered. Even the dumbest animal would instantly cower in the presence of one of these beasts, not to talk about a pack of them.

With even the most regular adult member nearing the size of two, fully grown bears, with a biting power capable of crushing ironwood, a type of wood renown for its hardness, to smithereens, and claws sharp enough to cut through stone like butter, it is not surprising at all that this pack of beasts is capable of contending with even the strongest of predators.

And if it wasn't just their individual strength, these beasts have unprecedented coordination and teamwork, as well as loyalty to their leader, their Alpha. This is the Fangtooth Wolf Pack.

At this moment, some twenty wolves were gathered around a boulder, talking to each other in whines and whimpers. Suddenly, an utterly frightening aura spread over the area, encompassing all the wolves and making them break in sweat. All discussion immediately came to a stop, and all the wolves there watched as their Alpha slowly climbed on top of the boulder.

An emaciated, grizzled wolf stepped up and scanned its pack with its two beady eyes. A terrifying scar ran through its body, from neck to pelvis, completely devoid of fur. The mere presence of the Alpha, coupled with this formless aura of utter ferociousness that it unconsciously leaked was enough to instill fear to the fiercest of beasts.

The Alpha broke the silence, letting out guttural sounds that reverberated through the grove. "That bastard Green-scales keeps getting in the way of our pack's survival. With his hogging of the most fertile lands near the river and the areas surrounding the river, where all the best prey is, we are left with the worst hunting grounds. If this continues, we'll soon face extinction!"

The Alpha's words were met with the furious growls of his kin. With a sinister smile, he continued his speech. "Will you yield to that oversized lizard? Is the Fangtooth clan filled with spineless mutts that would rather put their heads down and die than fight for survival?"

The pack of wolves started feeling their blood boil and their battle spirits lifting. They let out a series of growls, snarls, and barks, signaling their readiness for battle.

"In two moons from now, we will attack Green-scales! It's about time the Fangtooth Pack got rid of that bastard once and for all!" The Alpha said and howled, with his pack following suit, their combined killing intent reaching the skies.

I think this is what Draugr listen to when training. 'tis lit I say.
Since I had a little time on my hands, I decided to start working on another dragon post, since the inspiration for the collab isn't coming to me. Soz @Cyclone & @Kho.

My exams start at around the 6th of June, so yeah...

EDIT: Well, if he was stripped of his powers before regaining his mobility, UY wouldn't really mind becoming mortal. Now, however, I don't know.
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