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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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From not being able to even fight a 4-story tall bipedal elephant to colonising other planets.
>Still in Bronze Age

@LokiLeo789 I used to be a milk-before-cereal plebian, but then I discovered the wonders of cereal-before-milk. I never looked back.
@Slime Post Realta I presume.
@Kho Which post is that?

Let the Kho speak.

Zeph & Co. had 24 MP at the start of Turn 11, of which he didn't use any.
@Muttonhawk If there's a turn change, I'll proly speed up things.
I just finished reading the Terrestrial Citadel post, and man was that music on point. Right when I read the last word, it ended.

I always pronounced it Zvan.
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