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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

Most Recent Posts

@Antarctic Termite

@BBeast is gonna have a blast reading that last post of yours xP.
The prize for best prophecy goes to @Vec.

On another note, Scots are something else alright.

@Muttonhawk Still, its nice to see a comparison between IRL and IC. Provides a frame of reference that could help when dealing with possible extinction events.
@Vec Am I to understand that you've only just read the IC's OP?

Why, oh why, Kho, must you be so suspicious of me, good-ole' Vector? Do you think of me so poorly? I might have liked the posts on purpose so as to incite our retirees to come check on us after a long time of absence.

I might.
<Snipped quote by Vec>

I feel like you said this for the last Conata post too. Now I need to read that and finish my post already.

W-wha... You mean you don't read every Conata post the moment it comes out?!

I'm a simple man: I see Conata post, I like.

He is confronted by a warrior dwarf woman, named Mira, who gives him a partial lowdown on the situation.

Apparently, Cinead and Inga both caught the sin-herpes from tasting dagon blood

@Muttonhawk I'm also half-way through the continuation of my last dragon post. I'm pretty proud of myself, to be honest...
>be me
>be on vacation
>check rpg
>read vestec arena stuff
>click latest IC post
>Nualles the troll was eating cranberries...
>oh boy, here we go...
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